I just want the os to work good and not be a slug, esp. with dosapps going
uncle herb
what about os-2?
I am looking forward to Windows 4.2 (at least.) As WIRED says:
"the new version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, currently called Chicago, seems to be in the news more than it's municipal namesake. Breathless reports, pushing the edge of non-disclosure agreements, seem to come out daily. What makes this so remarkable is how unremarkable the Chicago OS is. While it rectifies many of the glaring limitations of previous versions (8-character file names, 16 bit operation) it makes no real strides in OS technology. And, if it is anything like other Microsoft releases, it is still chock-full of bugs. When is Microsoft going to use it's resources to do something revolutionary?" - Wired 2.10
Seems he hit the nail on the head that time.
Steve Porter
Quick Point ; It's Offically Now Called Windows '95
And It Sucks... (Offical Microsoft Beta Tester)
it is going to be a call-generator
PSS is gonna have a whole lot of fun
Wired is stupid.
how would you know, straitjacket?
are you a beta tester?
I am just looking at the track record of Microsquish. dos 4.0 6.0 win 3.0. I don't think they have ever released anything that didn't require an almost immediate fix. and some things just havn't been worth the trouble.
Wasn't Chicago to be released around august? Do they even have Beta's yet? what alpha build are they on now? 200? 300?
F#ck it... I will just go to unix for windows. I like X.
idealistic fools
...not stupid
Wired wants a desktop operating system running in four megs with heaps of compatability requirements to make "strides in OS technology"? See, they're stupid.
uncle herb
Its funny how many underemployed programmers like to spend time griping about Microsoft. Sure, Windows isn't perfect, but if it weren't for them, computers would still be either 1) Macs, or 2) the domain of propellerhead geeks. Or is that what you want?
You're not looking at anything, StraitJacket, or you'd know Microsoft didn't even write MS-DOS 4.0. Duh.
Additionally, Win 3.0 didn't require an "almost immediate fix". It was a mainstay for quite a while.
Elisabeth Parren
Chicago has been in Beta for quite a while. That's why the ship date has been pushed back so much farther. User feedback. MS wants to release an acceptable product. Acceptable to Windows users of course, not you and John Dvorak.
Win 3.0 was revolutionary to the PC world. Why, because Microsoft wrote it. Of course there had been previous gooeys and previous multi-tasking. Did they always work? No. Did the mishmash of OEM software work together seamlessly if at all? No. Most important, did they have the market strength to push a product to make the multi-tasking GUI a standard for other people to write software for? No. That's why Win3 was a revolution to the PC desktop. It brought together the pieces of what a budding future operating system should be and was then pushed by a company that has the strength to push it as the standard.
Win95 will bring about the same revolution on a grander scale; but not until it's ready, otherwise they fulfill the prophecies of people like you.
Still worthless (win 3.0) I didn't know about ms-dos 4.12 too well, I thought the MS stood for micro squ\\oft. and that 4.0 ras a release versoin fixxed by 4.12 (Which still sucked).
Xwindows ran on my machine in 4 megs, no problem... (it runs on my 6 megs fine now as well.) Unix (IMNSHO) is much better at MT than dos or windowz. (I would rather run apps under 6 virt screens at a command line than under windows. Too many windows clutter my screen anyway.)
it takes a giant to build a giant project and put the oompf behind it to
get it to the marketplace, and running on the boxes
Windows has transformed the workplace dramatically since it was introduced
it has enabled users to utilize computers, perform their work, and cut cost
of business operations so that the efficiency needed in today's business
enviornments is being realized...which equates to keeping the cost of food
on the table, a decent car in the garage, and other consumer goods, down
a lot of users I know couldn't relate to a cli, and were not capable of
using one, but when Windows was released, they were able to use computers
and get jobs that got them off welfare...and changed their lives forever
for the better
a project with the scope that Chicago has, is going to have problems, but it
will be probably the most-tested and wrung-out product to be released into
consumer channels ever, and Microsoft has the resources to do just that
the seamless integration and operation of applications, whether they are
Microsoft products or not, has been the goal...and I have seen it running
in the near future, third-party developers/vendors will be integrating their
applications into the Windows enviornment, and the combinations will take
the capability of desktop computers/mainframes to modes of operation and
efficiencies that will make, literally, dreams come true, and change this
world, in many respects, into a better place to work and live in, for all
how does that grab-ya?
or, would you rather hang in the Stone Age?
People can bitch if they want to. I just shudder when I wonder what I might be doing if Windows hadn't dominated the desktop market. Maybe some other product would have. But more likely, we'd be mired in a protracted OS battle. And so much more of my time would be sunk in stupid compatability and cross-platform issues.
Yeah, Herb. These are the same ones who insist that code speed and size is really the only standard worth considering.
Uncle herb: I am an Employed programmer. And I still like to gripe about windowz and dos... BECAUSE I am a programmer.
kid kangaroo
what great strides were you thinking of?
uncle herb
Strait, as long as you're honest about it and recognize it as inconsequential bellyaching.
Oh well.... no chance of anyone getting windows 4.
Windows 4 will never exist....
A nice thing except for one thing....
They are going to call it Windows 95 instead.
Like that will make it any better.... For $30 I might give it a try.
I know it is... I just want to gripe about something.
