Net IDs>

#14484 49 Sat Jan 2 19:48:47 1993 [3eZeakc] Crabapple [3eDe'Marinoh] @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#14687 49 Mon Jan 4 22:22:53 1993 [3aGothic bHorror0] Ambition [3eEmbraces the Night . . .0] @ SilverStation: Castle Chaos, Lynnwood, USA/WA/SNO
#15627 49 Wed Jan 6 13:37:46 1993 [Jacked] Saint Bob [Out] @ The Mothership Connection, Takoma Park, MD, USA
#15626 49 Wed Jan 6 22:12:50 1993 ShadowStalker @ ThE sAnItArIuM, Pullman, Usa/Wa/Whitman
net test
#16133 49 Fri Jan 8 20:44:27 1993 [That's evil man!] Kaptain K Mart [I need my medication man!] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#15834 49 Sat Jan 9 04:25:49 1993 [3bFlying on wings of steel0] Black Knight [3cis the man of feathers] @ The Oasis, Olympia, WA
#15841 49 Sat Jan 9 17:13:07 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#16374 49 Sun Jan 10 01:01:35 1993 [I am God] Spikebucket [is God] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, WA
#16372 49 Sun Jan 10 03:43:25 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#16375 49 Sun Jan 10 08:19:46 1993 [3eZeakc] Crabapple [3eDe'Marinoh] @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#16373 49 Sun Jan 10 09:46:51 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#16659 49 Sun Jan 10 19:58:13 1993 [3eZeakc] Crabapple [3eDe'Marinoh] @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#17955 49 Mon Jan 11 00:43:44 1993 Kaptain K Mart [God. I love myself.] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#16660 49 Mon Jan 11 01:50:44 1993 ShadowStalker @ ThE sAnItArIuM, Pullman, Us/Wa/Whitman
#17094 49 Mon Jan 11 06:42:42 1993 Counselor @ The Advisory Board, Kirkland, U.S.A.
#16661 49 Mon Jan 11 08:08:44 1993 [3eZeakc] Crabapple [3eDe'Marinoh] @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#16838 49 Mon Jan 11 10:28:46 1993 [swan 3gWHAT?0] swandOg @ Foundation, Seattle, U.S.A.
#16662 49 Mon Jan 11 13:01:12 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
net test
#16663 49 Mon Jan 11 13:01:22 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
net test
#16664 49 Mon Jan 11 13:01:28 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
net test
#16839 49 Mon Jan 11 18:40:07 1993 [swan 3gWHAT?0] swandOg @ Foundation, Seattle, U.S.A.
#16840 49 Mon Jan 11 18:40:27 1993 [swan 3gWHAT?0] swandOg @ Foundation, Seattle, U.S.A.
#17956 49 Mon Jan 11 21:22:19 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, WA
Hey, it is.
#16837 49 Mon Jan 11 22:52:57 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#17095 51 Tue Jan 12 06:23:37 1993 [StraitJacket,] Twilight [Glenn... Whatever!] @ The Asylum, BFE, King/WAAA/USA
#16841 49 Tue Jan 12 07:04:00 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#16971 49 Tue Jan 12 07:22:51 1993 [3eZeakc] Crabapple [3eDe'Marinoh] @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#17962 49 Tue Jan 12 14:46:09 1993 Stimpy @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#16972 49 Tue Jan 12 16:10:48 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#17961 49 Tue Jan 12 20:16:40 1993 Idget @ God-Empresses' Domain, Seattle, WA
#17957 49 Tue Jan 12 21:10:28 1993 [The Illustrious Potentate] Xiphiplastron [speaks] @ Shell, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#17096 49 Tue Jan 12 23:02:28 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#17958 49 Tue Jan 12 23:14:59 1993 Kaptain K Mart [God. I love myself.] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#17966 49 Wed Jan 13 06:52:02 1993 Counselor @ The Advisory Board, Kirkland, U.S.A.
#17959 49 Wed Jan 13 09:28:35 1993 The Evil Prince @ Suzy's Creamcheeze, Hell's Kitchen - Clinton, USA
#17960 49 Wed Jan 13 14:41:07 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#17964 49 Wed Jan 13 16:00:55 1993 Stimpy @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#17963 49 Thu Jan 14 01:02:23 1993 [isn't it] nize [in here?] @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#17965 49 Thu Jan 14 04:10:01 1993 [The Illustrious Potentate] Xiphiplastron [speaks] @ Shell, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#17967 49 Thu Jan 14 07:37:02 1993 Crabapple @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#17968 49 Thu Jan 14 07:38:11 1993 Crabapple @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#17972 49 Thu Jan 14 11:10:27 1993 [John R. Dempsey is a goonnerd] Kaptain K Mart [God. I love myself.] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#17973 49 Thu Jan 14 12:12:27 1993 Stimpy @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#17970 49 Thu Jan 14 15:14:01 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#17969 49 Thu Jan 14 17:17:06 1993 [the cutest] Nasal Slime Eruption [in town] @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#17974 49 Thu Jan 14 20:52:06 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, WA
#17971 49 Fri Jan 15 01:44:22 1993 [isn't it] nize [in here?] @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#17975 49 Fri Jan 15 02:04:09 1993 Crabapple @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#18078 49 Fri Jan 15 12:53:47 1993 Crabapple @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#18079 49 Fri Jan 15 17:43:47 1993 Livia @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#18080 49 Fri Jan 15 19:58:35 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#18217 49 Sat Jan 16 11:14:45 1993 Crabapple @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#18361 49 Sat Jan 16 17:08:22 1993 JayDee @ The Grand Illusion, seattle, us/wa/king
#19543 49 Sun Jan 17 02:57:42 1993 nize @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#19544 49 Sun Jan 17 02:59:51 1993 nize @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#19545 49 Sun Jan 17 05:05:33 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#19558 49 Sun Jan 17 07:15:21 1993 Mr. Psychologist @ My What?, Pallywa, U.S.A.
Good idea....
#19553 49 Sun Jan 17 12:30:20 1993 Mr. Psychologist @ My What?, Pallywa, U.S.A.
#19552 49 Sun Jan 17 14:36:36 1993 Stimpy @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#19547 49 Sun Jan 17 18:25:31 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#19555 49 Sun Jan 17 21:46:31 1993 Mr. Psychologist @ My What?, Pallywa, U.S.A.
#19556 49 Sun Jan 17 21:46:40 1993 Mr. Psychologist @ My What?, Pallywa, U.S.A.
#19546 49 Sun Jan 17 22:50:16 1993 nize @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#19554 49 Sun Jan 17 23:55:42 1993 Kaptain K Mart [God. I love myself.] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#19563 49 Mon Jan 18 04:44:34 1993 Mr. Psychologist @ My What?, Pallywa, U.S.A.
