
#38 49 Wed Jan 2 09:37:53 1991 Blade Runner
I don't speak Russian.... hehe
#65 49 Wed Jan 2 09:59:42 1991 Captain James T Kirk
Same here...
#108 49 Wed Jan 2 11:42:57 1991 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
I see a room revival being attempted, here...
#127 49 Wed Jan 2 20:09:57 1991 TUNA
On goverit pa Russkie! It's hard to type Russian, without a Russian keyboard! Eto doscke. So, I'll type it how it sounds!!
#597 49 Sat Jan 5 02:01:18 1991 Captain James T Kirk
HE's JOHN TUNSEN! (maybe ..on.. not shure..) This same conversation is going on on 2 of the other cits...
#11083 56 Mon Oct 21 10:18:39 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
Did Spur make this room and then tell me that there are more halls on this board than 1?
#11116 56 Tue Oct 22 12:30:35 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
No, there's really only 1 hall. I was lying, and this is a delusion of a paranoid schizophrenic who shall remain unnamed.
#11144 56 Tue Oct 22 13:13:07 1991 [Your mouth is filled with] Roya [an anarchy of teeth...]
Does anybody konw Russian? I'm a quarter Russian....I don't konw the language though...
#11220 56 Tue Oct 22 17:42:57 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
My brother knows a lot. I know a few words.
#11259 56 Tue Oct 22 19:02:19 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
I took a couple years of Russian in college.
#11302 56 Tue Oct 22 20:54:32 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
That's why he had to ask how many halls there were in english, yeah suuuuur we believe you.
#11318 56 Tue Oct 22 22:37:00 1991 Snailracer
I've been trying to learn a little bit of russian... gdyeh ?
#11390 56 Wed Oct 23 09:01:10 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
I don't read Russian in Latin letters. That looks like the way an Austrailian would say, 'Good Day'. haha BTW: Ja ne zniyu, snailracer.
#11427 56 Wed Oct 23 10:12:04 1991 [Your mouth is filled with] Roya [an anarchy of teeth...]
it's go die...oh my god...i just thought of that....what ir Aussies were really trying to say that to us? goo dy....go die....good day....weird...another startling discovery....
#11446 56 Wed Oct 23 11:37:06 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
New Zealanders are building nukes, they're going to kill us all. It's them damn black (aborigine) commie homosexuals again.
#11462 56 Wed Oct 23 17:33:31 1991 [Your mouth is filled with] Roya [an anarchy of teeth...]
You geek..even though you are joking, you shouldn't say stuff like that....
#11480 56 Thu Oct 24 11:59:24 1991 [Jane says,] Spur ["I'm gonna quit tomorrow..."]
Why not? I'm satirizing the way the fundamental fuck-for-brains running this country think.
#11574 56 Sun Oct 27 10:53:46 1991 [Your mouth is filled with] Roya [an anarchy of teeth...]
Ok...well...say that
#11612 56 Sun Oct 27 17:38:48 1991 [You'll be] Spur [Godlike]
I just did.
#11622 56 Sun Oct 27 17:51:26 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
No, it's that damn Spur again.
#415 49 Sat Jan 4 13:17:28 1992 [Poetry] Chris the Shaych [Is a subjective term.]
Te gabarutes pa Russkie?
#434 49 Sat Jan 4 14:39:08 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
cooooool...I took a little bit of Russian in Germany.
#445 49 Sat Jan 4 18:35:45 1992 [Poetry] Chris the Shaych [Is a subjective term.]
You learned Russian in Germany... uh-huh. Ok.
#589 49 Sun Jan 5 12:03:18 1992 chiquita
Hmm. Now I May actually know who Tuna is.
#649 49 Sun Jan 5 17:04:57 1992 Italian Stallion
Hi Jon. How's BS's Class
#674 49 Sun Jan 5 20:09:22 1992 bill
TUNA, twie gavorish po ruski? (Gib mir die rusische letters...)
#727 49 Mon Jan 6 09:01:07 1992 [Poetry] Chris the Shaych [Is a subjective term.]
