#170492 54 Sun Oct 9 12:48:35 1994 [Look out for the] Kritter [on the sidewalk] @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
What is this room about FRuG???????
#171157 54 Mon Oct 10 19:22:43 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
As if he had an idea, Kritter... He's killing it 'cause he doesn't know, and it was empty.
#171381 54 Tue Oct 11 19:11:06 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
no he doesn't actually kill things he just posts `room dies in seven days' and then about a month later comes back and posts the same damn thing.
#175604 54 Sat Oct 22 02:19:58 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
room dies in seven days. :-)
#175605 54 Sat Oct 22 19:58:19 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Oops... three days early, FRG... ;)
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