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#167391 49 Wed Sep 28 10:38:03 1994 ET @ ESOTERICA TERRAIN, Seattle don't need GSZ to be registered to change colors....anyone can "twiddle" the colors of GSZ...I know that, as I did. ON MY XT I've lost one green color. WHAT happened to it i don't know. IT'S jus gone. SO I "twiddled" with the GSZ colors for best visibility....there is an editor program to run to do that. WORKS real well. THE file names need to be their original, however, for it to work.
#167390 49 Wed Sep 28 10:47:01 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
does anyone have any familiarity with the Packard Bell 8810? it supposedly is a turbo 8088, but it came without the software needed to kick it into the highspeed mode... is there a hardware switch in this little beast that will lock the thing in the highspeed mode?
#167392 49 Thu Sep 29 01:02:16 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
It might be like the Tandy 386 I used to have, JayDee. Turbo was switched on and off in CMOS, using a quick little COM, or the setup program. Not much help, but...
#167474 49 Thu Sep 29 09:02:59 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
all green color, ET, or just one particular shade?
#167475 49 Thu Sep 29 11:43:59 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
I'm probably going to dissect it...
#167643 49 Thu Sep 29 11:51:22 1994 Dave Yates @ ESOTERICA TERRAIN, Seattle
Thanks, ET! You know...I DO have QBASIC, but I can't do a darn thing with it? The online help is pure bogus, it means NOTHING to me. I'll try to find a manual, though... VISUAL Basic? Okay, got it.
#167694 49 Thu Sep 29 19:15:24 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
8088's don't have CMOS, silly. I have a util somewhere that kicks turbo-xt's in and out of turbo. Also, on some turboXT's, you can toggle turbo by ctrl-alt-keypadminus, or press ctl-alt-keypadminus and ctl-alt-keypadplus to switch from slow to fast, respectively.
#167899 49 Fri Sep 30 03:55:58 1994 uncle herb ['erblink 202.667.7335] @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
What is GSZ?
#167900 49 Fri Sep 30 21:18:34 1994 Cave Bear @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Try CTRL-Shift +++ JayDee.
#168472 49 Sat Oct 1 07:43:46 1994 Starry @ ESOTERICA TERRAIN, Seattle
I had a Packard Bell 486 but it was restrictive, and yes! there are switches to play with.
#167957 49 Sat Oct 1 11:14:30 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
the documentation on that PB 8810 was found and it is ctrl-shift +...there is even a turbo LED that indicates 10Mhz I'll be logging on to CBL to make her an account once the reliability has been checked on ASY...
#168555 49 Sat Oct 1 18:16:30 1994 [megamol of tellagraph hill] megamol [g] @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
CB that was my computer JayDee was talking about and it turned out that I needed to use ctl-alt-kp+ to toggle it on.....
#168556 49 Sat Oct 1 18:34:02 1994 Cave Bear @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
I was kind of close on the guess though meganol huh.
#168471 49 Sun Oct 2 09:40:15 1994 StraitJacket @ The Asylum, Seattle, U.S.A.
The net occured... but she said it didn't work right.
#168057 49 Sun Oct 2 16:43:23 1994 Twoflower @ The Fourth Tower, Olympia, THURSTON/WA/USA
anyone know what the going price for 70ns 4 meg simms is? i need 16 megs to run sml/nj (the windows version.) Computer City had 'em for $179.95, and i though that was a rip. anyone got 16 megs used they want to sell? :)
#168473 49 Sun Oct 2 22:15:15 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
errors in the Hs-link transfer...bad CRC, etc. the modem works fine with Commo, tho more debugging needed...and if that doesn't work, stuff in a newer modem...
#168557 49 Mon Oct 3 06:17:14 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
now it is mess-with-the-modem time it works fine with Commo, but mass-errors happen during Hs-link xfers...
#169255 49 Mon Oct 3 18:36:12 1994 Cave Bear @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
then reconfig your hs-link.
#168605 49 Mon Oct 3 22:27:22 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Herb> GSZ is the graphical version of Zmodem from Omen Technology (Chuck Forsberg, the creator). Sliders and indicators to show the status of a filetransfer.
#169256 49 Tue Oct 4 01:37:09 1994 Deckard [Cyberpunk on Board] @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Calling for help from any Cyberpunk willing to offer. Running a 486 in Windows mode with Norton Desktop as my shell. Need to know the following: Of all the DOS system's event scheduling software which is the best? and I can't figure out how to exit Norton Desktop with the WinClose command and smoothly move into running a batch command in dos. Windows closes and gives the prompt and then I have to enter command. Is there a way of automating this. The reason Im asking is: I would like to automate the closing of windows to run disk maintenance using scandisk and defrag for DOS 6.22, but they only run under DOS. Cant make the Call command work right between Norton Batch Runner and DOS Batch files.
#168781 49 Tue Oct 4 07:02:35 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
JayDee, have you tried slow handshake? Add -HS to the command line.
#168966 49 Tue Oct 4 07:36:20 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
also some diagnostic indicators on GSZ...
