This room is dead, let's get it going. I like religion, it's useful and gives people purpose.
Italian Stallion
Religion is dumb. Don't encourage it. That makes' it fake.
Captain James T Kirk
I don't pratice any religon. I just can't beleave in it. I think about it logicly, and none of it makes sence to me.
that's like me. anybody with a strong logical mind finds religion worthless. I can't say i'm an atheist, though, cuz I just don't know.
I think everyone needs to belive in something, I think everyone does. If nothing else they belive in themselves to be the highest life form, if they belive nothing else is out there. I think of religion as the belief in something. I know what I belive is probably wrong, but it gives me some sense of purpose. It helps me find my place in the whole scheme of things.
I believe in the religion of baseball. did you know there are 108 stitches on a baseball-- the same as the number of beads on a catholic rosary? it's a heavenly game.
wow, thats deep. I believe in well I don't know, but it keeps me going.
Where did you come up with this statistic? Are you catholic?
No... He's probably just watched "Bull Durham"... Shane, I consider myself to have a strong logical mind, and yet I believe in God, and Jesus Christ, and religion in general... There is a big difference in what is known in the mind, and what is known in the heart... Often they don't connect... There are many other people like me who believe the same way...
Italian Stallion
(Kill this room)
Isis>> I thought I did... But maybe I didn't... Z-man>> Hide it under your underwear...
nah, he can't hide it there. she's always checking there for magazines.
yep, so I hid it under the bed (temporarialy) there is no safe place in my whoel room, it's too clean.
I'm fearful for my super lemons, my sister wants them pretty bad, I sold her one for $1.25 today. (I bought them for about $.10 each.
Italian Stallion
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh! You have super, lemon!? We come an' gettcha now, ziedman! You are chopped liver!
Ooohhh! Superlemon!
hehe, you'll never find them!
What is super lemon?
aaah, another uneducated being in the superlemon way of life. they are candies, which, if used incorrectly, can result in fatal oral implosion.
how do you use them incorrectly?
Bite 'em, and you die... Simple...
If they are dangerous, why can you still buy them?
Italian Stallion
I have been informed that a candy at top foods know as "Face Smackers" is even more potent then the mighty SuperLemon! (I will inform you of my decision tomorrow)
please, I must know stallion!! I want a full report. isis, mainly, use of more than one at a time is dangerous.
Do they come with warnings or anything???? BTW where can I get these?
Italian Stallion
Only from Japan! But face smackers are at top foods! I am waiting for a car so I can go and get some....hmmmmmmm........hmm.....hmmm.....I'll tell you as soon as either I get a car or somebody comes by that would want to take a ride(bikers live) up to ther eot get soem.....
How did Zied get them?
Italian Stallion
Probably from a freind..Either that or thiers a japanese exchange student near his house...
there's an oriental foods place out at hawks prairie that has them.
no, no, mihns down town has them, on 4th street, near the west side bridge. only $2 for about 20 of 'em.
I believe konrad called "face smackers" face slammers, which in any case sounds much much more deadly. I will get about a pound of those little babies soem day too, how ever, be warned face slammers are gum balls covered with toxic (and rather rad) chemicals. I'm not real fond of gum, so i perfer super death.
looky looky, I get to respond to my own messages, since no one else will. also thanks to a wonderful little power failer that audin had.
oh, is that what happened?
Lord Torgrin
Yes.. apparently so.
Captain James T Kirk
yep, the power went out for about 1/2 min at about 4:00am this morning. and FredCit dosen't like that.
Lord Torgrin
Honestly? Well how come Fred doesn't like having the power pulled on him?
Captain James T Kirk
Good question, I don;t like fred, his programes are weard.
Better DEAD than FRED...
I hate fred. and I'm a little bit pissed off at my 2048k ram. but not as PISSED as I am at TELEDISK. that program is NEAT.
Captain James T Kirk
How could you be pissed at 2 megs of ram??? I've only got 640k, now, THATS something to be pissed about.
Captain James T Kirk
Whats Teledisk do???
it's a compression program. disk-to-file, file-to-disk. it will READ from ANYWHERE in your computer, but it will only WRITE to the A DRIVE. (or whatever your floppy drive is). that's why I'm so mad at it, cuz our a drive is screwed and we can't use it.
2 meg is a pretty good chunk of ram, I know, but it ain't enough to run this life&death file I got from pasha.
Captain James T Kirk
Hmm, you could reassign the floppie, or take it out alltogather.
What porgbrame is that?
Religion> _