
#43 50 Wed Jan 2 09:43:53 1991 Blade Runner
Has anyone seen Hook? I keep meaning to go see it but haven't yet. I've heard it was good. I DID see one of the 'Amazing Stories' episodes yesterday though, 'the family dog' hahahahaha I LOVE that episode, it was cool!!
#60 50 Wed Jan 2 09:58:53 1991 Captain James T Kirk
Nope, I've heard mixed reviews about hook... some say it was really good, some said it stunk..
#104 50 Wed Jan 2 11:40:46 1991 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
I loved it... It was a little slow in the beginning, but they really want to make Peter Pan look like a tyrant Parent (which he is)... But once you get to Never-Never Land... It starts to heat up... I thought it was cool, and a film that any parent or prospective parent should see...
#156 50 Thu Jan 3 02:09:25 1991 Captain James T Kirk
Eric said he saw it, but he didn't like it...
#190 50 Thu Jan 3 03:09:51 1991 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
My mom didn't really like it, either... It started off too slowly for her, and that threw her off for the rest of the movie... She did like the parts in NeverLand, though...
#273 50 Thu Jan 3 11:51:16 1991 Blade Runner
I'd probably like it, I don't mind the slow beginings too much...
#2486 54 Fri Dec 20 15:08:16 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
Did anyone see the 'Addams Family'? I thought it was pretty good. Coulda used a little more story though...
#2500 54 Fri Dec 20 17:20:39 1991 [i can't think] Roya [of any surname...]
i gotta go to the theatre one of these days..i'm missing out on all these cool movies..
#2532 54 Fri Dec 20 20:40:50 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
Yeah, go see some movies... I need to go see Hook, and The Last Boy Scout...
#2561 54 Fri Dec 20 22:30:38 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
I need to see The Last Boy Scout, too... I'll probably wait 'til I get back to Wallaı, though... Wade can pay for it...
#2630 54 Sat Dec 21 12:40:18 1991 Isis
I actually saw a movie last night...Thelma & was REALLY pro-female...I would be offended if I were a guy...It would be a good movie to see while in a "all men are scum" was funny even though I wasn't though...and there were TWO nice guys in it...but the rest were the BIGGEST assholes...
#2804 54 Sun Dec 22 02:51:25 1991 [where's] deadman [deadspur?]
offended? most the guys i know *are* assholes, in one way or another. of course, this seems to be true of the majority of the human race....
#2838 54 Sun Dec 22 10:56:19 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Indeed... Verily...
#2920 54 Sun Dec 22 14:34:17 1991 Spur [burn BM productions]
most guys, and gals too...
#3017 54 Sun Dec 22 20:10:50 1991 Isis
most guys I know arn't THAT bad though...most arn't psycho control freaks, or sex maniacs...(i.e. rapists) or theives...
#3027 54 Sun Dec 22 20:31:23 1991 Spur [burn BM productions]
well, you never know... did you see the way cser was eyeing you at red robin?
#3058 54 Sun Dec 22 21:19:50 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
#3183 54 Mon Dec 23 09:11:03 1991 [Are Romulans] Chris the Shaych [Good in bed?]
Hook was a good movie, though the cyberpunk lost boys were a bit odd.
#3228 54 Mon Dec 23 13:02:49 1991 [mommy] deadman [mommy]
cyberpunk lost boys? oh my. i remember reading some skate mag about a year ago, and it mentioned something about spielberg casting for about 100 skate punks to play the lost boys....
#3321 54 Mon Dec 23 18:47:28 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
#3389 54 Mon Dec 23 22:10:27 1991 Spur [the God]
#3435 54 Mon Dec 23 23:18:25 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Well, I don't think there were 100, but there were a hell of a lot...
#3470 54 Tue Dec 24 07:19:43 1991 [The stars are the greatest] Roya [thing you've ever seen...]
i heard they're going to have a skateboard hearing at the CHS cafeteria in discuss whether they should ban skateboarders from the parks...
#3526 54 Tue Dec 24 11:35:32 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
Why not?!! They ban cruisers, they ban bikes on sidewalks when there's no room on the street for them without getting hit by a car.... it only makes sense in the current stream of 'logic' that we see in todays society... I wonder if they'll ever base their logic on fact... doubt it, they opinions would never hold up to it!! Long live the wonderful oppresion of everyone who's different!!!
#3547 54 Tue Dec 24 12:39:18 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
#3574 54 Tue Dec 24 13:20:39 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Hmmmm... Hmmmm... Hmmmm...