#19548 49 Mon Jan 18 05:53:41 1993 Livia @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#19560 49 Mon Jan 18 06:49:51 1993 Aquarius @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#19549 49 Mon Jan 18 07:18:05 1993 [3aGothic bHorror0] Ambition [3eEmbraces the Night . . .0] @ SilverStation: Castle Chaos, Lynnwood, USA/WA/SNO
#19551 49 Mon Jan 18 09:06:25 1993 [3aGothic bHorror0] Ambition [3eEmbraces the Night . . .0] @ SilverStation: Castle Chaos, Lynnwood, USA/WA/SNO
#19550 49 Mon Jan 18 12:41:18 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#19561 49 Mon Jan 18 13:27:25 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, WA
#19562 49 Mon Jan 18 13:28:57 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, WA
#19557 49 Tue Jan 19 00:20:23 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#19559 49 Tue Jan 19 07:34:02 1993 Crabapple @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#20499 49 Tue Jan 19 13:40:14 1993 [No bigger] Stimpy [than the universe itself.] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#20497 49 Tue Jan 19 21:59:17 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, WA
#21844 49 Wed Jan 20 05:46:36 1993 [Queen SysGoddess] Starshadow [Queen Bitch!] @ God-Empresses' Domain, Seattle, WA
#20491 49 Wed Jan 20 22:38:07 1993 san san @ PhotoSynthesis, Seattle, WA USA
#20492 49 Thu Jan 21 07:10:50 1993 [please] err head [don't hurt 'em] @ The Grand Illusion, seattle, us/wa/king
#20493 49 Thu Jan 21 08:40:35 1993 Twoflower @ Milliways, Seattle, U.S.A.
#20494 49 Thu Jan 21 14:25:43 1993 [please] err head [don't hurt 'em] @ The Grand Illusion, seattle, us/wa/king
#20495 49 Thu Jan 21 16:39:52 1993 Bobbie @ PhotoSynthesis, Seattle, WA USA
#20498 49 Fri Jan 22 10:44:33 1993 Mr. Psychologist @ My What?, Pallywa, U.S.A.
#20496 49 Fri Jan 22 14:50:08 1993 [The Really Happy] tomcat [is rubbing ......] @ Barbarian's UNI-verse, Federal-Way, USA/WA/KING
#21508 49 Sat Jan 23 10:30:48 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, WA
#21514 49 Sat Jan 23 16:56:05 1993 Mr. Psychologist @ My What?, Pallywa, U.S.A.
#22315 49 Sat Jan 23 19:54:04 1993 Levendis @ The Digital I, SEATTLE, USA/WA/KING
#21509 49 Sat Jan 23 22:52:05 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#21510 49 Sat Jan 23 23:53:48 1993 [Now presenting] Kaptain K Mart [The most awesome BBS abuser] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#21511 49 Sun Jan 24 08:19:32 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#21512 49 Sun Jan 24 10:58:15 1993 [justa] straitjacket [form the asylum] @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#21845 49 Sun Jan 24 11:45:43 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#21846 49 Sun Jan 24 17:56:15 1993 Dark Nun @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#21513 49 Sun Jan 24 18:31:30 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#21847 49 Sun Jan 24 23:58:23 1993 [Now presenting] Kaptain K Mart [The most awesome BBS abuser] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#22317 49 Mon Jan 25 04:29:20 1993 [Can't beat the system] Napoleon [go with the flow!] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#22318 49 Mon Jan 25 04:30:10 1993 [Can't beat the system] Napoleon [go with the flow!] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#22319 49 Mon Jan 25 10:48:49 1993 Dark Nun @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
Thanks Napo.
#22316 49 Mon Jan 25 11:05:43 1993 [Now presenting] Kaptain K Mart [The most awesome BBS abuser] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#21848 49 Mon Jan 25 13:11:10 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#22320 49 Mon Jan 25 17:34:04 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#22321 49 Wed Jan 27 05:21:47 1993 [please] err head [don't hurt 'em] @ The Grand Illusion, seattle, us/wa/king
#22322 51 Wed Jan 27 07:19:49 1993 [StraitJacket,] Twilight [Glenn... Whatever!] @ The Asylum, Tukwila, King/WAAA/USA
#22764 49 Wed Jan 27 19:38:12 1993 [No bigger] Stimpy [than the universe itself.] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#22763 49 Wed Jan 27 20:11:50 1993 [Now presenting] Kaptain K Mart [The most awesome BBS abuser] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#22572 49 Wed Jan 27 20:13:23 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#22766 49 Thu Jan 28 01:17:11 1993 Dougie the Rat King @ Phreakers Phallus, Not Seattle
#22765 49 Thu Jan 28 08:43:46 1993 Twoflower @ Milliways, Seattle, U.S.A.
#23090 49 Thu Jan 28 10:11:53 1993 [Now presenting] Kaptain K Mart [The most awesome BBS abuser] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#22767 49 Thu Jan 28 16:01:41 1993 Shane Johnson @ The Grand Illusion, seattle, us/wa/king
#23091 49 Thu Jan 28 16:04:14 1993 Dougie the Rat King @ Phreakers Phallus, Not Seattle
#23095 49 Thu Jan 28 18:04:07 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#23092 49 Thu Jan 28 18:38:11 1993 [Now presenting] Kaptain K Mart [The most awesome BBS abuser] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#22780 49 Thu Jan 28 19:01:34 1993 [Ignore my typos.] Little Nemo [I ignore them.] @ Slumberland, Olympia, USA/WA/THU
#23094 49 Thu Jan 28 20:50:55 1993 [3eLtCDR Zeak0] Crabapple [3eDe'Marino0] @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#23093 49 Thu Jan 28 22:12:46 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#23096 49 Fri Jan 29 00:57:10 1993 Dougie the Rat King @ Phreakers Phallus, Not Seattle
#23589 49 Fri Jan 29 06:19:49 1993 [StraitJacket,] Twilight [Glenn... Whatever!] @ The Asylum, Tukwila, King/WAAA/USA
#23097 49 Fri Jan 29 09:19:44 1993 Levendis @ The Digital I, SEATTLE, USA/WA/KING
#23590 49 Fri Jan 29 15:23:51 1993 Dougie the Rat King @ Phreakers Phallus, Not Seattle
#23591 49 Fri Jan 29 15:33:54 1993 [No bigger] Stimpy [than the universe itself.] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#23592 49 Fri Jan 29 19:50:34 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#23820 49 Sat Jan 30 22:46:23 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#24246 49 Sun Jan 31 10:40:52 1993 [beep beep] B Man ['s driving!] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#24244 49 Sun Jan 31 11:59:46 1993 [Memory Alpha SysGoddess] Heather R. Scott @ Memory Alpha, Kent, U.S.A.
