
#167587 56 Thu Sep 29 12:08:35 1994 SkyWise @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
WR> Yup!
#167588 56 Thu Sep 29 17:08:47 1994 [I am] WHITE RAVEN [a Goddess] @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
oh, ok.......
#167689 56 Fri Sep 30 15:52:52 1994 [I'm too sexy....] WHITE RAVEN [...for n .] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
#168063 56 Sun Oct 2 07:43:09 1994 Freejack @ Digital Free America, CyberHell, USA
as a teenager i was witnessed a person kick this kitten in front of a store near my house... it was a very small kitten and it died shortly after... that guy almost beat me to a pulp because of my concern for the pesky little creature... he was just having a "little fun"...
#168440 56 Sun Oct 2 21:02:26 1994 [No more words] ZooKeeper [No more promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Biff -- you ain't that far wrong...
#169517 56 Tue Oct 4 19:55:19 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
To bad a giant cat couldn't have a little fun with that guy!!
#169057 56 Tue Oct 4 21:20:12 1994 [No more words] ZooKeeper [No more promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
some fun. some "people"...
#170082 56 Fri Oct 7 08:45:24 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
a mercat? hrmm...
#169901 56 Fri Oct 7 11:33:42 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
#170359 56 Sun Oct 9 04:18:48 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I'd like to know how she survives if cats hate getting wet.
#170496 56 Sun Oct 9 14:17:24 1994 [if it was so, it might be] LA REINE [and if it were so, it would be] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
actually there's a breed of cat who's name escapes me -- japenese something, i think -- that likes water.
#170497 56 Sun Oct 9 17:39:31 1994 [What's to eat?] Bookworm [cleared the shelves.] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
I had a siamese that used to go to the beach with us. h ewould go racing out into the water and go swimming like it was the best thing in the world. Weird cat.
#171077 56 Tue Oct 11 00:52:20 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
bw -- that was the same cat who used to ride the dogs around the yard and beat up intruding dogs, wasn't it?
#171319 56 Tue Oct 11 12:12:34 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Yeah that was Whitey. ( so called because he was a champagne siamese) I remember when he rode Charley around the yard. You want to talk about one shocked dog! I was out to the farm and saw Whitey about 3 years ago. He had gone basically wild instead of staying with Russell. I was able to get close to him and it was him not one of his get. He had to have been about 14 at the time. Haven't seen any sign of any cats at the old place since. I know that Stevey was happy to get the kittens when we moved into town. I would like to get another one like that crazy cat.
#171391 56 Tue Oct 11 14:58:59 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
he was a crazy cat, wasn't he? remember when you used to walk around the house with him around your neck? <snicker>
#171392 56 Wed Oct 12 00:06:43 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR!!!!!!!!! BIG WISH FOR YOU!! Of course you know what birthdays are don't you??? It's when they light your desert on fire, and everyone stands around laughing and singing while you try to blow it out! "realy!"
#171510 56 Thu Oct 13 08:49:14 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
i miss my cats too. darn apartment policy...
#171511 56 Thu Oct 13 09:19:27 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
My plans have been fouled up the past few days but sometime I will. (Hopefully before next century)
#171512 56 Thu Oct 13 09:47:41 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
JayDee -- sometimes I feel like that. more often lately I wish I couldn't hear all that I do, couldn't feel all that I do, didn't know both so much and so little... oh, nevermind.
#171784 56 Thu Oct 13 21:56:54 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
ah, neckpiece-cats I am in the company of one such Siamese
#172205 56 Sat Oct 15 01:22:24 1994 szNeonx @ The Asylum, Seattle, U.S.A.
my 7lb cat Karma was too small to drape around properly so she became the shoulder cat.
#172204 56 Sun Oct 16 01:37:51 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Great company aren't they JayDee? I want a cat around here but can't yet at least.
#172474 56 Sun Oct 16 12:46:00 1994 [Too weary] Torch Song [to fight any longer] @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
I'm kind of glad Piewacket decided he wasn't a shoulder cat while he was still a kitten -- he's about 20 lbs at the last check!