#3822 54 Tue Dec 24 14:18:21 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pia Mater...]
well, phooey on the government.
#3627 54 Tue Dec 24 16:00:52 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pia Mater...]
i was just wondering...what if it was your religon to believe that there was no such thing as land had a right to go whereever you wanted. i wonder if the government would allow people to do that.
#3688 54 Tue Dec 24 22:14:04 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
no, it wouldn't. they don't care.
#3736 54 Wed Dec 25 08:19:42 1991 Shane [LIMPIES]
separation of church and state...
#3790 54 Wed Dec 25 10:30:06 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
No the governement wouldn't allow it, nor would our society. The Indians are a living example of that... They believe that the land does not belong to anyone, and, when you use it you leave it the way you found it... Part of their philosphical beliefs.... The aboriginies of the Australian outback also have a similar belief...
#3859 54 Wed Dec 25 18:13:04 1991 [I went carolling] Isis [It was fun]
I second that motion..
#3889 54 Wed Dec 25 19:14:01 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
I third it...
#3916 54 Wed Dec 25 19:53:23 1991 [I am a] Stupid Fuckhead [and I like it.]
I fuck it
#3950 54 Wed Dec 25 20:43:34 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pia Mater...]
Well, shut up, STUPID.
#4015 54 Wed Dec 25 23:09:28 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
conspiracy? revolution? oh my.
#4079 54 Thu Dec 26 08:43:50 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
#4080 54 Thu Dec 26 08:44:29 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
the only revolution capable of taking over the gov't.. the "FUCK IT" revolt
#4110 54 Thu Dec 26 10:07:21 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pyloric Valve...]
should we talk about the government....I..
#4170 54 Thu Dec 26 12:05:43 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
hi, hi hi..
#4186 54 Thu Dec 26 13:07:38 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
hello. how are you? i know you. i knew you. i think i can remember your name.
#4224 54 Thu Dec 26 18:33:51 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
hello. I'm sorry. I lost myself. I think I thought you were someone else.
#4314 54 Thu Dec 26 21:43:47 1991 Roya [is God.]
Should we talk about the weather..I..I.. Should we talk about the government...I..I..
#4422 54 Fri Dec 27 09:35:27 1991 [texas is the place] Shane [to not hang them low]
HI HI.. ok.
#4423 54 Fri Dec 27 09:36:13 1991 [texas is the place] Shane [to not hang them low]
let's begin again. begin the begin. let's begin again. I looked for it. and I found it. Miles Standish proud. let's begin again. begin again.
#4493 54 Fri Dec 27 11:04:36 1991 Roya [is God.]
HI HI or I I??????
#4527 54 Fri Dec 27 11:42:43 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
I'm lost... What ARE you talking about/
#4531 54 Fri Dec 27 11:49:19 1991 Roya [is God.]
some song.
#4542 54 Fri Dec 27 12:37:16 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
though so... which song?
#350 50 Sat Jan 4 11:17:30 1992 [Not tonight...] Lightning [I've got a hernia...]
Then that's good... I can't wait until it comes out on video... (I can't afford to see it again)
#413 50 Sat Jan 4 13:14:49 1992 [Poetry] Chris the Shaych [Is a subjective term.]
Beware the Cyberpunk Lost Boy...
#467 50 Sat Jan 4 20:37:37 1992 Blade Runner
You know, I must just be out of it. Everyone I know talks about this Cyberpunk stuff and I have NO idea what it is? Anyone care to enlighten me?
#528 50 Sat Jan 4 23:26:53 1992 Italian Stallion
or me?
#558 50 Sun Jan 5 08:53:09 1992 [Poetry] Chris the Shaych [Is a subjective term.]
It's a weird sci-fi type genre, that involves cybernetics, elves, and magic. Shadowrun is a big one. Mostly a dark, corporation controlled future.
#588 50 Sun Jan 5 11:56:21 1992 chiquita
Personally I think Hook was okay, but not all that great. There were some good scenes in neverland though.
#721 50 Mon Jan 6 07:49:51 1992 [naked] deadman [lunch]
cyberpunk was a science fiction genre that was popular in the mid '80s. the main idea went something like this: the near future. advanced cybernetics. weak, ineffectual governments. super-powerful international corporations (which constantly fought between themselves using hired street toughs and custom-made soldiers.) kinda painted a grim picture of the future...overpopulation, hunger, and all that. authors to look for include william gibson, pat carrdigan, et al. cyberpunk was recently joined with the fantasy genre in the role-playing game 'shadowrun'. from what i've heard, the gameplay kinda bites (the rules suck), but the concept is pretty cool.
