Lost Love Room>

#14158 50 Mon Jan 4 06:03:29 1993 [I'm a twit.] Elu [And I'm 1PROUD0 of it!]
#14163 50 Mon Jan 4 06:21:58 1993 ["the insults are] Ana Ng [so passe"]
#14199 50 Mon Jan 4 15:00:41 1993 [It's time we faced the music..] Hooded Menace [and slow danced to it...]
#14240 50 Mon Jan 4 18:17:21 1993 [the world weighs] Mr. Gorgenchuck [on my shoulders]
#14251 50 Mon Jan 4 19:00:50 1993 [TMBG dial a song:] Elu [718-963-6962]
#14495 50 Mon Jan 4 21:14:45 1993 [becometh ath] Head of LEad [a profit]
#14574 50 Tue Jan 5 06:07:10 1993 ["the insults are] Ana Ng [so passe"]
#14581 50 Tue Jan 5 06:29:52 1993 [bleah] Elu [bleah]
#14711 50 Tue Jan 5 16:05:02 1993 ["the insults are] Ana Ng [so passe"]
well, duh.
#14751 50 Tue Jan 5 16:38:46 1993 [bleah] Elu [bleah]
#14865 50 Wed Jan 6 21:34:01 1993 [It's time we faced the music..] Hooded Menace [and slow danced to it...]
#14964 50 Thu Jan 7 05:50:59 1993 ["the insults are] Ana Ng [so passe"]
#15290 50 Thu Jan 7 16:44:32 1993 [neener] Elu [neener]
#15295 50 Thu Jan 7 17:21:55 1993 [becometh ath] Head of LEad [a profit]
#15376 50 Thu Jan 7 20:02:58 1993 [youth culture killed my dog] Mr. Gorgenchuck [and i don't think it's fair]
#15394 50 Thu Jan 7 22:20:03 1993 [sfd;lk] shane [fa;lsdjke]
#15447 50 Fri Jan 8 05:18:15 1993 [toast on] Elu [a rope]
#15671 50 Fri Jan 8 15:55:18 1993 [It's time we faced the music..] Hooded Menace [and slow danced to it...]
#15784 50 Fri Jan 8 19:44:47 1993 ["the insults are] Ana Ng [so passe"]
#15820 50 Fri Jan 8 21:40:59 1993 Dark Paladin
How deep.
#16136 50 Sun Jan 10 09:03:45 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#16187 50 Sun Jan 10 13:22:22 1993 [youth culture killed my dog] Mr. Gorgenchuck [and i don't think it's fair]
#16742 50 Tue Jan 12 05:10:09 1993 Cloister the Stupid
#16750 50 Tue Jan 12 06:03:00 1993 [SHANE IS GOD] Ana Ng [SHANE IS GOD]
#16876 50 Tue Jan 12 17:29:54 1993 [toast on] Elu [a rope]
#17028 50 Wed Jan 13 03:55:54 1993 Cloister the Stupid
#17034 50 Wed Jan 13 05:33:39 1993 [toast on] Elu [a rope]
#17038 50 Wed Jan 13 06:04:52 1993 [SHANE IS GOD] Ana Ng [SHANE IS GOD]
#18470 50 Sun Jan 17 17:19:20 1993 [It's time we faced the music..] Hooded Menace [and slow danced to it...]
#18495 50 Sun Jan 17 17:43:06 1993 [10Flea is] Elu [0my hero]
#18496 50 Sun Jan 17 17:43:36 1993 [10Flea is] Elu [0my hero]
#18523 50 Sun Jan 17 18:19:47 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#18562 50 Sun Jan 17 19:56:48 1993 [an all -->] Elu [<-- american name]
TMBG & RHCP rule
#18608 50 Mon Jan 18 10:27:47 1993 [IDIOT] AgGPOUgha[$#P(n v8@$)O*1hg9^)* [IDIOT]
#18670 50 Mon Jan 18 13:49:03 1993 [SHANE IS GOD] Ana Ng [SHANE IS GOD]
#18671 50 Mon Jan 18 13:49:34 1993 [SHANE IS GOD] Ana Ng [SHANE IS GOD]
#18688 50 Mon Jan 18 14:10:43 1993 Captain James T Kirk
RHCP? == what?
#18748 50 Mon Jan 18 16:51:00 1993 [SHANE IS GOD] Ana Ng [SHANE IS GOD]
#18766 50 Mon Jan 18 17:24:59 1993 [an all -->] Elu [<-- american name]
#18775 50 Mon Jan 18 18:41:00 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#18780 50 Mon Jan 18 18:48:29 1993 [Made in] Elu [the USA]
#18812 50 Mon Jan 18 20:32:42 1993 [It's time we faced the music..] Hooded Menace [and slow danced to it...]
