
#123 50 Fri Sep 20 20:37:39 1991 [That deaf dumb blind kid] Scorpion [sure plays a mean pinball.]
This one's for you Cser.
#361 50 Mon Sep 23 17:28:46 1991 [I am] Cser [Webster Jr.]
Why thank you, I'm glad to say that mockery of a game will never grace this BBS
#376 50 Mon Sep 23 18:01:22 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Knock on wood.
#387 50 Mon Sep 23 18:23:01 1991 Shane
i'm a negative creep.
#417 50 Mon Sep 23 19:04:56 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
And I'm stoned!
#434 50 Mon Sep 23 19:59:50 1991 Shane
the two go hand in hand.
#442 50 Mon Sep 23 20:58:10 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Like bread and butter.
#457 50 Tue Sep 24 07:45:49 1991 James T Kirk
Hmmmm, Maybe i sould get Madness from Dave...
#476 50 Tue Sep 24 12:17:14 1991 [His eyes are the eyes that] Scorpion [reflect all they know.]
It would be funny just to see what Cser will do. Probably kill every room on the board until madness is gone.
#503 50 Tue Sep 24 13:17:06 1991 James T Kirk
Hehehe. I'll do it!
#639 50 Tue Sep 24 22:06:24 1991 [I am] Cser [Webster Jr.]
Better hide sysop from me then
#658 50 Tue Sep 24 22:43:43 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
#743 50 Wed Sep 25 14:58:43 1991 Isis
BTW, when will tradewars be up?
#772 50 Wed Sep 25 19:41:32 1991 Monty
now, it's up and running
#773 50 Wed Sep 25 19:41:53 1991 Monty
and don't worry isis, i'm not playing on this board, so you can rest easy
#784 50 Wed Sep 25 20:28:17 1991 James T Kirk
Yup, I just d/l and set it up tonight. (thats wny the board's been down) Now, i need players, and then i'll register it.
#801 50 Wed Sep 25 22:59:22 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
#810 50 Thu Sep 26 03:43:52 1991 James T Kirk
Have fun...
#902 50 Thu Sep 26 19:58:44 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
M.B.A. o e u r a d e t i i n n g
#1045 50 Sat Sep 28 15:39:42 1991 Monty
M.B.A. a a u s t d t i i e n n r g / w
#1080 50 Sat Sep 28 18:55:46 1991 [The Phantom of the opera] Chris Serface [is there, inside your mind.]
M.B.A. a a n s t o t e n u r y r s m d u e s
#1121 50 Sun Sep 29 11:12:47 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
Is that a twelve step program? (1. pull down zipper 2. graps penis firmly in one hand 3. olive oil optional 4. vigorous shaking... etc etc etc
#1337 50 Mon Sep 30 18:24:04 1991 [Quit playing] Chris Serface [these games!]
Oh! That felt good, I never knew it could be done that way SPur. Thank tou!
#1362 50 Mon Sep 30 19:03:39 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
which method did you use before cser, I'd lie to hear it.
#1400 50 Mon Sep 30 19:52:55 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
The polar bear position, what?
M.B.A.> _