#172512 56 Sun Oct 16 19:17:20 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Does he land on you in the middle of the night like one cat we had did?
#172781 56 Mon Oct 17 13:32:02 1994 Torch Song @ Twilight Voice, City in the Clouds, US/WA/WHATCOM
Pie doesn't land on me--he knows better! But he sometimes goes through a phase of leaping, all claws fully extended, directly toward a sleeping FuzzyWuzzy's rump... <snicker>
#172883 56 Mon Oct 17 17:50:07 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
<snicker> We had a cat who weighed in at 22 pounds. He would come running up the stairs into your room and jump from about 6 feet away from the bed. He landed on me one night when I was having a bad dream and got thrown back across the room into the wall. After that he always landed on the bed beside me.
#173285 56 Mon Oct 17 21:08:02 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
#172827 56 Mon Oct 17 21:54:57 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
TS -- giggle... Polanski always managed to land right in the middle of me, no matter where I was in the bed. Didn't matter how often or how forcibly I removed him from the bed, not to mention how breathlessly <sheesh!> he still was there the next night, if not at least once more that night. And loud thoughts! man, I've never been so thoroughly chewed out as by that [deleted] cat as he stomped out of the room... and boyoboy can siamese stomp!
#172882 56 Mon Oct 17 21:56:04 1994 [He is not a bear!] FuzzyWuzzy [He's a Sysop] @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
#173284 56 Tue Oct 18 01:47:07 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Sound like a turd of hurdles don't they? ;>
#172881 56 Tue Oct 18 01:48:40 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
My little kitten is a female ferritt .and she's a doll!
#172884 56 Tue Oct 18 02:49:50 1994 Torch Song @ Twilight Voice, City in the Clouds, US/WA/WHATCOM
Yup. No creature can stomp like a Siamese...or swear, either! <wow>
#173319 56 Tue Oct 18 09:36:23 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Yeah they can swear all right!
#173286 56 Tue Oct 18 10:01:34 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
bw -- yes, but much much faster! and for some reason he never did catch on to landing beside me... I guess I didn't toss him hard enough?
#173320 56 Tue Oct 18 15:03:27 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Probably not. I threw him hard enough that after he hit the wall he had to shake the cobwebs out of his heead before staggering off.
#173340 56 Tue Oct 18 20:25:52 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
ah! y'see, I never had breath enough to more than double up and gasp spasmodically for a few minutes before dislodging him from the by-now cramped (ha!) quarters.
#173058 56 Tue Oct 18 22:38:31 1994 [only drowning men] Prick [can see me]
so what is it, a kitten, a ferret, or a doll?
#173673 56 Tue Oct 18 23:01:42 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
He hit at the wrong time and I hit back before I was fully awake. That is probably the only reason I was able to do that. He was careful after that though.
#173674 56 Wed Oct 19 01:01:51 1994 Torch Song @ Twilight Voice, City in the Clouds, US/WA/WHATCOM
You couldn't get him to understand "*Beside* not ON!"? Wow...never had that problem with any cat, myself... Well, except for Sniffles, but she's a moron...
#173675 56 Wed Oct 19 03:30:33 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I dunno, I always thought he liked the spastic hug, myself. :> didn't have that problem with any of the others... ???
#173931 56 Wed Oct 19 04:15:01 1994 Raistlin @ The Asylum, Seattle, U.S.A.
I ran into a shoulder cat that weighed about eighteen pounds. He lived in Langley, on Whidbey Island, and was owned by the liquor store. He would run around in the bookstore next door waiting for someone to bend down to look at a book on one of the lower shelves and then pounce. Whenever he jumped up onto my shoulders I would reach up and pull his legs down in front of me and carry him around draped across my shoulders. He stayed there for two hours once. It was neat. I agree about siamese.
#173837 56 Wed Oct 19 15:19:20 1994 Torch Song @ Twilight Voice, City in the Clouds, US/WA/WHATCOM
Other cats, Sis. Sure, I had to tell them more than once (just like kids in that respect), but they caught on eventually.
#173928 56 Wed Oct 19 20:11:30 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
every other cat we had indoors at any time did too... but he never did. not for me anyway. *I* think, from the self-satisfied smirk I got from him, that he rather enjoyed doing that...
