
#1738 56 Wed Feb 19 14:56:56 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [...at 943-2136]
Hey....TUNAish must live....just post whatever...in as many possible languages.....GEIL!!!
#1739 56 Wed Feb 19 14:57:17 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [...at 943-2136]
Ruf mal GEIL BBS at 943-2136
#1765 56 Wed Feb 19 18:42:39 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Sheesh... this guy's worse than >I< am...
#1873 56 Thu Feb 20 03:25:27 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
aoke wneo po gbbe. <-new language.
#1907 56 Thu Feb 20 09:39:59 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [...at 943-2136]
yep.....uh huh....that's right, but I need MORE CALLERS...I've only got 25 log entries...
#1925 56 Thu Feb 20 14:04:02 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
froplug condoik mirschlep
#1947 56 Thu Feb 20 18:13:47 1992 Captain James T Kirk
25 is good... I have about 60, but about 40 of those are from one-time-callers...
#2017 56 Thu Feb 20 20:41:35 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
dontcha hate that? hehe
#2095 56 Fri Feb 21 17:09:59 1992 oedipus
you wouldn't wan't too many.
#2095 51 Fri Feb 21 17:09:59 1992 oedipus
you wouldn't wan't too many.
#2132 56 Fri Feb 21 20:21:02 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [...at 943-2136]
well, that would mean that I have more callers than you....and that CAN'T be!
#2406 56 Sat Feb 22 00:54:45 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [...at 943-2136]
#2407 56 Sat Feb 22 00:55:05 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [...at 943-2136]
but they're slowly starting to venture into the land of GEILNESS.
#2334 56 Sat Feb 22 01:34:37 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Well, you get more calls per day, mainly becouse people use tradewars, and other doors here, and i use the computer a lot. There are a bunch of people that only call steve's board...Like Chuckueu..(whatevrr.)
#2784 56 Tue Feb 25 19:18:37 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
Everyone call the chrystal bear at 943-0759 I'm the only teen besides Spiffy adn Jason9
#2814 51 Tue Feb 25 22:15:38 1992 ETHAN WALKER
spoo...gnorw moor, sllems ekil nailatI s'noillatS mom ni ereh!! oooyeeep pmuwguM "eht taerg
#2862 56 Wed Feb 26 04:11:15 1992 Captain James T Kirk
That has to be the WEIRDEST handle i have ever seen... Jason 9???
#2863 56 Wed Feb 26 04:11:33 1992 Captain James T Kirk
And their macros take up more room then there messages...
#2974 56 Wed Feb 26 20:53:59 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
The auto sig is gone <sniff>, it's runnign SBBS now.
#3204 56 Fri Feb 28 04:08:01 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Really? I decent bbs programe? wow.
TUNAish> _