Dear ?!****!?>

#14141 50 Mon Jan 4 01:16:25 1993 [3bFlying on wings of steel0] Black Knight [3cis the man of feathers] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14142 50 Mon Jan 4 04:52:30 1993 [I can love my fellow man, but] Sir Chaos [I'll be damned if I love yours] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14172 50 Mon Jan 4 05:51:36 1993 [cChaos is] Ana Ng [cdead] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14173 50 Mon Jan 4 05:52:18 1993 [cChaos is] Ana Ng [cdead] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14174 50 Mon Jan 4 05:52:48 1993 [cChaos is] Ana Ng [cdead] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14175 50 Mon Jan 4 05:53:41 1993 [cChaos is] Ana Ng [cdead] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14176 50 Mon Jan 4 08:01:07 1993 [i'll kiss the girl from venus] Mr. Gorgenchuck [flowers die and so will i] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14177 50 Mon Jan 4 08:28:05 1993 [3aI am a cheese log.0] Scorpion [3aI go well with crackers.0] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14202 50 Mon Jan 4 15:04:55 1993 [It's time we faced the music..] Hooded Menace [and slow danced to it...]
#14499 50 Mon Jan 4 16:25:51 1993 [ca rock that] Ana Ng [cspoke a word] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14500 50 Mon Jan 4 16:43:22 1993 [i'll kiss the girl from venus] Mr. Gorgenchuck [flowers die and so will i] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14501 50 Mon Jan 4 17:47:37 1993 [the large woman in the corner] Guru [ate my puppy] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14556 50 Mon Jan 4 23:04:17 1993 [3aI am a cheese log.0] Scorpion [3aI go well with crackers.0] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14567 50 Tue Jan 5 03:08:02 1993 [I can love my fellow man, but] Sir Chaos [I'll be damned if I love yours] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14698 50 Tue Jan 5 05:49:07 1993 [ca rock that] Ana Ng [cspoke a word] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14699 50 Tue Jan 5 05:50:28 1993 [ca rock that] Ana Ng [cspoke a word] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14700 50 Tue Jan 5 05:53:04 1993 [ca rock that] Ana Ng [cspoke a word] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14701 50 Tue Jan 5 05:53:32 1993 [ca rock that] Ana Ng [cspoke a word] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14714 50 Tue Jan 5 15:15:35 1993 [i'll kiss the girl from venus] Mr. Gorgenchuck [flowers die and so will i] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14715 50 Tue Jan 5 15:36:20 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14716 50 Tue Jan 5 15:38:11 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14717 50 Tue Jan 5 16:02:21 1993 [3aI am a cheese log.0] Scorpion [3aI go well with crackers.0] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14768 50 Tue Jan 5 16:24:14 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14779 50 Tue Jan 5 22:03:47 1993 [I can love my fellow man, but] Sir Chaos [I'll be damned if I love yours] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14786 50 Tue Jan 5 23:25:25 1993 [the large woman in the corner] Guru [ate my puppy] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14820 50 Wed Jan 6 05:51:54 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14821 50 Wed Jan 6 05:53:21 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14896 50 Wed Jan 6 21:28:22 1993 [i'll kiss the girl from venus] Mr. Gorgenchuck [flowers die and so will i] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#14872 50 Wed Jan 6 21:45:52 1993 [It's time we faced the music..] Hooded Menace [and slow danced to it...]
#15260 50 Thu Jan 7 15:22:37 1993 Steel Viper
#15277 50 Thu Jan 7 16:13:03 1993 ["the insults are] Ana Ng [so passe"]
#15327 50 Thu Jan 7 18:26:49 1993 [the large woman in the corner] Guru [ate my puppy] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15405 50 Thu Jan 7 19:52:34 1993 [i'll kiss the girl from venus] Mr. Gorgenchuck [flowers die and so will i] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15396 50 Thu Jan 7 22:23:34 1993 [sfd;lk] shane [fa;lsdjke]
#15530 50 Fri Jan 8 05:49:00 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#16400 50 Fri Jan 8 11:02:31 1993 [e3eForeplay is] Joe Malik [3e's Forte!] @ Mostly Harmless, Bellevue, U.S.A.
#16401 50 Fri Jan 8 14:48:44 1993 [The Bunnicula] George Frideric Handel [Stocks @ Midnight] @ Mostly Harmless, Bellevue, U.S.A.
#15703 50 Fri Jan 8 15:24:34 1993 [the large woman in the corner] Guru [ate my puppy] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15704 50 Fri Jan 8 15:55:18 1993 [i'll kiss the girl from venus] Mr. Gorgenchuck [flowers die and so will i] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15705 50 Fri Jan 8 16:30:26 1993 [3agrink0] Scorpion [3agrink] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15686 50 Fri Jan 8 16:37:12 1993 [sfd;lk] shane [fa;lsdjke]
#15795 50 Fri Jan 8 19:51:13 1993 [CITIZENS FOR] Ana Ng [BOYSENBERRY JAM]
#15808 50 Fri Jan 8 20:46:21 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#16402 50 Fri Jan 8 21:04:52 1993 [A parody of lies] BK [is also a parody of truth] @ Mostly Harmless, Bellevue, U.S.A.