Monster Dog
I spent all of last week at a conference in DC, called Software Development East '94. Any of you programmers out there should recognize the name from all the ads that have been in the trade magazines, like Dr Dobbs Journal, Software Development Magazine, Windows/Dos Developers' Journal, C/C++ Users' Journal, etc. Hey, guess what people? Windows is, like it or not, here to stay. If you want to stay current with the technology that is out there in the IS world, you better learn to write applications for Windows, specifically 32 bit Windows like Win 95 or Win NT 3.5. And I recommend that you learn how to do it in C++. That's where the industry is headed, and where it will stay for at least the next couple of years. Do I think Microsoft is the best OS developer out there? Not by a long shot. But look at market share. I know where the big bucks are in software, and right now, those big bucks involve getting the Windows '95 logo on your product when it's shrink-wrapped. Bitch about the quality of Microsoft products all you want, and keep writing code for your Unix boxes and your way-cool NeXT Step machines. Then, in about three years, you and the former CICS Cobol geeks can have something to talk about after you ask your last customer, "would you like ketchup with those fries, sir?"
uncle herb
Right on, MD. It's the mass market that ultimately determines which software is good and which isn't, not the propellerheads. If a product doesn't sell, it's not good software -- regardless of how cleverly written it is.
By the way, what does it take to set up a simple net? I've got a computer in my bedroom and one in my kitchen, and I want to link them.
Nathan Bedford Forrest
What geex.
Saint Bob
Computer in your kitchen? Ack...
The Linkman
would anyone care for some tcpip utils for winsock? (for those without access to internet?!?!? :)
Helix Quark
no thanks. I've got plenty of access.
Torch Song
The computer in our kitchen doesn't have Windows on it...not enough RAM...
But the ones in the bedroom, the living room, and the travel trailer do!
Lab Rat
herb > "simple net"? Just a serial cable, man. End-to-end, viola. Heck, W4W will do direct networking 'cross one of those links. Printers, drives, etc.
no guarantee on speed though.
Two machines, herb, can be done using InterLink, which comes with MS-DOS, from version 5 (on the supplemental disk), on up (now included in the standard distribution). It uses a 9-wire serial link, so it's not the fastest thing in the world, but it works. Biggest snag is that the "Server" isn't usable while the other is sharing (bad term, obviously) drives with it.
Better yet is DriveMap, in PCTools V9.0, which uses the same serial (or parallel, like InterLink can) hookup, but allows both machines to be used while the link is active.
Which brings to a close my personal experience in the matter, shy of using Arcnet or Ethernet cards...
Twilight Eyes
ask helix. he's geek enough to net his computers together in the same room for no reason. (oh, wait, I have my computers netted together to play doom. ignore that.)
I didn't even ponder that, Lab Rat... What's the trick to it?
What's about Windows 95?
Helix Quark
HA! try and pin it one me will you?!
hell, pretty soon I may have more than just two netting ...
what about it?
come on, you can tell
it has been released to the pubelick, hasn't it?
Twilight Eyes
Oh no. The horror. (You and someone else with a 486 should come over so we can play doom 4 ways.)
I net mine to learn netting
how stupid of me
Helix Quark
nope. not yet. beta 2.
Captain James T Kirk
9-wire serial link? how does one accomplish such a thing? i can see a 4 or 5 wire link... (ground, send, recieve, and two for flow control...) but nine?
Caught me there, CJTK. 7-lines, not nine. Only three are needed by InterLink, unless you need to use the remote copy feature. DriveMap uses all seven of the available i/o lines.
CD and RI are not used.
RXD, TXD, DTR, DSR, RTS, and CTS are the six available data lines, then include GND.
I stand corrected. :)
Lab Rat
Monty >
My God. My assumption was completely incorrect. I had always assumed that MicroBrain had provided serial network drivers. They have not. They have... no brains.
I just went to install a network driver, hoping to see "serial port link" and maybe even a "parallel port link", but... fuckin'-a, there ain't none there.
I guess you can't network with serial lines, easily, with W4WG. What an idiotic problem.
how completely spastic. I am so glad I'm switching to Linux.
Run whatever you want, you kook. But what is InterLink for?
InterLink is lame
WFW is cool
I said so
Don Glover the younger
I have been using interlnk to do some stuff, but I have run into a problem. I can get the 'host' machine to say it is sharing the cdrom but I can nto get the cleint machine to read the cdrom. Anyone have any ideas on this?
did you all this trick
load your game "while using ms-windows" then press alt+tab it will bring up
your program manager program while in game play just try it i have four games
suspended one was not then hit alt-tab switched me to the next game
I could have told you that, Livia
but I know you wouldn't have listened...
goltar is such a windows guru
butt are you a sexy butt?
Lab Rat> If you configured (without using autodetect) for a network card, then inserted a SLIP driver in its place, would that work?
John> InterLink is a file-sharing freebie that came with MS-DOS 5.0 onward, although a few releases have seen it only on the supplemental disk(s). Dirt-cheap drive sharing, via serial or parallel cable, that beats doing the 'floppy-swap' next time you need to move some files around between machines.
Don> Sharing a CD-Rom is a little more than InterLink was made for, and since you're stuck at 115,200 bps, none too speedy. (Using a serial link, parallel is quicker, but by how much; I've yet to try it)
Windows> _