#931 50 Tue Jan 7 06:17:46 1992 Blade Runner
Now I understand.... sounds interesting, and close to the truth... except for the cybernetics part..... weak, ineffectual governments, etc.... hehe
#1056 50 Tue Jan 7 19:26:45 1992 [More loose screws] Scorpion [than a hardware store]
Is america becomming a third world nation? next on 20/20
#1094 50 Tue Jan 7 20:36:18 1992 [wank wank.] Spur [how do you feel about that?]
i don't think the cybernetics are too far apart, personally... but i doubt how fast they will become commonplace to affect society.
#1211 50 Wed Jan 8 15:38:27 1992 Isis
It's impossible for the U.S. to become a 3rd world nation, by it's definition.
#1223 50 Wed Jan 8 15:54:40 1992 [everyday, everyday] Spur [i start to ooze.]
you mean, by mr heikkeilla's definition. there is a difference.
#1231 50 Wed Jan 8 18:14:13 1992 Isis
No, it's really the diffinition....a 3rd world country is one that doesn't fall into the U.S. or Soviet sphere of influence.
#1232 50 Wed Jan 8 18:14:43 1992 Isis
I realize that def. is outdated, but unless there is some revisal of it, there is no other standard.
#1274 50 Wed Jan 8 19:44:37 1992 [everyday, everyday] Spur [i start to ooze.]
lemme look it up... i would just love to prove heikkeilla wrong (i hate the sexist slime idiot)... the actual definition according to my dictionary is "the underdeveloped or developing countries of Africa, Asai or Latin America, especially those not allied with the communist or non-communist blocs"... so hekkeilla is really just skirting the defnition. the definition has more to do with state of development and location, not alliances with the us or ussr. in any case, the communist bloc is more than just the ussr and the non-communist bloc is more than just the us.
#1282 50 Wed Jan 8 19:54:53 1992 Isis
That's what I thought it was too, but Kathleen explained it too me once, and I accepted her diffiniton.
#1295 50 Wed Jan 8 20:41:51 1992 [everyday, everyday] Spur [i start to ooze.]
Any word means just what you define it as. But to make communication easier, we try to match wordsw with definitions across all people. So, in other words, a word can mean whatever you want it to, but it sure makes it a lot easier when you accept the dictionaries definition instead of Hekkeilla's, if they difer. What did Kathleen explain to you.
#1312 50 Wed Jan 8 22:13:36 1992 Italian Stallion
Media uses it as a term to discuss political positions while useing underdeveloped as an undertone..but they never refer to developed 3rd world countries as 3rd world...just by name, like JAPAN.
#1327 50 Wed Jan 8 22:38:42 1992 [everyday, everyday] Spur [i start to ooze.]
yeah. mainly most people use the term "3rd world" to mean underdeveloped.
#1408 50 Thu Jan 9 19:52:37 1992 Italian Stallion
No they don' t. They mainly use it to determine non-decided's but that will change soon. Already, people think of 3rd world as underdeveloped. Most people a year ago would have answered NATO-WARSAW PACT thing.....
#1433 50 Thu Jan 9 21:21:52 1992 [Fuck the stupid ref] Scorpion [That made me cut my hair]
It means that the US is falling behind while the REAL 3rd world nations are catching up. geeze I was just trying to make a joke.
#1471 50 Fri Jan 10 04:19:00 1992 [and i] deadman [hit 'im]
i use it to refer to spur.
#1547 51 Fri Jan 10 23:21:04 1992 Italian Stallion
would that be "trigger"
#1550 50 Fri Jan 10 23:21:44 1992 Italian Stallion
That would be your heel?
#1234 50 Sun Feb 16 20:16:28 1992 Isis
Anyone seen any good ones lately?
#1277 50 Sun Feb 16 23:29:06 1992 Italian Stallion
Cape Fear is Okay. Not real exciting though. It woulda been real dumb if I'd had to pay for it.
#1315 50 Mon Feb 17 05:42:54 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
i wanna get the soundtrack to Empire of the Sun.
#1383 50 Mon Feb 17 17:40:26 1992 ["I've got women to do"] Blade Runner ["and places to see"]
I saw the Rocketeer and Thelma & Louise. Both good movies...