#16405 50 Fri Jan 8 23:00:53 1993 [A parody of lies] BK [is also a parody of truth] @ Mostly Harmless, Bellevue, U.S.A.
#16403 50 Sat Jan 9 08:00:34 1993 [The brave and bold] Impact [Don't call me Chas] @ The Basement, Seattle, U.S.A.
Zoiks !
#16404 50 Sat Jan 9 08:39:48 1993 [special selection this mnth is] SunRunner [Buy him get GodSlayer FREE!] @ The Basement, Seattle, U.S.A.
#15847 50 Sat Jan 9 14:15:34 1993 [i'll kiss the girl from venus] Mr. Gorgenchuck [flowers die and so will i] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15848 50 Sat Jan 9 14:16:14 1993 [i'll kiss the girl from venus] Mr. Gorgenchuck [flowers die and so will i] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15849 50 Sat Jan 9 14:32:46 1993 [3agrink0] Scorpion [3agrink] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15850 50 Sat Jan 9 17:28:57 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15851 50 Sat Jan 9 17:29:06 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
eee gad.
#15870 50 Sat Jan 9 18:20:01 1993 [CITIZENS FOR] Ana Ng [BOYSENBERRY JAM]
#16406 50 Sat Jan 9 19:53:22 1993 [Forgotten god,] Anubis [has returned] @ Mostly Harmless, Bellevue, U.S.A.
#16407 50 Sat Jan 9 21:38:01 1993 [A parody of lies] BK [is also a parody of truth] @ Mostly Harmless, Bellevue, U.S.A.
#16154 50 Sun Jan 10 11:04:04 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#16408 50 Sun Jan 10 11:37:06 1993 [Would you like] The Beta Pirate [a jelly baby?] @ The Basement, Seattle, U.S.A.
#16173 50 Sun Jan 10 11:43:00 1993 [CITIZENS FOR] Ana Ng [BOYSENBERRY JAM]
#16235 50 Sun Jan 10 15:57:32 1993 Anonymous Dude(tte)
#16431 50 Sun Jan 10 17:41:53 1993 [Have a glass of port with] Phantom [the madonna vampyra!] @ The Basement, Seattle, U.S.A.
#16409 50 Sun Jan 10 18:25:31 1993 [3aI am0] Scorpion [3aa duck0] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#16548 50 Mon Jan 11 05:58:10 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#16549 50 Mon Jan 11 05:59:15 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#16671 50 Mon Jan 11 17:19:22 1993 [3aI am0] Scorpion [3aa duck0] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#16672 50 Mon Jan 11 19:38:17 1993 [you never know] Mr. Gorgenchuck [when you'll snap] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#16845 50 Tue Jan 12 05:54:53 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#16846 50 Tue Jan 12 05:55:16 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#17023 50 Tue Jan 12 12:40:16 1993 [Have a glass of port with] Phantom [the madonna vampyra!] @ The Basement, Seattle, U.S.A.
#16874 50 Tue Jan 12 16:59:15 1993 [you never know] Mr. Gorgenchuck [when you'll snap] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#17022 50 Tue Jan 12 22:03:24 1993 [the large woman in the corner] Guru [ate my puppy] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#17024 50 Wed Jan 13 01:21:58 1993 [3agrink0] Scorpion [3agrink0] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#17138 50 Wed Jan 13 05:49:36 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#17139 50 Wed Jan 13 05:50:03 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#17211 50 Wed Jan 13 18:44:32 1993 [you never know] Mr. Gorgenchuck [when you'll snap] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#17231 50 Wed Jan 13 19:53:31 1993 [cseap bee] Ana Ng [csate] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
dear dear
#169832 50 Sun Oct 9 17:31:20 1994 [if i could id leave] john hinkley [im sorry]
dear afjaodfpajkfdj jfklacjkfjfjkuiomkkjljiui jo fdo ofor get this . fi t ojnot o p kcjdljfd ossible. fsin of bets. toj jmnbnoequ...... 8&43. okay? fjoimngomforget it.
#175160 50 Sun Oct 23 21:08:05 1994 [fuck] Ana Ng [shit]
dear colin, hi!! -roya
#175900 50 Mon Oct 24 21:31:07 1994 john hinkley [youre bored]
dear roya, hi. -colin
#175981 50 Tue Oct 25 18:29:05 1994 [fuck] Ana Ng [shit]
dear colin, your mom. -roya
#176009 50 Tue Oct 25 20:47:33 1994 john hinkley [youre bored]
dear roya yeah we have sex so what -colin
Dear ?!****!?> _