#24545 49 Sun Jan 31 15:44:07 1993 [No bigger] Stimpy [than the universe itself.] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#24546 49 Sun Jan 31 16:44:39 1993 [Jacked] Saint Bob [Out] @ The Mothership Connection, Takoma Park, MD, USA/MD/Takoma
#24245 49 Sun Jan 31 18:18:44 1993 [3eLtCDR Zeak] Crabapple [3eDe'Marino CMO/Courageous0] @ Applegrove, Mapleleaf/Greenlake, Seattle, Washington
#24737 49 Tue Feb 2 21:23:23 1993 Levendis @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#26152 49 Thu Feb 4 15:11:38 1993 [Someone tell] Sprung Sprocket [To go home now, please.] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#26153 49 Sun Feb 7 01:24:50 1993 [Someone tell] Sprung Sprocket [To go home now, please.] @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#27075 49 Tue Feb 9 06:07:48 1993 [Magister] B Man @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#27076 49 Tue Feb 9 09:06:30 1993 [No bigger] Stimpy [than the universe itself.] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27079 49 Tue Feb 9 10:35:55 1993 [Everybody have fun tonight.] Kaptain K Mart [Everybody wang chung tonight.] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#27084 49 Tue Feb 9 10:40:20 1993 Aquarius [is a bum] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27085 49 Tue Feb 9 13:10:42 1993 [If only] Kookie [had a brain] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27086 49 Tue Feb 9 13:22:02 1993 Traxx [is a force to be reckened with] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27087 49 Tue Feb 9 13:43:37 1993 [No bigger] Stimpy [than the universe itself.] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27082 49 Tue Feb 9 14:30:14 1993 PHANTOM @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27083 49 Tue Feb 9 16:52:23 1993 Aquarius [is a bum] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27081 49 Tue Feb 9 17:06:14 1993 sir robert @ Doomed to Failure, Tacoma, Wa/Pierce/USA
#27077 49 Tue Feb 9 17:57:24 1993 Kaptain K Mart @ YOUR NAME HERE, tackyWA, #nodecountry
#27080 49 Tue Feb 9 18:10:16 1993 Aquarius [is a bum] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27088 49 Tue Feb 9 19:09:51 1993 [3fI AM] Cheetah [3fAND I LOVE MY BABY!!!!] @ Doomed to Failure, Tacoma, Wa/Pierce/USA
#27089 49 Tue Feb 9 20:50:33 1993 The Mad Hatter @ Doomed to Failure, Tacoma, Wa/Pierce/USA
#27234 49 Wed Feb 10 15:54:44 1993 Aquarius [is a bum] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27235 49 Wed Feb 10 17:04:52 1993 [No bigger] Stimpy [than the universe itself.] @ The Wind, Lakewood, WA
#27074 49 Wed Feb 10 18:02:51 1993 Xiphiplastron @ The Mavenry, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
3`bmw0R)b#1aʺPv0@Vɀ0S)^Q@$3D2H !B BPf"D b$b# `2fF"b0$PB @f"Hf"$!dbf2d @"1$" b1! P0 0@ d# #d L1 fF1d2& & 0fPBD2d#$2H"! LFfd3L3$fb0dD.uݧBW5j1aaf|9wKz=!Zpm7n]#7_iz; s,ni Lye~˚^)|0UC\whi9vg5mB5^7ŋn5uN/#Pv@ X^6WN-ub;FB3B"F0̄1@!Df12&"2!`d2 $PPHF"3#LF F" ! f!BP0b0"&1Df3F2D#0$P` d""d22"L3D`!DF3`0?ȩ-X
#27090 49 Wed Feb 10 21:26:15 1993 [The Illustrious Potentate] Xiphiplastron [speaks] @ Shell, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#27236 49 Wed Feb 10 21:41:26 1993 [Magister] B Man @ Rape Crisis Hotline, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#27078 49 Thu Feb 11 10:37:35 1993 [StraitJacket,] Twilight [Glenn... Whatever!] @ The Asylum, Tukwila, King/WAAA/USA
nice post Xiphi!
#27233 49 Fri Feb 12 00:39:11 1993 Livia @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#31303 49 Thu Feb 25 19:28:45 1993 Kaptain K Mart @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#31302 49 Thu Feb 25 19:57:22 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#31305 49 Thu Feb 25 22:12:50 1993 [VPP sucks me off] Dougie the Rat King [and my sister fucks his girlfr] @ Phreakers Phallus, Not Seattle
#31304 49 Thu Feb 25 22:23:06 1993 [Hi I'm] B Man [and I'm an analectual] @ Suck My Duck, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#30983 49 Fri Feb 26 05:58:14 1993 DON KIMBERLIN @ The Anticlimactic Teleservice, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#30984 49 Fri Feb 26 12:15:55 1993 Livia @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#30985 49 Sat Feb 27 04:27:55 1993 JayDee @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#30986 49 Sun Feb 28 12:25:28 1993 Dougie the Rat King @ Phreakers Phallus, Not Seattle
#30987 49 Tue Mar 2 14:13:34 1993 [night of long claws] Logan [the Long Fang] @ The Mothership Connection, Takoma Park, MD, USA
#31306 49 Wed Mar 10 14:55:49 1993 Captain James T Kirk @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, WA, U.S.A.
#31307 49 Wed Mar 10 19:39:44 1993 [system admin] Steve Baxter [206-786-9248] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, WA, U.S.A.
Got it.
#31310 49 Wed Mar 10 20:06:32 1993 [you raise the blade] Nepotistic Nibbler [you make the change] @ Tripwire of the Past, West Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#31311 49 Wed Mar 10 20:06:38 1993 [you raise the blade] Nepotistic Nibbler [you make the change] @ Tripwire of the Past, West Seattle, USA/WA/KING
#31309 49 Thu Mar 11 17:31:21 1993 [Hi I'm] B Man [and I'm an analectual] @ Suck My Duck, Tacoma, USA/WA/Pierce
#31308 49 Thu Mar 11 19:49:43 1993 [system admin] Steve Baxter [206-786-9248] @ Columbia Crest BBS, Olympia, WA, U.S.A.
#32175 49 Fri Mar 12 05:00:23 1993 JayDee @ Amber, Seattle, US/WA/KING
#31312 49 Sun Mar 14 11:25:23 1993 [Memory Alpha SysGoddess] Heather R. Scott @ Memory Alpha, Kent, U.S.A.
#31427 49 Mon Mar 15 16:34:58 1993 Captain James T Kirk
#32176 49 Wed Mar 17 20:59:00 1993 Brent Bottles @ So I'm Lazy, Seattle, US/WA/King
#32338 49 Sat Mar 20 20:51:20 1993 [BURNING! BURNING!] Kaptain K Mart [DISCO INFERNO! BURNING!BURNIN] @ The Blue Light Special, Beautiful Tacoma, Discoland
#167927 49 Sat Oct 1 04:30:57 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
what room would that be, freejack? it certainly wasn't any of those boring movie rooms
#167986 49 Sat Oct 1 10:43:23 1994 [3dwatch out] Black Wolf [0fis on the prowl.] @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
kill All Livia rooms!!!! heh heh
#168424 49 Sun Oct 2 08:57:14 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
then kill all the Bypass rooms, too then we can go to work on the rest of them, like Pattycakes, V'ger, Cohort, Sanguine, Son of Bloated>, Your Mommas' Cat, and so-on and that I Hate Spymaster room has just gotta go...
#168502 49 Sun Oct 2 09:49:08 1994 StraitJacket @ The Asylum, Seattle, U.S.A.
Nic e thought BW...
#168500 49 Sun Oct 2 17:55:48 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
But what if you hate spymaster?
#168501 49 Sun Oct 2 19:08:26 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
There's an I Hate Spymaster room? Who carries it?
#168503 49 Sun Oct 2 22:03:35 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
it was on tmm.sea I killed it here I thought I saw it on The Black Road, but I could have been hallucinating
#168574 49 Mon Oct 3 11:58:00 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
it was a bad room
#168573 49 Mon Oct 3 13:56:06 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
I know it was netted all around for a while, I know I had it before Brent published it as an official bad room.
#168863 49 Mon Oct 3 14:22:31 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
musta been the bad drugs...
#168862 49 Mon Oct 3 15:14:10 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
no such thing here
#168223 49 Mon Oct 3 16:40:29 1994 Freejack @ Digital Free America, CyberHell, USA
FRuG killed a "livia" room... which i've yet to see... i don't know if i have your sexy butt fan club room though... but then i've never seen your butt... or you for that matter... i've never been to washington you see... and those boring movie rooms bore me...
#168623 49 Mon Oct 3 22:43:04 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
Only one still here is "Livia's sexy BUTT fan club".
#169243 49 Tue Oct 4 14:01:37 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
How about "I hate Livia's sexy BUTT fan club" room?