#173929 56 Wed Oct 19 20:12:03 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
and heaven help me if I shut my door at night! sheesh, talk about chewed out! chewed out and spit out and stomped on and stalked away from!
#174689 56 Wed Oct 19 21:58:10 1994 uncle herb ['erblink 202.667.7335] @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
My cat sits on my chest for 20 minutes every night when I go to bed.
#174690 56 Wed Oct 19 22:32:21 1994 Saint Bob @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
One o'mine does that too.
#174691 56 Wed Oct 19 23:39:38 1994 [learn not to die !] Coffee [of MCFR Co.2 TPVFD] @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
both of mine like to play cat wars at bedtime and the battleground usally is my bed :(
#173930 56 Wed Oct 19 23:42:07 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
You should have opened the door and sprayed him with a water gun. I did that a few times. (even though he wouldn't take the hint) He was an annoying so-and-so wasn't he...
#174245 56 Thu Oct 20 10:36:06 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
yeah, but I *liked* him! did you ever get Pippin to quit bringing you snakes?
#174433 56 Thu Oct 20 15:34:39 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Yeah. After she saw us kill one she stopped. I want to get another siamese one of these days...
#174434 56 Fri Oct 21 00:11:40 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
me too.
#174692 56 Fri Oct 21 08:52:39 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
They have the most character of any cats that I have seen.
#176506 56 Fri Oct 21 11:02:57 1994 Lady Non Sequitur @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
One of my Tonks has declared "any lump under the sheets that moves" as his personal playthings -- if they move, he attacks. Luckily, neither likes to sit on me (they both have bad balance, and can't retract their claws), but they do tend to sleep right next to me and take over half the bed while I'm asleep.
#175212 56 Fri Oct 21 19:33:13 1994 Torch Song @ Twilight Voice, City in the Clouds, US/WA/WHATCOM
Senior cat and Newest cat have finally reached a compromise on which cat sleeps in which spot. The senior one sleeps on the bed, hogging space that silly people thought was for their own feet. Newest cat drags all my clothes into a pile (yep, she hunts them down until she gets the ones she wants...), curls up contentedly, and refuses to budge before 10am...
#175213 56 Sat Oct 22 01:30:53 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
thump, pitter, patter, thump, ( angry cat walk)
#176507 56 Sat Oct 22 02:12:19 1994 [Blubard] Blubard [Tok] @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
My nieghbor's cat, Boris, likes a game they call changing the sheets. His Girl(my other neighbor) pulls the old sheets off the bed. Boris recognizes this as time to play, and jumps on the bed. She then covers Boris with the fresh sheet, and tries to find his way out.
#175473 56 Sat Oct 22 03:30:42 1994 szNeonx @ The Asylum, Seattle, U.S.A.
My cat used to sleep in my armpit.
#175472 56 Sat Oct 22 08:40:43 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
You mean she is a night cat? She should fit right in out there then. :)
#175474 56 Sat Oct 22 09:44:46 1994 [What did he say?] Bookworm [says that...] @ The Used BookStore, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
#176508 56 Sat Oct 22 10:52:16 1994 uncle herb ['erblink 202.667.7335] @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
sometimes it's beautiful, sometimes it's too loud
#175637 56 Sat Oct 22 22:26:56 1994 [3bBEWARE:0] SkyWise [Has rabies!] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
Bean likes to bring home snakes. I love it when he does that. He never hurts them, just brings them home. He's part siamese. ME-OW-YOW! That's Bean. My favorite cat, my best friend, Tripod, just got cancer. We're taking him down to Kirkland for surgery monday. Poor kitty. He's the awsomest cat that ever lived.
#176244 56 Tue Oct 25 13:17:14 1994 [3bBEWARE:0] SkyWise [Has rabies!] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
Well they removed Tripod's tumor, they had to remove part of his jaw and had to remove some nerve endings, so he can't blink his right eyelid now, but he can still blink his third eyelid. And after he recovers from surgery he has to get chemo therepy to help keep the tumor from coming back. But he's still the awsomest cat ever!
Cats> _