#1401 50 Mon Feb 17 19:02:39 1992 Isis
Rocketeer? I thought that was REALLY stupid when I saw it...Thelma & Louise was cool though...that's where I met john actually....
#1436 50 Tue Feb 18 02:36:36 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
#1437 50 Tue Feb 18 02:37:06 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
isn't that the one you told me to watch, if i was feeling in a very Tous-les-hommes-sont-ecumes mood??
#1629 50 Tue Feb 18 18:51:57 1992 Isis
uh'w really anti-male, but it's still funny...
#1682 50 Wed Feb 19 03:03:03 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
i wanna watch Thelma & Louise. NOW.
#1919 50 Thu Feb 20 13:57:53 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
Roya's got a gun!! run for your lives!!!
#1975 50 Thu Feb 20 19:37:17 1992 Isis
that movie is so's funny I met my then future boyfriend during it...
#2001 50 Thu Feb 20 20:31:12 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
well, ok, i don't anymore.
#2050 50 Fri Feb 21 13:12:23 1992 Shane
#2386 50 Fri Feb 21 23:30:17 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
Now she's logged on to the DOD main computer!! NO ROYA!!! Don't iniate launch!!!
#2652 50 Tue Feb 25 02:55:32 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
WAH. Shanes not being nice to me.... <sob> <sob>
#2739 50 Tue Feb 25 11:34:48 1992 ["I've got women to do"] Blade Runner ["and places to see"]
Rocketeer was cool!! what are you talking about. It was just meant to a fun, adventure movie, and that's what it was. Thelma and Louise wasn't really anti-male, it was anti-asshole. Just so happens in that movie that all the assholes were male. At least that's how I see it...
#2896 50 Wed Feb 26 13:35:34 1992 Isis
yeah, but all the males were assholes, except that one cop, so the message you get is 1 in 100 or more, males is not an asshole...
#2897 50 Wed Feb 26 13:35:51 1992 Isis
I need to see a movie, there are a lot of good ones out...
#2947 51 Wed Feb 26 19:31:16 1992 ETHAN WALKER
sisI,uoy ekil seivom?..I evol meht..enoyna nees enicideM naM..K.O...d'I evig ti eerht srats..on owt
#2951 50 Wed Feb 26 19:39:55 1992 Isis
movies are neat...
#3005 50 Wed Feb 26 23:17:13 1992 Italian Stallion
Hey, Mugwump, can I get a copy of some of yer cartoons?
#3050 50 Thu Feb 27 07:54:53 1992 Spur
i dunno, all of hte popular movies are so mediocre, ya know? i like the little shit-movies at the film festivals better.
#3090 50 Thu Feb 27 18:51:09 1992 Isis
Some popular movies are good, I liked Prince of Tides, and Beauty and the Beast...actually i got really lucky, I didn't go to that many movies, but I saw all the really good ones that got nominated for academy awards.
#3092 51 Thu Feb 27 19:19:22 1992 ETHAN WALKER
sisI, ytuaeB dna eht tsaeB saw eht tseb! I ekil detamina seivom, dna staht eht tseb ev'I nees. ecnirP fo sediT saw adnik kaew. ti dah emos yako strap, tub nehw kciN dah yssuw nettirw lla revo mih, t'nod uoy kniht?
#3093 51 Thu Feb 27 19:21:08 1992 ETHAN WALKER
nailatI, erus, tisF fo eht htroN ratS si dar! ll'I evig ot uoy emitemos ni loohcs, yakO?...........pmuwguM "eht taerg"
#3127 50 Thu Feb 27 21:00:34 1992 Spur
cool.. let me borrow akira sometime too, man. i still haven't seen tha movie yet.
#3188 50 Fri Feb 28 03:00:41 1992 [In your] Oyra [face Nirvana!]
dude, the film festival movies are cool, but the short films they play before are THE BEST... there so cool. i wanted to go to that one where all they played was those short films, but i never got the chance... did anyone else go?
#3189 50 Fri Feb 28 03:01:37 1992 [In your] Oyra [face Nirvana!]
geez, i haven't even seen the movies you people are talking about. NEAT.
#3381 50 Fri Feb 28 16:27:16 1992 ["I've got women to do"] Blade Runner ["and places to see"]
Akira wasn't THAT great. The animation is cool, but that's about it. Isis> I guess I didn't get the same interpretation from Thelma & Louise. All the assholes might have been male but you could make the same movie with a couple guys and women as the assholes. It wouldn't be THAT hard. I guess I just generalized the movie more, kind of a good all around buddy movie...
Movies> _