#169245 49 Tue Oct 4 15:26:11 1994 Megamol [ from tellagraph hill] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
Better watch it LR thoughts like that could get you into deep deep poop
#169244 49 Tue Oct 4 17:31:16 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
i want that room!
#169246 49 Tue Oct 4 18:50:47 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
#168350 49 Tue Oct 4 21:09:37 1994 Freejack @ Digital Free America, CyberHell, USA
grrr... that damn bogus generation x room pisses me off!
#169358 49 Tue Oct 4 22:43:12 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
it isn't a boring movie room, Freejack it is a real friendly Citadel Soap Opera room where anythyang can happen and will if someone I know around here doesn't pull A Maven on me, combined with shades of Beowulf action...but in their own subtle special way... your choice to carry what rooms you want; that's the freedom you get here
#169155 49 Wed Oct 5 10:48:22 1994 Twoflower @ The Fourth Tower, Olympia, THURSTON/WA/USA
sysop forum works well enough as an i-hate-spymaster room
#169359 49 Wed Oct 5 14:44:18 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
Livia > well, you have but to create it... I'll carry it fer sure, dude.
#169919 49 Thu Oct 6 23:16:49 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
why, Freejack?
#169751 49 Fri Oct 7 15:37:41 1994 Freejack @ Digital Free America, CyberHell, USA
there is an evil twin of "Generation X" floating around the net... it has an eof character (or something) after the X... it refuses to be slain because anything after it in the netid.cit file can't be read... this will have to be deleted from the netid.cit file correct?
#170307 49 Sun Oct 9 00:57:55 1994 Alpha Wolf @ The Raft, Seattle, WA, US
2flower: :)
#170486 49 Sun Oct 9 10:05:32 1994 Blain Nelson @ Blain's World (not!) BBS, Ferndale, USA/WA/WHATCOM
The evil ^Z rooms must be deleted from netid.cit or it will just keep growing and growing and not working. I'm designing a little application for roomreq maintenance which will include stripping out ^Z characters. I need to find a programmer to do the coding for me, but I've pretty much got the interface and features figured out.
#171879 49 Sun Oct 9 21:54:51 1994 Ren @ The Institute, Sacramento, US/CA/SACRAMENTO
test message
#171880 49 Sun Oct 9 22:10:53 1994 Smeagol @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
net seed
#171241 49 Mon Oct 10 10:50:53 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Oh sure blain, you pitch the applic descrip to me but don't tell me what it's FOR! I should have guessed though. BTW, I'm looking at the djgcc compiler so you may even get a most exciting 32-bit app to run on your 386 or better! Won't that be nice...
#171453 49 Mon Oct 10 23:26:10 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Blain> I can give it a shot if you'd like.
#171883 49 Tue Oct 11 08:26:04 1994 Smeagol @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
I changed my Net ID for "GremCit Help" back to GCIT Help, so hopefully that room should now work are things on your end?
#171884 49 Tue Oct 11 10:15:57 1994 Talysman @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
Hah, Smeagol, you liar! Look at the rooms. It's still got the same name. Weird.
#170861 49 Tue Oct 11 16:10:23 1994 Freejack @ Digital Free America, CyberHell, USA
because my netid.cit has multiple occurances of the said room... isn't netid.cit the file that should *not* have an eof char? hell is the right-pointing arrow the eof char anyway? i'm too lazy to look it up...
#171885 49 Tue Oct 11 17:33:10 1994 Smeagol @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
no, the Net the part after the room name, it says "Net ID GCIT Help." for that room. It used to be "GremCit Help" just like the rooms name, and that's why it wasn't working, because The Institute has the Net ID of GCIT Help. Now we're the same, things should be working in this room.
#171886 49 Tue Oct 11 18:59:19 1994 [3AhThe Modern Imagination] Kumba [3Ah349-9352] @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
test message.
#171887 49 Tue Oct 11 20:29:11 1994 [Desired by all...] Barefoot Beach Boy [...but available to none...] @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
Where was that from, Kumba?
#171881 49 Tue Oct 11 20:40:41 1994 Smeagol @ The Institute, Sacramento, US/CA/SACRAMENTO
ok, I guess this is a sysop-only room as well, I guess I'll remove it from public view on my board. I didn't know which of these rooms were meant for sysops or just everyone. what ones are sysop-only besides "problem users" and the two "ID" rooms?
#171325 49 Tue Oct 11 21:04:44 1994 Blain Nelson @ Blain's World (not!) BBS, Ferndale, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Did I forget to mention that little detail? I'm sorry. I was sure you'd figure out what it was for, or that I'd told you. Golly. 32 bits.
#171888 49 Tue Oct 11 21:09:00 1994 Smeagol @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
I've also made this room "sysop-only"
#177022 49 Tue Oct 11 23:57:41 1994 [Under The Sea] LITTLE MERMAID @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
Doom 2 you have to play this game guys!!! its too cool!!!
#171882 49 Tue Oct 11 23:59:52 1994 Ren @ The Institute, Sacramento, US/CA/SACRAMENTO
well, this is NOT a SysOp only room (I don't think so..) . This is for the BIG network... and I changed the info-line for the other room... it was never a group only room... the only group only room that I have is Problem users....
#171890 49 Wed Oct 12 08:12:16 1994 Smeagol @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
oh, the two ID ones are public rooms. Make up your mind, dammit...ehOH! nah, ok...that makes sense. I don't think people are going to understand what Net ID and Local ID are, though.
#171889 49 Wed Oct 12 13:17:39 1994 Ren @ The Institute, Sacramento, US/CA/SACRAMENTO
Taly: I can make rooms like, Yuck Foo room, but have it labeled GCIT HELP fo the net...
#171891 49 Wed Oct 12 14:03:38 1994 [3AhThe Modern Imagination] Kumba [3Ah349-9352] @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
test message, Act II.
#171892 49 Wed Oct 12 17:25:22 1994 [Desired by all...] Barefoot Beach Boy [...but available to none...] @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
It worked, Kumba.
#171894 49 Thu Oct 13 08:41:51 1994 Smeagol @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
is that "GremCit Help" room working properly? I still haven't seen any recent messages from your end.
#171893 49 Thu Oct 13 13:13:00 1994 Ren @ The Institute, Sacramento, US/CA/SACRAMENTO
That's why I have Net ID in one hallway (SO when I call Seattle) and a Local ID (when I call you or Erif)
#171676 49 Thu Oct 13 14:44:10 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
netted goltar rooms here: i hate us robotics alt-x;exit;format c:; MATT the big ASSHOLE!!! Livia's sexy BUTT fan club .enter sex room and then some rooms made for goltar, but not by him: Goltar Fan Club GoltarCit Test Voice Mail
#171675 49 Thu Oct 13 16:09:31 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Freejack -- right on both counts. delete the eof char.
#171674 49 Thu Oct 13 21:47:57 1994 Blain Nelson @ Blain's World (not!) BBS, Ferndale, USA/WA/WHATCOM
You've probably got a eof in there that's messing things up -- it will do so reliably.
#171677 49 Thu Oct 13 22:38:06 1994 Counselor @ Blind Man's Bluff, Kirkland, WA, USA
Megamol, I think "conspiracies" is the correct net id. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
#171895 49 Fri Oct 14 00:47:11 1994 Ren @ The Institute, Sacramento, US/CA/SACRAMENTO
probably since no one has have trouble in it?
