TradeWars 2002>
-755: Brutal
is that your allignment?
yup. something to be proud of, eh?
there's quite a bounty on me, if anyone would care to collect it.õ032
Captain James T Kirk
Uh huh, right spur, last time i ran into you, you had >>800<< fighters... and no telling how many sheilds...
Althow , the 100,000+ bounty MIGHT be worth it...
looks like the bounty on spur is 32 cents according to his message...
õ2Jyup. õ032õ032õ032õ032õ2Ji have the maximum shields: 400. I wish i could get more, but no luck. Hopefully more dumb ferrengi will wander into my territory and get zapped by my mines, that would be nice.
And 1150 fighters (at this juncture)
Captain James T Kirk
A cuple of days ago you where down to 3 fighters... Wish i woulda found you then.. BAHAHAHAH...
it's true, there was a point at which i was down to that few... i think. can't actually remember though. Must've been when i attacked the star port.
How do you know how many fighters someone has unless you find them? I've figured out how to find people though...I think...your bounty's going to be high, once the registration comes in, this should be interesting...but I wish to avoid this time...
at this juncture... the bounty will be high, assuming you don't consider it high already! i hiope it's interesting, anyways. Pretty soon, i will also have the entire universe explored, at which point, here comes the money! of course, by that time, i'm not sure what the point of playing will be, really... maybe i'll turn good and get a commission. i dunno.
Say, when's the registration coming?
Italian Stallion
Within 2 weeks I think. Maybe end of this week?
Captain James T Kirk
Should be... soon.
81.4% explored! I can list the number of unexplored sectors on one screen. Cool.
does anything special happen when you explore all of it? and Spur - that would take a long time to go from being really evil to really good.
Not really. The aliens have pretty drastic alignments. I bet i could get good in, say, three days.
The game is starting to lose meaning. I looked around for any aliens to kill, but alas i found none.
it does loose meaning...btw, I found you yesterday, you were in the middle of one of my favorite trading areas...I didn't have enough fighter to attack at that time...this needs to be registered so we can get new goals...oh, spur, if you ever see that I attacked you with only 10 fighters or so, don't take it personally, it's just my allignment went down 5 pts for not attacking you last time, so in the future I will HAVE to, but I won't do it seriously, and if I do, you'll know it was serious because I'd use a lot more than 10 fighters.
hell, how can i complain that you attacked me when i KILLED you??
Who's Klaa? Whoever it is lost about 1100 points to my sectors... i hope that wasn't too expensive...
this didn't work earlier...
due to the fact the ferengi have decided to have a picnic in the only entrance to my planet, I have decided to spend the night elsewhere, it would not be in anyones best interst to attack me, as I have lots of money in the bank, lots of shit on my planet (that's somewhat heavily guarded, and the ferengi are hanging out there for the night), and I've got the maximum amount of shields, so should one of you find me, I would recomend against attacking me highly.
Audin - why do we only get 100 turns now..I'm not complaing, it's a better number, I just want to know why...
Captain James T Kirk
I lowered it becouse people where useing all their turns during one call... and holding up the line for a long time... 200 is too many, i think...
If anyone's wondering, >I< am Klaa, I could only get a scout with my JTK chariter, so, i made Klaa, I won't use CJTK unill it's registered, when i'll transfer all of Klaa's stuff to Kirk. It's just so that i'm not in a ship that can only support 35 holds, 250 sheilds, and 700 fighters... And no mines or Genisis's... (I just coulden't do anything with a scout.)When i get the registration, I'll change his name and stuff to CJTK. hope noone minds.
I repeat, I'm NOT going to play via the kirk account....
Ya wanna tone down the ferengi a little? they are making this game quite annoying...I don't like being boarded 2 or 3 times a day...
yA WaNnA ToNe dOwN ThE FeReNgI A LiTtLe? tHeY ArE MaKiNg tHiS GaMe qUiTe
aNnOyInG...I DoN'T LiKe bEiNg bOaRdEd 2 oR 3 TiMeS A DaY...
Ya wanna tone down thuh ferengi a little? they are makin' this game quite
annoyin'...I don't like bein' boarded 2 or 3 times a day...
ò† wѸ¸¶ tßÔ‰ dìw§ thÓ üÓ‚à•gå @ úçttúä® thÇù Ñ‚à m†k°¸g thã$ gÜmä qöåtÓ
ɧ§ìòã¸g...ç dî§'t úçkâ ·äç§g ·ìÜ‚dàd ˝ ï‚ 3 tåmä$ Ñ d¶ò...
umm, yah, whatever. why the hell did you enter my sector with klaa then?
Captain James T Kirk
I screwed up... i MENT to go right outside of your sector... not in it.. i wanted to scan it... i lost 1000 fighters... I wasen't happy...
Captain James T Kirk
at least i didn't lose the ship...
Captain James T Kirk
althow, sence the hard drive screwed this Tradewars game... I gunna have to restart it... sorry...
Captain James T Kirk
I am not massdeleating oedipus's messages.
Captain James T Kirk
I killed someone, I don't remember who, last time I logged in, "s" something, he was evil, and in an escape pod, lots of shields though, figured i was doing him a favor. Doesn't matter sinse it's re-starting anyway.
oooh, doing him a favor, are we? sure.
ugghhh. i haven't played this game since thursday. boy am i bored. i guess i ought to go to sleep or something... nah.
Captain James T Kirk
It's had it...
Captain James T Kirk
And i'm gunna have t' download the zip file from steve again... damnit... 500+ k is just too big.
Italian Stallion
Put it on a disk you fucker.
Captain James T Kirk
I CAN"T! I only have 360k drives! Soooo, ya know, 500k WON"T FIT on a 360k disk.
You should complain, my 5.25 is 140k. Try fitting something on that...
Italian Stallion
(try getting a real computer)
Audin, arj it!
just a sec....
I think arj a /v360 *.* a:\TW2002.arj
would do
the trick.
look up /v commands.
Captain James T Kirk
NONONOO! The ARJ file is 500+k! Whatda think i am, an idiot? Of course i arjed it.
I also cant get my current message base on a floppie, it's 408k arjed... damnit.. i'll have to backup to a week old one... unless anyone can u/l one of those arj splitter programes...
Captain James T Kirk
/v????? whats that????
TradeWars 2002> _