
#276 50 Thu Jan 3 11:57:27 1991 Blade Runner
I know just a little bit. A full year in high school and I can't remember how to form a stupid sentence....
#598 50 Sat Jan 5 02:01:45 1991 Captain James T Kirk
Never mind, Lightning fixed it... Thanks anyways... s
#1509 50 Thu Jan 10 17:40:27 1991 [Thank god...] Roya [for modems...]
GEEZ...he's even put stuff in the French room....John Tunison est tres allemand...ou, il parle allemand tout le fois!!!
#2577 49 Tue Aug 6 19:42:52 1991 Isis
This room says there are 17 private messages in it. Would someone care to explain?
#2580 49 Tue Aug 6 20:11:11 1991 [I'm the sysop!] Captain James T Kirk [So don't bug me, or else!]
Thay must be some of those "Missing messages". there are about 88 of them i think. .rs will show how many.
#2581 49 Tue Aug 6 20:12:46 1991 [Alright! Alright!] Captain James T Kirk [I won't net!!!!!]
opps, i was wrong, there are about 215 messages missing.
#2589 49 Tue Aug 6 21:29:59 1991 Isis
What are missing messages? it says that there are 227 of them.
#2621 49 Wed Aug 7 06:41:45 1991 [Would you believe me] Shane [when I tell you]
HA! there's PROOF!! I caught you! You spelled thEy thAy. what do you have to say for yourself NOW, mister?
#2624 49 Wed Aug 7 06:46:00 1991 [Alright! Alright!] Captain James T Kirk [I won't net!!!!!]
Do i care?!?!?!?!?!? NO!
#2625 49 Wed Aug 7 06:49:13 1991 [Alright! Alright!] Captain James T Kirk [I won't net!!!!!]
I think that a missing message is one that get's scrolled out of the message file, but FredCit dosen't rember doing it. I've heared other FredCit boards have the same problem. Hopefully CenCit won't have that problem.
#2662 49 Wed Aug 7 11:52:34 1991 [that doesn't frost my cookies] zied [hen hen]
hey you guys can quit peeing your pants now casue me and lightning have been having a nice little conversation in this room. cause it hot casue it hot cause its hot baby causeee its hooootttttt!
#3502 49 Tue Dec 24 11:06:33 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pia Mater...]
Alors, une salle francaise....CHOUETTE.
#3530 49 Tue Dec 24 11:42:12 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
No NO, not french!!! Yeeeeooooooowwwwwwww!!!
#3552 49 Tue Dec 24 12:42:54 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
oh yeah, i remember this...<<avez-vous une vache?>>
#3828 49 Tue Dec 24 14:23:32 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pia Mater...]
ya lost me. "Have you a cow?" "I don't have a cow. I have a beautiful pig/lamb (whatever it is). I have the moon!" HUH?
#3614 49 Tue Dec 24 15:49:20 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pia Mater...]
N'avez-vous pas une vache, homme...haha
#3642 49 Tue Dec 24 17:30:42 1991 [Are Romulans] Chris the Shaych [Good in bed?]
Fetchez la vache!!!
#3691 49 Tue Dec 24 22:18:50 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
the whole conversation goes something like this: <<avez-vous une vache?>> <<je n'ai pas une vache. j'ai une belle jamb. j'ai la lune!>> the conversation kinda loses something without the proper hand jestures, but what the hey.
#3739 49 Wed Dec 25 08:21:54 1991 Shane [LIMPIES]
down with french
#3740 49 Wed Dec 25 08:22:02 1991 Shane [LIMPIES]
up with deadman
#3805 49 Wed Dec 25 11:42:44 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
#3864 49 Wed Dec 25 18:21:23 1991 [I went carolling] Isis [It was fun]
jamb is neither...what does it mean? pig is cochon(sp) lamb is mouton...
#3865 49 Wed Dec 25 18:22:08 1991 [I went carolling] Isis [It was fun]
J'aime francais...Je ne suis pas fatigue...
#3954 49 Wed Dec 25 20:46:53 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pia Mater...]
J'ai faim.
#4018 49 Wed Dec 25 23:16:35 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
"jamb" is 'leg'. translated, the conversation goes like this: "do you have a cow? no, i don't have a cow. i have a pretty leg. i have the moon." again, without hand gestures, the whole thing is lost.
#4046 49 Thu Dec 26 06:35:41 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pyloric Valve...]
yeah, you kinda lost me....
#4091 49 Thu Dec 26 09:53:28 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
#4112 49 Thu Dec 26 10:08:29 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pyloric Valve...]
and i speak french...sheesh
#4198 49 Thu Dec 26 15:12:22 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
#4319 49 Thu Dec 26 21:46:50 1991 Roya [is God.]
HEy! he skipped this room! Where do you think YOU'RE going?
#4356 49 Thu Dec 26 22:28:04 1991 [I think it would fit; 'need a] bill [couple tubes of KY-Jelly..]
Hey, try postin' in the other languages!
#4497 49 Fri Dec 27 11:06:35 1991 Roya [is God.]