#171896 49 Fri Oct 14 02:46:15 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
the net id for the gremcit help room is "gremcit test"
#171969 49 Fri Oct 14 15:57:01 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Oh, I didn't realize Lab Rat had reserved it. Besides, I need to stop thinking about these side projects until I get another development spurt in SpudCit done.
#172100 49 Fri Oct 14 21:14:30 1994 [abBorders of Life and Death] Knight Shade [nbAre at best, shadowy] @ Palace of the Miniken, Kirkland, Washington.
a, quite your complaining. whats up!
#171970 49 Sat Oct 15 08:51:47 1994 MontyL @ Black Mountain, Kendall, US/WA/Whatcom
How goes the battle, Spud?
#171048 49 Sat Oct 15 10:37:12 1994 Captain James T Kirk
the right-pointing arrow is EOF... then left-pointing one is ESC...
#172167 49 Sat Oct 15 21:28:39 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
He's talking about vaporware again. Say, Spud. It happens that I've also been writing a little BBS idea of mine. Funny, I haven't mentioned it before.
#172316 49 Sun Oct 16 14:56:42 1994 Freejack @ Digital Free America, CyberHell, USA
ooh. california boards are back...
#172420 49 Sun Oct 16 16:36:52 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
John> funny how you don't realize that you don't work the same way that I do. It's also funny how a few people have actually seen my program work. It's not mature, dammit. But I like to know what people think of my ideas. Pretty much any program is accepted more if the target audience gets what they want.
#172421 49 Sun Oct 16 20:16:06 1994 Blain Nelson @ Blain's World (not!) BBS, Ferndale, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Is there a room out there for Domestic Violence / Abuse out there? If not, I'll make one.
#172547 49 Sun Oct 16 21:03:40 1994 Brent Bottles @ The Anticlimactic Teleservice, Seattle, US/WA/KING
What arrow is pointing out your butt? The "Net ID's" (gosh, how I hate that Net ID) room does not need to be sysop-only, though you are free to do whatever you want with it on your board, of course. If you want to get real help about GremCit, use the "GremCit Test" Net ID. The two valid Location Identifiers for Roseville, CA, are "34ca" (Fiddyment Field) and "ca19" (Pruett). "ros" is not a valid Location Identifier for anywhere. Please change your address at Miscellaneous Debris, and pick whichever of those is a bigger airport. (If they are both the same size, flip a coin.)
#172548 49 Sun Oct 16 21:36:30 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
I don't brag about vaporware the same way that you do. You may like to know what people think of your ideas. Unfortunately, I've read your messages in this room, and can't find any ideas in them.
#172549 49 Sun Oct 16 21:44:35 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Is there a room on the net about financial investment?
#172274 49 Sun Oct 16 22:21:43 1994 Captain James T Kirk
net id for "Gremcit Help" (it's called "GremCit Bugs" on most boards) is "gremcit test"...
#173228 49 Mon Oct 17 14:05:03 1994 [Harmlessly passing] Alpha Wolf ['s time in the grassland away] @ Palace of the Miniken, Kirkland, Washington.
someone is going to have to make a compiled list of what all rooms are out there... Maybe from roomreq.* files... there is an idea... :)
#172923 49 Mon Oct 17 19:11:21 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
John > I'm sure people have said this to you many times before (all with good reason) in reference to SpudCit, FUCK OFF. What are you, jealous or something? I do believe GS was bringing the people who MATTER up to date on the current state of his multitudinous projects. I've seen actual working programs out of him. Damn good ones in fact. What have you written?
#172841 49 Mon Oct 17 20:44:36 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
Spud -- imho you can ignore John without guilt or fear of missing out on any ideas or valid/valuable criticism.
#173224 49 Mon Oct 17 23:46:45 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
so let him upload some of those actual working programs, lab rat in the meantime, john is more than justified in assuming that spud boy is just the latest in a long line of all-talk no-action cit programmer wannabes
#173225 49 Tue Oct 18 04:02:51 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
What have I written? I wrote the first Citadel autorouter (as far as I know). I'm told that Maven has integrated my autorouter approach into MavenCit. I wrote an AP newsreader that integrates the AP newswire into Citadel rooms. I wrote two BBS's on the Commodore 64 about eight years ago. I co-wrote the Livian Conspiracy. I have also written a few complete commercial applications. I'm not a super-hacker, but I'm not a dumbshit, either. And I've seen a lot of loud-mouths come and go. As I have stated before, Spud draws ego-points for bragging about software that doesn't exist, because many of you are stupid enough to stroke him. So you, Lab Rat, can suck my throbbing prick. And you'd better swallow, you worm.
#173227 49 Tue Oct 18 05:32:38 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
oh, woo
#173226 49 Tue Oct 18 09:59:39 1994 [He is not a bear!] FuzzyWuzzy [He's a Sysop] @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
I have some of Spud's working programs, and they do work good!
#173369 49 Tue Oct 18 15:50:35 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
but do they work as well as fredware?
#173591 49 Tue Oct 18 22:24:35 1994 Brent Bottles @ The Anticlimactic Teleservice, Seattle, US/WA/KING
John! How could your forget about Atlas? :) I could find no obvious rooms here that deal with domestic violence and abuse or financial investment.
#173762 49 Wed Oct 19 06:37:23 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Unless "Relationships" counts as a domestic violence room. That's where Jaydee discusses his problem with beating his girlfriend.
#173802 49 Wed Oct 19 09:54:08 1994 [Voyage of the] Flying Wombat @ The Log Cabin, Seattle, WA
I suggest that the room with net ID "Child Abuse" be used, for a couple of reasons: (1) the topic in the room already tends to cover domestic violence and other types of abuse beyond the abuse of children; (2) the room is labelled "Abuse: what is it?" on TLC and therefore isn't limited to one kind of abuse, therefore callers don't feel limited; (3) in society, domestic violence and child abuse go hand in hand; we really must deal with all aspects of the problem... and (4) it'd be better to encourage a greater flow of discussion in one relevant room instead of fragmenting the topic and ending up with several semi-dead rooms. if this net had greater activity in serious, topical rooms, I would suggest otherwise.
#173804 49 Wed Oct 19 10:29:52 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
I'd suggest you do a large amount of .rr, EP and I still intend to honor a deal with Livia concerning posting ratshit in technical rooms, even during the little ragwar you and the other SODs are going to attempt to perpetrate...
#173976 49 Wed Oct 19 11:32:49 1994 Ren @ The Institute, Sacramento, US/CA/SACRAMENTO
Alpha Wolf: I just got a ROOMREQ.TAT so I can give you a copy if you want...
#173803 49 Wed Oct 19 12:40:05 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Livia > I don't care if john assumes that GS is a cit virtualized programmer wannabe; in fact, john could assume that GS is a small horned gecko netting from a south pacific coral reef by compressing in his head and writing packets in hexcode on parchment, stuffing them in bottles, and setting them adrift. however, I'd surely appreciate it if he would refrain from wafting his corrosive humor-destroying breath out over the citnet about it, and stop stinking up my messagebase. hmm but then I wouldn't have things to flame him about.
#174580 49 Wed Oct 19 15:25:35 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I'm afraid I don't have as much experience as you claim, John. But I don't try to stifle people. Where should I upload what I've done? Although, I doubt anybody in Seattle would find any use for an offline mail reader for some weird local Amiga board.
