
#168446 54 Sun Oct 2 20:38:53 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
(I think John Hinkley has some problems...... and his name is just the start.)
#168163 54 Mon Oct 3 21:22:20 1994 [if i could id leave] john hinkley [im sorry]
jesus christ
#168649 54 Mon Oct 3 22:37:23 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
When'd you notice this, FRG?
#169271 54 Tue Oct 4 23:37:49 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Tell you what, john. Try starting a hockey related conversation. Pissing and moaning about it won't fix it.
#169423 54 Wed Oct 5 05:07:25 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
Hopefully the players and owners will get there stuff together so the season can start soon. More talks being held today....after the Tbirds last home game I sure hope they do get the pro hockey dispute settled because if that last game of the Tbirds is any example of what they are going to do this season I'm gonna need pro hockey on tv to keep me sane...power tripping hockey commissioner anyway *grumble mumble bitch and complain...)
#169424 54 Wed Oct 5 11:03:23 1994 KITT CAR @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
I was told to go to this room to help make it live but I'm sorry to say that I haven't really been keeping up on the NHL situation let alone the t-birds. I have my own team to think about, last season we went back to Chicago for nationals and only took 4th this year now that it is here in Seattle I want to be a major factor in taking the title so I haven't had time to concentrate on other things. But to contribute on the discusion of the american/canadien brodcasters I really don't think one is better than the other, I think what makes the true difference and also the reason why I prefer to watch CBUT is the great DON CHERRY!!! Anybody agree?
#169523 54 Wed Oct 5 13:06:45 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
hey KC Don Cherry is definately one of the best!! I love the interaction between him (he?) and Ron McClain (sp?)..not to mention Don's ties. I do feel though that the Canadian broadcasters tend to be a bit more enthusiastic then the Americans are maybe a lot of the broadcasters here just don't have it in their blood.....
#168752 54 Wed Oct 5 21:13:32 1994 [if i could id leave] john hinkley [im sorry]
oh what kind of bullshit is that? okay, everyoine including non-net users should tell me all the grudges they have about me...also explain how my name is a problem. tell me ALL my problems, cmon just lay it on me. this is NOT SARCASM.
#169590 54 Thu Oct 6 00:26:23 1994 KITT CAR @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
hey megamol, what about his collars? have you ever noticed how large his collars are? and yes I do think that the american brodcasters just don't quite have it in there blood.
#169591 54 Thu Oct 6 04:13:14 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
LOVE the collars too.....heard last nite that today the players are making a counter offer to the owners can only hope....(Doesn't anyone else like hockey besides us two???)
#169933 54 Thu Oct 6 21:34:59 1994 KITT CAR @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
Dear John Hinkley, What exactly is your problem? And what B.S. would you be refering to?
#169934 54 Fri Oct 7 06:19:16 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
and exactly what does this have todo with hockey anyway???(unless of course you are offering yourself for use of a hockey puck in which case look out, those sucker get hit fast and HARD!!!)
#170041 54 Fri Oct 7 20:54:52 1994 [The Homeless] Rabbit Killer [Gathers no moss] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
I predict that the strike will end next week. The first game will be played friday night. Hockey players arent like baseball or other professional sport players, yes they are in it for the money but mainly because they love the game. regardless of whether they are in the pro's or not, they want to play. Hockey is the most addictive sport I have ever played. Everyone I have introduced into it agree.
#169726 54 Fri Oct 7 23:51:27 1994 [if i could id leave] john hinkley [im sorry]
don cherry is great. there is a firey personality that people still love, unlike myself.
#170214 54 Sat Oct 8 03:35:32 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
I sure hope that you're right, although after all the trades the T Birds are doing a bit better....still, I want my pro hockey!!!!
#171180 54 Mon Oct 10 12:43:48 1994 [The Homeless] Rabbit Killer [Gathers no moss] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
He irritates me. I dont like him. He is a hockey institution though so you have to respect him.
#171181 54 Mon Oct 10 13:50:43 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
keep your fingers proposal from the players union to the owners..if it doesn't succeed hockey won't start Oct 15th..I WANT MY HOCKEY!!!
#171289 54 Tue Oct 11 01:46:35 1994 [The Homeless] Rabbit Killer [Gathers no moss] @ 3aThe Ghetto0, 3Shoreline0, 3aJack's Basement0
Should we form a support group? :)
#170837 54 Wed Oct 12 18:54:31 1994 [if i could id leave] john hinkley [im sorry]
yeah hockey is nice. you actually see players skatign around smling.
#173652 54 Tue Oct 18 16:16:13 1994 [Just call me] Megamol [@ tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
Hey Kitt, what do you think about the full visor for junior hockey controversy????
#173006 54 Tue Oct 18 18:37:58 1994 [if i could id leave] john hinkley [im sorry]
it didnt go this is crap its been a whole month hasnt it?
Hockey> _