
#121 50 Fri Sep 20 20:36:16 1991 [That deaf dumb blind kid] Scorpion [sure plays a mean pinball.]
One deffinate plus for the GS. The OS is free, you bring in the disks and they copy the program for you.
#199 50 Fri Sep 20 23:08:23 1991 Spur
DOS is free, I understand. So is system 7.
#137 50 Sat Sep 21 04:56:02 1991 James T Kirk
Yea, but DOS comes with about every IBM, or clone.
#254 50 Sat Sep 21 21:19:01 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Copy it.
#268 50 Sat Sep 21 23:29:49 1991 James T Kirk
Yup, cheeper.
#230 50 Sun Sep 22 10:55:38 1991 [That deaf dumb blind kid] Scorpion [sure plays a mean pinball.]
DOS comes with every machine but to upgrade you have to pay $$$.
#231 50 Sun Sep 22 10:56:01 1991 [That deaf dumb blind kid] Scorpion [sure plays a mean pinball.]
Or at least you are supposted to.]
#241 50 Sun Sep 22 11:05:47 1991 James T Kirk
You can get DOS 5 for $26.00. Or copy it.
#335 50 Mon Sep 23 16:05:47 1991 [That deaf dumb blind kid] Scorpion [sure plays a mean pinball.]
Anyone here heard of copyright laws? Dindn't think so. Just checking.
#340 50 Mon Sep 23 16:10:55 1991 James T Kirk
Copywright? Whats that?
#359 50 Mon Sep 23 17:27:35 1991 [I am] Cser [Webster Jr.]
Does anyone care about copyright laws, I think not, BTW IIgs' suck
#375 50 Mon Sep 23 18:00:45 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
I've only heard that in EVERY FUCKING GODDAMN ROOM so far.
#474 50 Tue Sep 24 12:13:41 1991 [His eyes are the eyes that] Scorpion [reflect all they know.]
My setiments exactly. I could use a Timex Sinclerar and as long as I could connect it wouldn't matter to anyone else.
#500 50 Tue Sep 24 13:14:47 1991 James T Kirk
WELLLLLLL, I woulden't let someone connect HERE with a Timex Sinclare. It'd probely crash on line.
#537 50 Tue Sep 24 14:32:22 1991 Zied
WELLLLLLL, you can go beat off in the corner, while we kick you off your own damn board! hey kiddes, it's revelotion time.
#606 50 Tue Sep 24 19:49:15 1991 Monty
you mean we get to watch audin beat off in the corner, wow
#619 50 Tue Sep 24 20:24:25 1991 Italian Stallion
some people wanna start a revolution....we just wanna use yer bbs.
#620 50 Tue Sep 24 20:26:02 1991 Italian Stallion
I hear'a'dem laws...what they be fer, anyhow? Long as no one fucks with no else...who give's a shit...and if they do...(2nd amendment steps into line)
#656 50 Tue Sep 24 22:41:40 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
We don't need no education.... Zied says: It's revelotion time. Perfect example of the above statement.
#901 50 Thu Sep 26 19:57:26 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
Revelution? no no revolution yeah thats the ticket.
#959 50 Fri Sep 27 19:18:19 1991 Shane
lotion!! lotion!! lotion!!
#1120 50 Sun Sep 29 11:11:22 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
Reve Lotion, the brave new hair care product fro Charon
#1199 50 Sun Sep 29 21:34:31 1991 Italian Stallion
i remember now.... ....i just remember doing... ....what they told me...wht ....what they told me... what they told me..... q told me....
#1216 50 Sun Sep 29 22:20:52 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
(then nifty music plays for a while, then a new song that's really not much of a new song, just blends into Anarchy X, then this dude says:) FOR A PRICE I'd do bout anything except pull the trigger for that I'd need a pretty good cause then I heard of doctor X the man with the cure just watch the television yeah you'll see there's something going on....
IIgs> _