#173806 49 Wed Oct 19 15:39:08 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
lab rat: nobody has a right to only receive positive responses to what they post if spud chooses to post about spudcit in public netted rooms, then he has to deal with the response he gets. if he doesn't like the response, he can stop posting about it, or try a different approach and the fact that he does continue to post about it publicly (when he could use mail or a group-only room for known supporters of spudcit or a mailing list or whatever) makes me think that john is probably correct about spud's motivations especially when he jumps into the middle of an existing discussion about how to do some bbs thing or other and starts babbling about the super-cool high-tech way he'll do it in spudcit
#173805 49 Wed Oct 19 15:58:47 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
How about honoring a deal with us that you stop posting ratshit all together?
#173807 49 Wed Oct 19 19:26:12 1994 Torch Song @ Twilight Voice, City in the Clouds, US/WA/WHATCOM
Quite obviously there are some people who don't know GS at all Also obvious is the fact that it doesn't keep them from saying things that are, to those who are fortunate enough to know him, something of less relevance than a small pile of ratshit And it kinda makes it obvious who has the intelligence And who doesn't
#173974 49 Wed Oct 19 20:01:06 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
the people that know the least about someone throw the most ratshit at them, or so it seems...I JUST wonder why this is... what is obvious or not is immaterial, and intelligence is vastly overrated you can be a crack hack asm person, and write the kill apps, make 100K a year and drive a Porsche Targa that is so sweet, keep a fine condo in the right part of town and have the best herbs and powders avaiable and still be a fool nerd with the social graces of Charlie Manson... you take your chances anytime you open your trap about anything you do the reasons are also no big deal but they can and will be used against you...whether or not they even exist take my word for it I am your friend I will not lie trust me hi, TS...
#173975 49 Wed Oct 19 21:20:08 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
true, Reverend the rage is reduced to anger sometimes, even mirth...suppressed, for that enrages Them, at times... there was never serious malice slander? sometimes a truth is interpreted as a slander, and was not meant to be slander has malicious intent filthy language? yes chillin'... there are children present; one must serve as an example, even when subjected to attempted angering, enragement, malice, and slander...gotta chill
#173973 49 Wed Oct 19 21:56:32 1994 The Reverend Xavier T. Corbin @ Goodwill Industries, sea, USA/WA/KING
Jaydee, God is concerned with your language. Could you not have made better word choices than "ratshit?" Our Word says to us in Colossians 3:8 "But now you must rid yourselves of all these things: anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language from your lips."
#173884 49 Wed Oct 19 23:19:15 1994 Blain Nelson @ Blain's World (not!) BBS, Ferndale, USA/WA/WHATCOM
I'll pick up Child Abuse here and see what it's like and if it'll work for what I'm trying to do. I'll resist creating a new room if it can be avoided.
#174191 49 Thu Oct 20 03:23:02 1994 Helix Quark @ Arlecchino Malbenvolio, University District, US/WA/KING/SEA
oh my.
#176551 49 Thu Oct 20 05:31:59 1994 [Fuck you,] Toyah [!, Stop hurting my feelings!] @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
Smeagol's famous! they talk about him over the net...He's more than gothic now...
#173885 49 Thu Oct 20 05:51:22 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Golden Spud has offered to send me source code to his vaporware, so I can see just how far along it really is. I listed three different ways he could send me code, because I am genuinely interested in checking it out.
#176552 49 Thu Oct 20 06:13:03 1994 [Watch this post for a sign...] Barefoot Beach Boy [...from the almighty Beach Boy] @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
He exceeds government standards for Coolness in a BBS... (grin)
#177110 49 Thu Oct 20 12:00:26 1994 ShadowStalker @ HeLL, Pullman, US/WA/Whitman
you'd almost think this was the sysop forum...
#174192 49 Thu Oct 20 13:01:47 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
John > That's very kind of you to take time to do some research. However, your persistent use of the word "vaporware," even in reference to the probable arrival of sourcecode, causes me to distrust anything you have to say about it, considering the almost fanatical bias you have going into it.
#174193 49 Thu Oct 20 13:27:53 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Livia > This has turned into something of a silly argument. And I suppose that since this is the citnet I should probably just overlook unsupported vicious flaming and let John be nasty all he wants. My original intention was to inform John strongly, and now you as you seem to have jumped on the <ahem> Johnwagon, that, based on his programming past and my own knowledge of him, you are both full of shit, and should lay off. However, I want to thank you for responding intelligently (although sometimes irrelevantly: "mailing list for known spudcit supporters"? C'mon, Livia, this is a hobby project. Hobby projects get talked about in public rooms. That's the point. Of course, spudcit could never match up the immense greatness of Cit+ so why bother talking about it, right?) which is more than I can say for John.
#174337 49 Thu Oct 20 14:02:15 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
I have often wondered about this scatological fixation-thyangie... is it really real, or just a load of poop?
#174194 49 Thu Oct 20 15:38:24 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
then have a specific room for this "hobby project" what's annoying is how it comes up every time anything even remotely relevant is mentioned "gee, i had a good poop today" "oh, but in spudcit, you'll be able to set your poopcount all over the net by using the multitasking superpoop command" hoo ha
#174341 49 Thu Oct 20 16:07:44 1994 Helix Quark @ Arlecchino Malbenvolio, University District, US/WA/KING/SEA
doesn't everyone?
#174339 49 Thu Oct 20 18:20:21 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Again, I await arrival of actual source.
#174338 49 Thu Oct 20 18:22:46 1994 Alpha Wolf @ The Raft, Seattle, WA, US
Hmm... Ren: Alredy got my own ROOMREQ.TAT.. :) Livia. john, lab rat, spud: make your own room, net it enjoy. :)
#174575 49 Thu Oct 20 20:47:04 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
I'm watching what appears to be some John code running around in circles on the other box that is a batch file compiled into a .com file, called, and is apparently supposed to collect the directory listings of drives c thru h, and some of the guts of the cit directory, like the cron, nodes, and config.cit files, the autoexec.bat and config.sys, and make a couple of nested zipfiles to be delivered to sod.sea, via tat and amb... it assumes way too much about the structure of the Citbox, first of all, and really gets spastic when it is run in a more conventionally-structured enviornment, where the directory where Citadel is living is C:\CIT the only thing you find on the C: drive on the real box is the os, some utilities, and a few zipfiles, plus a 10-meg msg.dat file... the idea is a good one, if you want to snoop on a conventional box this box isn't set-up in a conventional manner and isn't likely to ever be-so I'll assume no malicious intent was the case when a couple of members of the Development Team visited Anarchy Park, a couple-years ago now, they could have trashed the box, had they the attitudes of assholes but, they didn't... and revealed their characters and ethics as being way-cool peoples
#174340 49 Thu Oct 20 22:02:22 1994 Brent Bottles @ The Anticlimactic Teleservice, Seattle, US/WA/KING
And, John, you did not write the first Citadel autorouter. You wrote the first Citadel autorouter that was worth using. The Dragon wrote one first. From what I remember, it spased a butt-load and a half of poop into the end of ROUTE.CIT so it could see what it was doing the next time it was run.
#176553 49 Thu Oct 20 22:53:49 1994 [your eyes...] Salome @ Miscellaneous Debris, Roseville, US/CA/PLACER
Yikes, there are a lot of angry modemers out there. I'm afraid.
#174336 49 Thu Oct 20 23:56:27 1994 [He is not a bear!] FuzzyWuzzy [He's a Sysop] @ Line NoiZe, Ferndale, U.S.A.
I am going to be running SpudCit when he gets it finished!