Whaa!!! I wanna learn more Russian!! The limit of my abilites are things like, da, nyet, komrade, Soyuz Sovietsky Socialistikes Respublic, ya goladin, te garabrutes pa Russkie, kak dela, horrorshow, ya ne ga peshits, and that's about it. I wanna learn to REALLY speak it. Cyrillic was easy to pick up on, and the little bit that I leared, I picked up on easily. Where can I learn more?
#742 49 Mon Jan 6 10:16:13 1992 bill
go to college. take a class....
#787 49 Mon Jan 6 14:13:31 1992 Captain James T Kirk
I hate forign languages...
#810 49 Mon Jan 6 18:02:46 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
koneshno (naturally), po nemessssshhhhkie? (auf Deutsch). Kak toi? Yazik shoroshi, right? Voprosoi?
#865 49 Mon Jan 6 20:55:22 1992 [More loose screws] Scorpion [than a hardware store]
you need em to get into college
#892 49 Mon Jan 6 21:37:36 1992 bill
Es ist "po nemetski", denke ich. Es beduetet "dumm" auf Rusische. "Kak toi" arbeitet ok. Isis werdet dies lieben.... hehe...
#943 49 Tue Jan 7 09:13:33 1992 [I get to go to Oklahoma!!] Chris the Shaych [Yay!!]
No wonder, Audin, you don't seem to do so hot with English.
#963 49 Tue Jan 7 14:49:54 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Uh huh...
#1000 49 Tue Jan 7 17:52:19 1992 Isis
I really hate seeing my name and not understanding the words around it...
#1059 49 Tue Jan 7 19:30:37 1992 [More loose screws] Scorpion [than a hardware store]
dkhngsdhgfsISIShblsgb=dlbf=lsablfsabISISfdsihgsahfdsahfsahfhfiunuuuuuniuefISISfnlkdregnedn hahahaha
#1082 49 Tue Jan 7 20:05:43 1992 Isis
#1097 49 Tue Jan 7 20:39:02 1992 [wank wank.] Spur [how do you feel about that?]
try learning how to correctly spell the words you know first, chris.
#1129 49 Wed Jan 8 09:11:59 1992 [I get to go to Oklahoma!!] Chris the Shaych [Yay!!]
When you spell something out phonetically, it doesn't matter. Say, any of you Russian speakers know what "Chort Vozmi" and "Bozhe Moi" mean?
#1160 49 Wed Jan 8 13:58:35 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
bill> again, what's this about Isis? Wieso wird sie das gut finden? Weisst Du etwas 'was ich nicht weiss?
#1187 49 Wed Jan 8 14:56:07 1992 [everyday, everyday] Spur [i start to ooze.]
i guess not, unless you're actually trying to learn the fucking language!
#1213 49 Wed Jan 8 15:40:35 1992 Isis
all right, that's it. I DON'T CARE ANYMORE...say WHATEVER YOU WANT...
#1225 49 Wed Jan 8 15:56:57 1992 [everyday, everyday] Spur [i start to ooze.]
all right! she's cracked!
#1243 49 Wed Jan 8 18:51:54 1992 Captain James T Kirk
#1248 49 Wed Jan 8 18:58:47 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
ooops...sorry Isis!
#1262 49 Wed Jan 8 19:22:40 1992 Isis
I'm not mad, I've just given up on the situation...german just looks like a bunch of gunk to me, I can't even identify words I've seen a million times in posts.
#1276 49 Wed Jan 8 19:45:58 1992 [everyday, everyday] Spur [i start to ooze.]
german is the easiest language to translate, even if you don't know any of it. believe me.
#1393 49 Thu Jan 9 18:32:37 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
po russkie!!!
#1438 49 Thu Jan 9 21:31:14 1992 [Fuck the stupid ref] Scorpion [That made me cut my hair]
if you know how to pronounce it, half the words sound similar to their english counterparts
#1460 49 Thu Jan 9 22:51:35 1992 bill
funny and if you don't know how to pronounce French, half the words look like their English counterparts.... TUNA> I'm just putting Isis in senteces BECAUSE she seems bothered by it..... Thought, I must admit, she started it with all that French crap....
#1491 49 Fri Jan 10 10:35:12 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
Genau richtig!!
Russian> _