#169254 49 Tue Oct 4 13:49:29 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
will try, MontyL
#169253 49 Tue Oct 4 23:21:59 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Twoflower - You just named the price I just paid for one. I've seen anywhere from $150 to $180, mail order. Buying local would give you an advantage, though, if it ends up faulty...
#169291 49 Wed Oct 5 14:34:13 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
deckard > sounds like a job for WinCron. what I'd do, personally, is after the win command in autoexec.bat put in a loop that looks for some file that is used solely as a flag, which if it exists then the loop does disk maintenance, then jumps back to the start and runs windows again. and if it doesn't exist then it just goes right on to the end. it'd be really easy to make a batchfile that you ran from windows just before you exited that would create the flag file for the loop. I haven't actually done this but I've thought about it many times, because I was away from home with a board running and suchlike.
#168688 49 Wed Oct 5 14:34:48 1994 Captain James T Kirk
Nifty... that Ctrl-Alt-[+/-] works on my 386sx... the little turbo light on the front panel even flips on and off...
#169980 49 Wed Oct 5 17:55:15 1994 Richard Seitz @ MixEd ReaLity, MerpVille
Can anyone help me. I just recently have been having problems getting my modem to reset or initialize. I bring up PCPlus and it will not accept any commands from AT, ATZ, AT&F etc. I can dial using the directory and hear a carrier but it will not connect. In order to get it to recognize commands, I have to use another comm program like prodigy or AOL software then I go back to PCPlus and it works fine. Any clues?
#169617 49 Thu Oct 6 05:01:19 1994 Starry @ ESOTERICA TERRAIN, Seattle
I would buy local, and the price is just what MonyL quoted....but look round.
#169670 49 Thu Oct 6 22:01:36 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Interesting, CJTK... _My_ old 386SX used CTRL-ALT-[+/-] as volume control keys... Deckard> Lab Rat has the right idea. I use the same technique at work on the fileserver, to shutdown the network, run a backup and defrag, then bring the network back up (since PCTools won't play with a network drive).
#169911 49 Fri Oct 7 06:09:10 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
nice being able to make the computer go faster isn't it???? I'd had mine for about 4 months before I found out it could go faster....
#171143 49 Fri Oct 7 06:24:48 1994 Deckard [Cyberpunk on Board] @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Ha - Lab Rat, Sounds like a good idea maybe we can work a batch like that. I didn't even think of doing something like that. But, the two main problems are: 1. Making sure windows is completely unloaded. 2. creating sum sort of power-down command. Get back to me on the subject as soon as you can and we'll start working on it in here, then it can be pasted to note pad and given a test run. THANKS - DECKARD [] out
#171144 49 Sat Oct 8 09:04:27 1994 Cave Bear @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Richard, go into pcplus setup (Alt-S) from pcplus or pcsetup from dos command line and go into modem setup. Check your IRQ and proper hex address for your modem there. Set accordingly and save. Your modem will now work. I had to do similar to someone at work.
#169758 49 Sat Oct 8 10:51:54 1994 Captain James T Kirk
Monty>> the on-board audio hardware on my 386sx isn't that complicated... however, since i never use it (I have an SB Pro), i don't miss a volume control... :) i wonder what other things i don't know about this machine... (bought it used...hence no manual/docs...anything...)
#170261 49 Sat Oct 8 12:06:08 1994 Bruce @ Greenspace, Seattle, WA
Richard Seitz: Check to be sure your com port address and IRQ on the modem match that in software.
#171145 49 Sun Oct 9 03:11:22 1994 Deckard [Cyberpunk on Board] @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Well if anyone Can give me an idea of how to go about it, it would be great! Every thing Ive tried still leaves Windows in Upper Memory which wont allow me to perform either SCANDISK or DEFRAG. For your knowledge, I have set Up DRIVESPACE to double my disk space.
#170769 49 Sun Oct 9 08:31:11 1994 Starry @ ESOTERICA TERRAIN, Seattle
And if you have Windows, make sure that there is "termianal" listed.
#170545 49 Sun Oct 9 12:08:44 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Richard Seitz> Make sure PCPlus has the right port settings for your modem (ALT-P, set it, and ALT-S to save as default). You might want to take a look at the setup strings in Prodigy and AOL, and use something similar in PCPlus. ALT-S, Modem Options (I use 1.1B, so yours may be different), modem setup, enter the string.
#170770 49 Sun Oct 9 13:21:17 1994 ET @ ESOTERICA TERRAIN, Seattle
I NEED 16 megs of SIMMS myself...for graphics. HAVE 8 megs to sell. BUT the 4 meg SIMS which I need 4 of is just too high since the Japanese plastic factory burned down.
#171142 49 Mon Oct 10 12:10:51 1994 [Voyage of the] Flying Wombat @ Critter Haven, Seattle, WA
actually, the Sumitomo epoxy resin factory was back on-line within a few months; there was so much raw material in the mfg. pipeline that production was never significantly affected. so, what you're experiencing with the price of 4 meg SIMMs is the effect of profiteering. soon, S. Korean companies are expanding production capacity, which will hopefully cause a drop in prices to reasonable levels.