#174578 49 Fri Oct 21 00:40:20 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
no, i just downloaded all your term program passwords, and used them to crash someone else's board i'm so damn ethical
#174576 49 Fri Oct 21 01:00:30 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
If we had trashed your toys, we wouldn't have you to toy with. The file was mine. John's would have been a little fancier.
#174577 49 Fri Oct 21 02:55:43 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
So many weapons in our arsenal bring us to that very paradox: Sure, we can trash your toys. But then we won't have you to toy with. I suspect that some day, that's precisely the way we'll want it.
#174579 49 Fri Oct 21 05:49:33 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
Livia, I'm shucked at your blatant admission of lack of BBS Ethics:>! gha, when the woman you respect, admire, and feel all warm and wiggly over would prey on The Resistance, behave as if Anarchy reigned, and use her super-powers to rain all over someone-elses' parade...well, uh, I, ah... shit, they probably deserved it (there is rationalization 4-ya, driven by the power of luv bb) but watch out, my dear... if they had indeed gotten off the load they wanted to you may have goten screwed, someday, and not too sweetly... I owe ya one, babe if it hadn't been for you, my site wouldn't have ever gotten hardened... indeed, there is a god and, it is a kitty... meyow now, as for you hooligans... I made up a nice little packet...all the timestamps on the files were real- looking...the jdir.txt series even allocated for an extra minute on the jdir2.txt, because it turned out to be real big...and by the time it got to jdir6.txt, it was plain to see that the box was rather large, and laid out in a most unusual manner...only the names were changed to protect the innocent who might have been Bypassing by... a totally bogus nodes.cit file might have led to corn-fusion, then pooping when you finally realized the cat was not only outta the bag, but off laying your prize Cocker Spaniel under your very own bed, while you examined a well put-together, and authentic-looking fbi.trap file, and stroking your dicks thinking you were El Ultimo Stealth SpyTech BadAss Mo-Foz...heh... but that would have been deceptive I take pride in being straightforward and up-front, and not using lies and deception to accomplish my works and deeds (unevile ones, at that) so I RMAed the peace of feelth back to-ya, and changed the name to make sure it didn't freak with your, huh? who uses pkzip, anyway...or hslink.exe, for that matter? I certainly don't clue, there...
#175239 49 Fri Oct 21 11:37:26 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Sometimes, the smartest enemy is the one who seems the most stupid. (*) Sometimes you think you hear a knock at the door, but nobody's there. What happens at the back door while you're checking the front? (*) [The asterisks ("*") above denote clues.] You'd be well-served to be nice to me. You see, I'm the bandito with the biggest guns. And with them come an irksome sense of morality. The other Bandito kept yelling, "Blow him away! Blow him away!" I could hardly quiet him down. But we found a middle ground. A puff of smoke, a commotion, and it's amazing what 750 bytes can do ("*"). Especially when you're looking the other way ("*"). So if you think you've caught us with egg on our faces... well... enjoy the feeling well you still can. But even though I'm the quiet one, I'm also the one you shouldn't piss off. Because you hold the bomb, and I hold the trigger. Have a nice day.
#175241 49 Fri Oct 21 12:35:30 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
John, you insane irrationalizing fool... no I did not catch you with egg on your faces, and had no intention of insult ...the batch file was a most-clever device, too, and on a standardized Cit it probably would have functioned as intended, raided the files, and given you all the inits;pw to the nodes that I net with...I just am wondering why you wanted that information, anyway? mmm? I might have saved your butt from getting more than just me pissed off, btw yes, I know about the Banditos that yell "Blow em away!" I've sat at a table on a few occasions, watching stealth-tactics being done stealth tactics that one rather conservative sysop from the EastSide became aware of, I believe, and was a tad bit upset at the action going-on in his presence, as-well, if I read his expressions when he found-out what was going on...he wasn't "watching", but, he saw... and don't even try handing-off that morality dogvomit just what did you intend to do with those raided files, anyway? put-em on 3.5" floppy disk, and bury them in the backyard, I suppose... or have you created a slightly-larger smokescreen, and done super-stealth, and hold the key to a triggering device, to set-off a future explosion? or stage an even more elaborate plot, with still more deceptions and evile manipulations, on a much larger clever hooligan(s), you...(?) I ain't going roll over and play it and I already have been warned by those allegedly "in the know" not to step onto anyones' chessboard...a relatively "long" time I didn't if I had done that, and stayed on that board, gotten whacked, then that game would be even more entrenched, in any number of possible Futures... you see, Citadel SoapOpera does connect at various points into many of the Real Worlds, and all facets have influences on one-another...real complex and that is _real_ no bs games at all real people, real lives, and real outcomes influenced by this virtual space ten years from now, I wanna see peoples' headspaces being in a fine place and I've been around long enough to have a few shards of clues, even the more I work at it, the better I get at it, and fuckin'a woah, I have finally seen some rather nasty rude mindwhackin' fuck-up-many-future-world forever-and-ever...even lifeshortening events, get aborted and put down fuckin-A, am I good, or what...yoW! nevertheless, a couple of those real-world intersects is fast-approaching it's cool it's cool... so I gotta go do-it-to-it want some detailin'? you know where to ask if you are really curious my e-mail address is JayDee @ LOK.SEA, incidently don't hafta be-obscuristic in there doncha-know... ttfn
#175242 49 Fri Oct 21 13:03:59 1994 [Just call me] Megamol [hippie child] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
hmmmm......very interesting......
#175498 49 Fri Oct 21 16:58:27 1994 Saint Bob @ Outsider's, Takoma Park, MD, US/MD/MONTGOMERY
My last installation, I had citadel in E:\CUNT.
#175245 49 Fri Oct 21 17:51:53 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
EP: I didn't in the past, and from what I have seen of it, I really don't want just don't know... but, I'm running into some "ok" people, and resisting The Collar of Obedience is having some positive overall results...finally a kiloday to-go yo ho ho...
#175240 49 Fri Oct 21 17:57:51 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, Seattle
Livia > Brent says you're always right, so...
#175243 49 Fri Oct 21 18:00:12 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
nodes.cit was a complete afterthought. The file you saw run was a secondary file.
#175244 49 Fri Oct 21 18:01:59 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
And how, Jaydee, would you know about the Real World? (your capitals, not mine). You certainly don't live in it.
#175246 49 Fri Oct 21 21:39:34 1994 golden spud [viewable problem user] @ Golden Spud's Greasehouse, Custer, USA/WA/WHATCOM
John> you see, I am in high school. And in the Ferndale High School marching band, which is very competitive. I would upload it to Amber now, but I'm too tired, and I'll probably go to bed real soon. And tomorrow I'm doing band stuff from 9am to midnight, stopping only for transportation and meals. Have patience until Sunday. Oh, and about source code. You won't see any for a while. You're just going to get some EXEs and a couple other files and some Qik-E^tm instructions.