#352 50 Sat Jan 4 11:20:13 1992 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
Don't fret over it... I took three years of Latin, and I don't remember a thing...
#469 50 Sat Jan 4 20:39:19 1992 Blade Runner
I couldn't take Latin, at least French wasn't a dead language.. :)
#509 50 Sat Jan 4 22:30:12 1992 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
#590 50 Sun Jan 5 12:06:56 1992 chiquita
Francise? Maybe if you tell me what you are trying to say I could tell you how to fix it. Je n'ai pas une vache.
#667 50 Sun Jan 5 18:37:16 1992 Isis
Je n'ai pas une vache, Je n'ai pas des animaux...
#728 50 Mon Jan 6 09:01:37 1992 [Poetry] Chris the Shaych [Is a subjective term.]
J'ai une chat!!
#811 50 Mon Jan 6 18:04:26 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
Oh Gods, and Goddesses of French, teach me a few non-swear words...I know plenty of those. I can say little stuff in so many languages, but I really don't know much useful French at all!!!
#828 50 Mon Jan 6 19:43:09 1992 Isis
our conversations arn't very useful...Anna said "I don't have a cow", I said "I don't have a cow, I don't have any animals", Chris said "I have a cat...
#829 50 Mon Jan 6 19:44:00 1992 Isis
Et toi, tu as deux chiens et deux chats. (and you, you have two dogs, and two cats)
#830 50 Mon Jan 6 19:44:44 1992 Isis
(some of us are NICE and translate what we right when asked)
#893 50 Mon Jan 6 21:42:08 1992 bill
Ich habe keine Kuh, ich habe keinen Tier. Oo menya net korova, oo menya net jebotnoe.
#944 50 Tue Jan 7 09:15:11 1992 [I get to go to Oklahoma!!] Chris the Shaych [Yay!!]
Bill c'est un merde tete! Mais, nous adore lui.
#964 50 Tue Jan 7 14:53:53 1992 Captain James T Kirk
I have no cow, I have no animal... (I think thats what bill said....) ^s (plural. I have no animals.)
#965 50 Tue Jan 7 14:54:34 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Thats what the -n on the second keine is i think,...
#1001 50 Tue Jan 7 17:55:58 1992 Isis
Nous s'adorons? Ne parlez pas pour moi...Francais est la meilleure ne sais pas autre langues...
#1060 50 Tue Jan 7 19:32:30 1992 [More loose screws] Scorpion [than a hardware store]
the -n on the second keinen meant that it was a der noun in the Accusative case. Took me a long time before I totally understood it and then It just hiyt me one day. I learn by osmosis.
#1130 50 Wed Jan 8 09:14:43 1992 [I get to go to Oklahoma!!] Chris the Shaych [Yay!!]
(pardon my bad grammer, it's been a while) Isis, je pense tu s'adore Bill, (so) tu insulte lui (so), lui paye attention a toi. Or something like that.
#1161 50 Wed Jan 8 13:59:50 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
I do know what "merde" is!
#1162 50 Wed Jan 8 14:00:38 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
bill> Who are you, anyway? Du laest viele Sachen mir nicht bekannt werden!
#1214 50 Wed Jan 8 15:44:07 1992 Isis
Je pense que tu est torte(?wrong?)
#1249 50 Wed Jan 8 18:59:42 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]'re gonna hafta teach me the language before you leave messages to me in it!
#1263 50 Wed Jan 8 19:23:19 1992 Isis
I didn't leave any for you they're directed at Chris.
#1356 50 Thu Jan 9 09:47:03 1992 [Welcome to Borg Burger's] Chris the Shaych [Where your way is irrelevant.]
Perhaps, Isis. I'm sorry... Je suis tres mal....
#1439 50 Thu Jan 9 21:32:09 1992 [Fuck the stupid ref] Scorpion [That made me cut my hair]
something about eating cake? right?
#1461 50 Thu Jan 9 23:02:39 1992 bill
Je pense que tu est .... Ich weiss, dass du bis .... TUNA> Wer bist du? Das tut mir leid, wenn mein Deutsch Ihnen nicht gefaellt....
#1492 50 Fri Jan 10 10:38:00 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
Ich bin der "John Tunison," und du sprichst (schreibst) doch schoen. Kannst du es auch sprechen? Ich bin letztes Jahr einen Austauschschueler gewesen, und deswegen kann ich Deutsch sprechen. Und, wer bist du? Ich nehme es an, dass du schon aelter bist....vielleicht studierst du? Was machst du, denn?
#1235 50 Sun Feb 16 20:17:01 1992 Isis
Bonjour, comment ca va?
#1316 50 Mon Feb 17 05:43:44 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
Oui ca va, et toi?
#1327 50 Mon Feb 17 07:34:13 1992 Monty
pas mal
#1402 50 Mon Feb 17 19:03:47 1992 Isis
Comme ci, comme deteste mes deviors...
#1438 50 Tue Feb 18 02:38:21 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
OUI. Moi aussi.
