#167378 54 Mon Sep 26 17:35:58 1994 chess piece face @ Slumberland, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
neat. i like this show. but i don't get it.
#167746 54 Wed Sep 28 22:35:15 1994 [Life is short.] Little Nemo [Slack hard.] @ Slumberland, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
You mean you don't get the jokes, or your cable company doesn't carry it? ;)
#167747 54 Wed Sep 28 23:55:27 1994 chess piece face @ Slumberland, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
er, cable company doesn't carry it. well, and, to be honest, i don't get all the jokes. most. but not all.
#168858 54 Sat Oct 1 00:22:51 1994 chess piece face @ Slumberland, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
it's been a long time. i don't even remember the character names.
#168859 54 Sat Oct 1 19:52:56 1994 [Life is short.] Little Nemo [Slack hard.] @ Slumberland, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Nobody could get all the jokes. Some of them are pretty darned obscure.
#169351 54 Wed Oct 5 04:28:24 1994 [Wow!] SweetSue [is back once again!] @ StarShip Inconnu, Federal-Way, USA/WA/KING can see them in the middle of the night on the Comedy Channel..I know this because it's on about the time Jessica wants a bottle...
#170305 54 Sat Oct 8 15:24:40 1994 [chew one tablet daily] Montesquieu Miller [preferably after a meal] @ Slumberland, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
I stopped watching after joel left. the 'new' guy has a really lame attitude imo. peter 'n' alpo 'n' I saw ed wood yesterday. way nifty.
#171124 54 Sun Oct 9 18:30:20 1994 Helix Quark @ Arlecchino Malbenvolio, University District, US/WA/KING/SEA
it's a lot like life ...
#171125 54 Mon Oct 10 09:18:25 1994 Helix Quark @ Arlecchino Malbenvolio, University District, US/WA/KING/SEA
of coures, MM, you realize that the new guy has been with MST since about the 2nd season or something ... head writer even ... so, it's not so much that the content has changed ... well, I take that back ... the content has changed. it's more pimple poppin' male type humour now than it was with joel. joel seemed more innocent and the numour showed that in a way. it's like with joel you could feel sorry for the character because he was just innocent enough never to figure out what to do to get out and it seemed like he'd get stuck in something like that ... an underdog thing I guess. with mike it's not the same. he seems to LIKE being there, stuck in the SOL. you realize what this means don't you? it means that mike is a psycho! good god, we've got to warn the 'bots BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!
#172004 54 Sat Oct 15 12:48:55 1994 Twoflower @ The Fourth Tower, Olympia, THURSTON/WA/USA
I think it's too late. No, wait, warn Mike. The 'bots have been psycho for a long time.
#175285 54 Thu Oct 20 17:36:21 1994 cuda @ The Dream Realm, State of Looserville, US
cambot & crooooow secretlt molest tom servo.....
#176337 54 Sat Oct 22 05:46:45 1994 Helix Quark @ Arlecchino Malbenvolio, University District, US/WA/KING/SEA
okay mikes not as bad as cuda. nevermind.
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