#20836 50 Sun Jan 24 22:00:05 1993 [For an eighth grader Elu] Blasphamous Rumor [sucks shit.]
#21526 50 Mon Jan 25 05:52:38 1993 [Nude in] Elu [the USA]
#21573 50 Mon Jan 25 10:51:30 1993 [I'm back!!] Chris the Shaych [(Hide your children)]
#21609 50 Mon Jan 25 15:09:52 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#21632 50 Mon Jan 25 17:41:31 1993 [Just call me] Hooded Menace [Mr. Jack In The Box Victim.]
#21872 50 Tue Jan 26 05:53:10 1993 [Nude in] Elu [the USA]
#22343 50 Wed Jan 27 21:18:29 1993 [Just call me] Hooded Menace [Mr. Jack In The Box Victim.]
#22621 50 Thu Jan 28 14:03:20 1993 [Reality.sys Corupted] Chris the Shaych [Reboot Universe? (y/n/a)]
#22656 50 Thu Jan 28 16:54:20 1993 [Just call me] Hooded Menace [Mr. Jack In The Box Victim.]
#22889 50 Fri Jan 29 23:05:35 1993 [IDIOT] AgGPOUgha[$#P(n v8@$)O*1hg9^)* [IDIOT]
#22911 50 Sat Jan 30 03:59:53 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#23116 50 Sat Jan 30 12:29:07 1993 Dark Paladin
#23138 50 Sat Jan 30 17:13:45 1993 [Just call me] Hooded Menace [Mr. Jack In The Box Victim.]
#23143 50 Sat Jan 30 17:54:27 1993 Dark Paladin
#23150 50 Sat Jan 30 19:13:29 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#23177 50 Sat Jan 30 20:53:55 1993 [Just call me] Hooded Menace [Mr. Jack In The Box Victim.]
#23190 50 Sat Jan 30 22:11:50 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#23627 50 Sun Jan 31 11:48:14 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#23665 50 Sun Jan 31 12:35:28 1993 [Just call me] Hooded Menace [Mr. Jack In The Box Victim.]
#23666 50 Sun Jan 31 12:35:51 1993 [Just call me] Hooded Menace [Mr. Jack In The Box Victim.]
#23826 50 Sun Jan 31 14:10:44 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#23838 50 Sun Jan 31 14:21:02 1993 [reverse the] Elu [charges, please]
#23841 50 Sun Jan 31 14:32:27 1993 Captain James T Kirk
yes, very.
#23929 50 Sun Jan 31 19:00:45 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#24036 50 Mon Feb 1 14:13:55 1993 [Neuter your dog...] Cloister the Stupid [...he'll still be a man]
#24045 50 Mon Feb 1 15:15:00 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#24061 50 Mon Feb 1 15:56:07 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#24062 50 Mon Feb 1 15:56:25 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#24066 50 Mon Feb 1 16:07:37 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#24073 50 Mon Feb 1 16:29:56 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#24264 50 Mon Feb 1 21:41:09 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#24265 50 Mon Feb 1 21:41:28 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#24266 50 Mon Feb 1 21:41:43 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#24328 50 Tue Feb 2 05:33:40 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#24337 50 Tue Feb 2 06:42:50 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#24412 50 Tue Feb 2 14:20:47 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#24431 50 Tue Feb 2 15:09:54 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#24434 50 Tue Feb 2 15:43:31 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#24577 50 Tue Feb 2 20:38:21 1993 [Just call me] Hooded Menace [Mr. Jack In The Box Victim.]
#24625 50 Wed Feb 3 05:23:48 1993 [reverse the] Elu [charges, please]
#24638 50 Wed Feb 3 06:43:51 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#24752 50 Wed Feb 3 15:35:50 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#24774 50 Wed Feb 3 17:21:30 1993 [crank up the] Elu [rear end]
#24875 50 Wed Feb 3 22:13:06 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#24881 50 Wed Feb 3 22:57:06 1993 [Neuter your dog...] Cloister the Stupid [...he'll still be a man]
#24905 50 Thu Feb 4 06:04:20 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#24906 50 Thu Feb 4 06:04:28 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#24911 50 Thu Feb 4 06:45:13 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#24938 50 Thu Feb 4 12:49:47 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#24984 50 Thu Feb 4 20:25:58 1993 [death] Hooded Menace [to titles/surnames.]
#24999 50 Thu Feb 4 21:26:31 1993 [pump up the] Elu [tire]
#25008 50 Thu Feb 4 22:48:04 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
#25191 50 Sat Feb 6 08:38:40 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#25208 50 Sat Feb 6 11:21:51 1993 [cyou look good] Ana Ng [cin camouflage]
#25226 50 Sat Feb 6 11:39:18 1993 [death] Hooded Menace [to titles/surnames.]