#175495 49 Sat Oct 22 01:58:40 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
The only letters I send you, JayDee, are letter-bombs. Sifting through the crap, it sounds like you might be getting a life. If so, I think that's wonderful news, and I eagerly await your departure. Spud: In you mail you specified that you would send me source for *SpudCit*. No, I don't give a shit about some Amiga offline reader. I want to see just what you offered me. In exchange, free of charge, I'd be happy to render professional opinion on the quality of your code. Seriously. You continue to misunderstand me. Innovation is a wonderful thing. But *talking* is not *doing*. I told myself, "Ok, when this guy starts transmitting his netbrags from his very own fully original clone of Citadel, then I'll cut him a lot of slack." Then you can talk about your ideas. And if one of every ten or so actually get implemented, I'll happily play along. The problem is, Spud, people hook their train up backwards. Innovation (or just hard work) comes FIRST, and then comes (hopefully) recognition and respect. If I actually see your original software in operation, I'll listen. I'll recognize. I'll respect. Until then, I'll continue insisting that you stop talking and start delivering. If you want to shoot the shit, sit around with us other losers and talk about the World that Could Be, I'm right here with you, and I can bullshit about features and frills with the best of them. But don't try to siphon off any *recognition* for this. Unrealized dreams could pave the planet. They're the nick-nacks you'd love to give away, if you could only find a taker. Idea-sellers live in fiberboard shacks, and insist that you haul your own purchases. The fact that you've got more of the stuff to throw in the pile only means God has given you a map to the treasure. That and two bucks will buy you a latte. Richard and Brent also talk about ideas. But they deliver. And it's amazing how little they talk for how much they deliver. How's your ratio? I don't think I can imagine any more ways to make this point. Perhaps it'll catch this time.
#175496 49 Sat Oct 22 01:59:56 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
As I said in my mail, you can upload to Amber, which hopefully has a directory room available. (Livia?)
#175497 49 Sat Oct 22 03:13:49 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
actually, i only give out upload access to a few people the raft, however, has several open-access directory rooms
#175499 49 Sat Oct 22 05:25:29 1994 John Gardner @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
The Raft it is, then. Please upload the source to The Raft, Spud. If you like, you may include a password in your zip.
#175654 49 Sat Oct 22 12:17:18 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
hose off, John filling up my dlpath with ratshit is lame stink bombs are also a better application and don't use Amber as a path for spreading your shit, either
#175657 49 Sat Oct 22 15:56:17 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
I don't like anything in connection with Livia being "used" use the net hub, you users, you
#175656 49 Sat Oct 22 16:08:45 1994 [Just call me] Megamol [hippie child] @ Tellagraph Hill, Seattle
Elisabeth, were you aware that there are rumors and inuendos going around that you are actually a male???
#175655 49 Sat Oct 22 17:02:34 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Why is it always to John? Why don't you ever give me any respect for what >I'm< doing in this? We like using Amber as a path. Why does that bother you?
#175661 49 Sat Oct 22 17:11:04 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
why don't you try it for yourself, Livia you might find out something you don't know about then again, you might not depends upon how your mind is...or isn't or, perhaps you just don't want to know might spoil the alleged fun of it all then, what would you do... and you probably wouldn't want to tell...too "revealing"...
#175662 49 Sat Oct 22 18:00:20 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
good, John you will need her coordination alone, you ain't got shit...
#175659 49 Sat Oct 22 18:27:17 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
amber likes being used as a path i had actually de-verified loka shortly before it started, but when i saw the first file69.lok, i re-verified it had a greater jaydee-harassment potential
#175658 49 Sat Oct 22 19:11:51 1994 John @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
We have already spoken with Livia, and coordinated our activities with her. Why are you so concerned about someone else's BBS? Spud: As I said in mail, I am not interested in seeing your executable. As I also said in mail, when your messages are originating from your own software, then I will give what you have done a look.
#175663 49 Sat Oct 22 19:25:10 1994 JayDee @ Loka, Seattle
rumour is true, mol interesting...EP&Crew have a woman to worry about the possessive inflection is noted, too woo
#175660 49 Sat Oct 22 20:09:11 1994 Elisabeth Perrin @ Saltlick Of Desire, Seattle, USA/WA/KING
Talk about a provincial attitude Jaydee. Worry about your own woman getting used, and we'll worry about ours.
#176916 49 Sun Oct 23 00:31:26 1994 Helix Quark @ Arlecchino Malbenvolio, University District, US/WA/KING/SEA
this is really silly.
#175664 49 Sun Oct 23 02:24:26 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
i like to keep my hands clean
#176917 49 Sun Oct 23 08:50:13 1994 [Pooh-Bear] Myth [Hair] @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
Elisabeth Perrin is a manly man.
#177081 49 Sun Oct 23 09:32:46 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
can you work on greasy cars, and still keep your hands clean, Livia? kinda like walking upon the beach and not leaving tracks I have a feeling you, too, can do that
#177082 49 Sun Oct 23 10:21:39 1994 Helix Quark @ Arlecchino Malbenvolio, University District, US/WA/KING/SEA
that's why you buy latex in bulk?
#177024 49 Sun Oct 23 13:28:34 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
they aren't, my love... I just rather not use gloves they get in the way... would you rather your lover(s) use gloves? hard, rough, raspy leather gloves? gauntlets of steal to match your buns? stinky surgical rubber gloves? crinkly plastic ones like those that come with hair-dyes? I only use them when I make war clue, there, btw...
#177083 49 Sun Oct 23 15:17:02 1994 Livia @ Amber, Bellevue, US/WA/KING
i'm sure that gloves are way too complex of a concept for jaydee
#177023 49 Sun Oct 23 20:01:50 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
If I saved a dollar for every message from John I ignore, I'd be a rich man.
#177201 49 Mon Oct 24 04:24:19 1994 Helix Quark @ Arlecchino Malbenvolio, University District, US/WA/KING/SEA
What was that FRuG? Could you say that again? I was ignoring you ...
#177200 49 Mon Oct 24 07:33:27 1994 JayDee @ Loka, sea
I'd have a couple of dollars if I got paid for every weird strange-nymed message I got from SOD.SEA that I just tossed in the Dump but I guess I'd have a stack of cash if I got a dollar for every byte of FILE69 trash I've been getting from that node... then I would hose Cit off and just pay someone to run this place for me I would have the cashish to just go-away and do what I really want to do
#177202 49 Mon Oct 24 17:28:02 1994 Counselor @ Blind Man's Bluff, Kirkland, WA, USA
What's this last 40 plus messages have to do with Net IDs? How about moving this stuff to Sysop Forum?
#176548 49 Mon Oct 24 20:08:10 1994 Brent Bottles @ The Anticlimactic Teleservice, Seattle, US/WA/KING
I will soon turn the Net ID checker back on here. Just so you know.
#176547 49 Mon Oct 24 21:32:43 1994 [No More Words] ZooKeeper [No More Promises...] @ The Zoo, Bellingham, USA/WA/WHATCOM
awwww.... Counselor! you'd spoil all the fun! not everyone is insane enough to *carry* Sysop Forum, and this way it's much more, imm... well... interesting? lively? gotta admit, JayDee's in good form... <snicker>
#175964 49 Mon Oct 24 21:37:46 1994 Twoflower @ The Fourth Tower, Olympia, THURSTON/WA/USA
wow. geeze. get a life, all of you. brag, brag, brag. you're starting to sound like me.
#176549 49 Mon Oct 24 23:59:01 1994 JayDee @ Loka, Seattle
so is my BUTT... sorry, Counselor
#176550 49 Tue Oct 25 04:32:37 1994 [Cyberpunk] FRuG @ Dystopia ][, Bellingham, US/WA/Whatcom
cool, please do!
#176287 49 Tue Oct 25 13:09:17 1994 Lab Rat @ The Laboratory, sea
Goody. We're certainly looking forward to it.
#177402 49 Wed Oct 26 23:18:47 1994 [ill give you something] Spur [to bleed about]
of course. jay dees realized something i havent, i shoulda. theres an awful lot of new names cropping up in johns BIGGEST NETWAR EVER!!!! that dont post anything else. lets get some geneva netwar conventions going.
Net IDs> _