#1563 50 Tue Feb 18 13:25:09 1992 Monty
j'adevoirs algebraje deteste mes devoirs algebra
#1598 50 Tue Feb 18 17:30:26 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [ 943-2136]
oui, oui....MOI aussi!!!!
#1599 50 Tue Feb 18 17:30:57 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [ 943-2136]
je deteste mes devoirs pre calculus...
#1630 50 Tue Feb 18 18:53:17 1992 Isis
Moi, je deteste mes devoirs de la chemie, et de l'anglais.
#1638 50 Tue Feb 18 20:13:28 1992 bill
Teach me french
#1646 50 Tue Feb 18 20:43:16 1992 Isis
that's a little difficult to do over modem...
#1647 50 Tue Feb 18 20:44:04 1992 Isis
I mean, you could learn vocab. but not structure, or how to use it. It's like german, I can KINDA understand some of the messages, but I can't really post.
#1684 50 Wed Feb 19 03:05:11 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
how the HELL did Tuna write that???
#1685 50 Wed Feb 19 03:06:32 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
Je deteste mes devoirs de pre-calc... Mais, j'ai les fini...<-order is probably screwed up. je suis fatiguee.
#1701 50 Wed Feb 19 11:57:45 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Well, teach us a little vocab, so we could at least TRY to understand some of these posts...
#1724 50 Wed Feb 19 14:51:09 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [ 943-2136] deteste mes devoirs chemie, et de l'anglais, ET de l' deteste mes devoirs Frau Ramm....
#1756 50 Wed Feb 19 18:26:09 1992 Isis
je suis jatiguee aussi.
#1817 50 Wed Feb 19 21:08:54 1992 bill
Oh, I'm sorry, I meant "Teach me TO french."
#1863 50 Thu Feb 20 03:17:36 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
JE, is the most often word used here, so i'll tell you it means "I".
#1864 50 Thu Feb 20 03:18:03 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
it could also be contracted-> J'[a verbe here]
#1865 50 Thu Feb 20 03:18:19 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
Je suis chouette.
#1893 50 Thu Feb 20 09:10:47 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [ 943-2136]
Hey, Roya...maybe you are GEIL.....hehehe...but for whom?
#1942 50 Thu Feb 20 18:05:55 1992 Captain James T Kirk
What dose "chouette" mean?
#1978 50 Thu Feb 20 19:40:07 1992 Isis
neat (that's all it means, it was in our 1st year book)
#1979 50 Thu Feb 20 19:40:37 1992 Isis
#2006 50 Thu Feb 20 20:35:04 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
it also means turkey too (i think)... not sure.
#2007 50 Thu Feb 20 20:35:10 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
#2008 50 Thu Feb 20 20:35:16 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
what the hell!
#2009 50 Thu Feb 20 20:36:33 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
NO comment.
#2055 50 Fri Feb 21 13:14:41 1992 Shane
#2121 50 Fri Feb 21 20:13:06 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [ 943-2136]
#2404 50 Sat Feb 22 00:54:03 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [ 943-2136]
ok...I'll take your word for it...
#2354 50 Sat Feb 22 03:07:05 1992 Monty
tuna, tu est tres chouette, mais, tu es (how do you say also? i forgot...) tres mauche
#2355 50 Sat Feb 22 03:07:18 1992 Monty
just kidding
#2542 50 Sun Feb 23 00:53:04 1992 Isis
#2717 50 Mon Feb 24 22:37:19 1992 Monty
tres mauche!!!
#2722 50 Tue Feb 25 02:20:24 1992 Captain James T Kirk
#2655 50 Tue Feb 25 02:58:09 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
#2656 50 Tue Feb 25 02:58:30 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
WAH....<SOB> <SOB>...<sob>
#2754 50 Tue Feb 25 13:48:35 1992 bill
Je suis pom fritz.
#2847 50 Wed Feb 26 02:56:07 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
#2848 50 Wed Feb 26 02:57:02 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
Au clair de la lune, mon ami Pierrot... prete moi ta plume, pour ecrire un mot. Ma chandelle est morte... je n'ai plus de feu. Ouvre moi ta porte, pour l'amour de Dieu.
#2849 50 Wed Feb 26 02:57:19 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
Pour L'AMOUR DE DIEU! haha, i love that line.
#2860 50 Wed Feb 26 04:09:04 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Whats itmean?
#2890 50 Wed Feb 26 12:58:34 1992 Monty
#2928 50 Wed Feb 26 15:18:58 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Ohh... okee.
#2957 51 Wed Feb 26 20:12:34 1992 ETHAN WALKER
ayoR...ut tse al tahc...osla nwonk sa hctib! tsuj gniddik.tub I od wonk hcnerF...rioveruA pmuwguM "el essorg"
#3025 50 Thu Feb 27 02:47:18 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
so i see.
#3202 50 Fri Feb 28 04:04:25 1992 Captain James T Kirk
oh god, backwords frence...
#3203 50 Fri Feb 28 04:04:35 1992 Captain James T Kirk
make that "french."
#3355 50 Fri Feb 28 09:50:19 1992 [Naturally slow...] Lightning [Please walk slowly...]
Francais> _