#25254 50 Sat Feb 6 16:15:22 1993 Dark Paladin
#25279 50 Sat Feb 6 19:55:08 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#25289 50 Sat Feb 6 22:07:04 1993 [death] Hooded Menace [to titles/surnames.]
#25307 50 Sun Feb 7 06:54:52 1993 [yer just] Elu [a rhebok]
#25308 50 Sun Feb 7 06:55:03 1993 [yer just] Elu [a rhebok]
#25330 50 Sun Feb 7 08:09:13 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#25337 50 Sun Feb 7 09:27:40 1993 [kill me] shane [kill me]
oh WOW.
#25403 50 Sun Feb 7 16:10:49 1993 [death] Hooded Menace [to titles/surnames.]
#25416 50 Sun Feb 7 17:05:10 1993 [4Ni!] Elu [4Ni!]
#25417 50 Sun Feb 7 17:06:33 1993 [4Ni!] Elu [4Ni!]
#25420 50 Sun Feb 7 17:17:41 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#25465 50 Sun Feb 7 19:27:04 1993 [4Ni!] Elu [4Ni!]
#25571 50 Mon Feb 8 02:04:08 1993 [Neuter your dog...] Cloister the Stupid [...he'll still be a man]
#25592 50 Mon Feb 8 05:24:22 1993 [4Ni!] Elu [4Ni!]
#25707 50 Mon Feb 8 15:36:00 1993 [death] Hooded Menace [to titles/surnames.]
#25737 50 Mon Feb 8 17:24:06 1993 [4Ni!] Elu [4Ni!]
#25808 50 Mon Feb 8 21:09:02 1993 Steel Viper
#25871 50 Tue Feb 9 05:27:11 1993 [4Ni!] Elu [4Ni!]
#26729 50 Thu Feb 11 17:11:27 1993 [death] Hooded Menace [to titles/surnames.]
#26730 50 Thu Feb 11 17:11:50 1993 [death] Hooded Menace [to titles/surnames.]
#26775 50 Thu Feb 11 19:54:48 1993 [0BOOOOOOOO] Elu [0OOOOOOOOOOM]
#26795 50 Thu Feb 11 21:48:56 1993 Steel Viper
#26814 50 Fri Feb 12 05:02:05 1993 [0BOOOOOOOO] Elu [0OOOOOOOOOOM]
#27149 50 Fri Feb 12 14:30:07 1993 Steel Viper
#27254 50 Fri Feb 12 19:26:56 1993 [death] Hooded Menace [to titles/surnames.]
#27692 50 Sun Feb 14 12:14:49 1993 [4Kaptain] Elu [4Krunch]
Oh boy..
#27790 50 Sun Feb 14 22:39:48 1993 Steel Viper
#27948 50 Mon Feb 15 17:14:57 1993 [My butt] Hooded Menace [is a mosh pit.]
#27960 50 Mon Feb 15 17:41:47 1993 [4This Ni's] Elu [4for you!]
#28249 50 Tue Feb 16 16:47:42 1993 [My butt] Hooded Menace [is a mosh pit.]
#28265 50 Tue Feb 16 17:28:02 1993 [Can't you see] Blasphamous Rumor [needs to be loved.]
#28272 50 Tue Feb 16 17:53:09 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#28292 50 Tue Feb 16 19:10:09 1993 [4This Ni's] Elu [4for you!]
#28311 50 Tue Feb 16 19:37:39 1993 [Can't you see] Blasphamous Rumor [needs to be loved.]
#28381 50 Wed Feb 17 03:22:37 1993 [Some kinda love] Skull Boy [Some kinda hate]
#28422 50 Wed Feb 17 06:06:14 1993 [4This Ni's] Elu [4For you!]
by magic BR
#28617 50 Thu Feb 18 02:37:12 1993 [Can't you see] Blasphamous Rumor [needs to be loved.]
#28780 50 Thu Feb 18 15:06:18 1993 [My butt] Hooded Menace [is a mosh pit.]
#28967 50 Fri Feb 19 16:02:49 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
#29025 50 Fri Feb 19 22:14:03 1993 [No one at the venue] shane [may look Danzig in the eye.]
#29253 50 Sat Feb 20 16:43:16 1993 [My butt] Hooded Menace [is a mosh pit.]
#29496 50 Sun Feb 21 13:24:33 1993 [4This Ni's] Elu [4For you!]
#29709 50 Mon Feb 22 16:42:07 1993 [I am VERY] Dark Sorceror [stupid.]
#29732 50 Mon Feb 22 17:35:25 1993 [My butt] Hooded Menace [is a mosh pit.]
don't know.
#29759 50 Mon Feb 22 18:41:44 1993 [Behold, the great and powerful] Dark Sorcerer [is back! Hahahahahah]
Lost Love Room> _