#171217 49 Mon Oct 10 19:28:54 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Sounds like an interesting box, CJTK...
#172011 49 Sat Oct 15 18:14:19 1994 Freejack @ Digital Free America, CyberHell, USA
i've never run across this before... and it just HAS to happen to me... keyboard controller gone bad... grrr....
#172969 49 Mon Oct 17 04:21:30 1994 Deckard [Cyberpunk on Board] @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
LAB RAT - Thanks for the input, I have the batch problem underhand as far as all the DOS programs go. I have have been informed from a couple of programming friends that I have at Microsoft and Mr. Peter's that there is no way as of yet to link the windows exit command with a batch program. Im going to have to create a TSR that loads windows and then continues the other functions on it's close. Thanks for what help you and the others could provide, I was kinda hoping that you all would be able to find I quick fix; but it looks like I'll have to take the long route.
#173531 49 Tue Oct 18 21:27:43 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Hey, Deckard. A thought just popped into my pointy little head about your dilemma... Aren't there a few odd "Exit Windows Now" programs out there? Use a WinCron to call that little applet. 'Course, I may be out to lunch here...
#173082 49 Wed Oct 19 08:10:30 1994 [Happy Happy Jo Jo] WHoKNoWS wHAt aN iDIoT i AM [the gimp boy]
actually if you're looking for something to run stuff after windows...find a copy of automenu...a dos menuing program.... it reloads itself after running most any program when asked to do included....and if you want to run a defrag you just need to add that before you add the auto.bat line to the menu definition file.....
#173779 49 Wed Oct 19 08:12:07 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
Monty > Those're programs designed to SPEED windows exiting, as opposed to initiate it. You usually load them at boot time. Deck > "TSR that loads windows and then continues the other functions on it's close"? What do you mean by this?
#175292 49 Wed Oct 19 12:23:58 1994 [-*] Slayer [*-] @ MixEd ReaLity, MerpVille
You might be able to combine the macro recorder idea with a program. Make a program that kills all your processes, then do a macro that runs it and does the close junk. That would work for OS/2, but OS/2 already has that built in. Too bad Windows doesn't...
#173942 49 Wed Oct 19 22:34:03 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Darn. Oh, well...
#173864 49 Wed Oct 19 23:30:45 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
wow ! Technical stuff here!!!!
#175293 49 Thu Oct 20 08:04:19 1994 Deckard [Cyberpunk on Board] @ Cave Bear's Laire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Lab Rat - thanks for the input, but I finally got it worked out. A friend of mine at Microsoft helped me create a TSR to do what I wanted to do. Its a little program that loads at boot that detects when Windows closes....... When it runs a batch file that automatically starts scandisk and then runs defrag. When the batch program ends it reloads Windows. (Nice Touch I think) If you know of anyone here or some where else that is into programming and BBS's let me know........Im planning on starting a Windows BBS in the area'll work under ANSI, RIP, VT-100, VT-200 ect. It will be a user support board and when I can afford it......It will have full connections to the Internet. Visual Menu Driven BBS.......Neurotech...(SOON)
#174298 49 Thu Oct 20 22:25:12 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
That's what the sign on the door is for, Little Mermaid. (shakes head)
#176980 49 Fri Oct 21 18:03:20 1994 Aries Baggins @ MixEd ReaLity, MerpVille
Problem: my keyboard connector on my motherboard appears to be coming loose, so I need it re-soldered. Can anyone here do this? Thanks...
#175294 49 Sat Oct 22 01:19:19 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
ooops (sorry) must have jumped in by boo boo <8-) sorry
#176628 49 Sat Oct 22 11:26:34 1994 Aries Baggins @ MixEd ReaLity, MerpVille
Wait, I think that last request needs slight re-statement. I was getting CMOS checksum keyboard errors out the kazoo until I figured out that if I held the keyboard connector in just the right position, it would work. So by that, I'm theorizing that one of the five metal connectors on the back of the keyboard connector mount has come loose. I can't fix this myself, but need it fixed rather soon... it's rather hard to type with only one hand while the other holds the keyboard connector in place, and if that hand moves even slightly, it stops working.
#175733 49 Sun Oct 23 01:56:17 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Deck > That still doesn't solve the problem of how you are getting windows to close, which brings me to the question: How are you getting Windows to close?
#176929 49 Sun Oct 23 11:31:36 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
After much deliberation, it just hit me... PCTools for Windows can do disk maintenance while Win is running...
#176981 49 Sun Oct 23 23:44:26 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
Aries > I can chew it off the rest of the way, will that help?
#177223 49 Mon Oct 24 14:40:25 1994 [Bow down before] Mycophile [human fungus] @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
Nail, it,!
#176627 49 Tue Oct 25 02:47:29 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
You bet, Aries. But... Kendall is a loooong way from Merpville... Have you checked with any shop in your area? Many (like the one I work in) will do such a job 'over the counter' and 'while you wait' for a small fee, providing that they will not warrantee the job. If you're sure that that is the problem, go for it!
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