Graphics Utilities>

#197 49 Fri Sep 20 23:07:22 1991 Spur
Waah! I've got a mac!
#205 49 Sat Sep 21 06:01:55 1991 James T Kirk
Well, I've only got one Mac Paint pic. It's in the next room.
#158 49 Sat Sep 21 08:43:44 1991 Star Fleet Academy
Batch upload by The Rocketeer uh, thats!!
#160 49 Sat Sep 21 09:03:16 1991 Star Fleet Academy
Batch upload by The Rocketeer GRASPRT.exe use to view .gl files
#253 49 Sat Sep 21 21:18:34 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
//Can you? Cool! But w/out color, wouldn't do me much good. And w/out hard drive, don't forget that.
#265 49 Sat Sep 21 23:02:46 1991 Shane
gifs are overrated
#267 49 Sat Sep 21 23:29:39 1991 James T Kirk
The VGA ones are really amazing. Even some of the EGA ones are amazing.
#229 49 Sun Sep 22 10:54:09 1991 [That deaf dumb blind kid] Scorpion [sure plays a mean pinball.]
Spur> you could get a Gif translator for your mac
#276 49 Sun Sep 22 17:04:47 1991 Italian Stallion
Gif's are neat.....maybe overated...but I get off on em....(nobody touch that statment.)
#290 49 Sun Sep 22 18:23:46 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Yer ugly aren't you.
#356 49 Mon Sep 23 17:25:00 1991 [I am] Cser [Webster Jr.]
WHy would we want to even try to touch it
#385 49 Mon Sep 23 18:20:47 1991 Shane
the vga ones are impressive, but is there something wrong with PHOTOGRAPHS? most of the stuff you could see on gifs can also be seen at higher resolution at your local grocery store at the postcard stand.
#415 49 Mon Sep 23 19:04:22 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Some people out there are ultimate computer freaks and cannot have anything that doesn't have to do with their computers. GIFs are for them.
#433 49 Mon Sep 23 19:59:24 1991 Shane
bingo. b-i-n-g-o
#441 49 Mon Sep 23 20:57:54 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
#455 49 Tue Sep 24 07:44:39 1991 James T Kirk
I gotta get rid of these .zip files. Try not to u/l zip files okay? try to use Arj.
#535 49 Tue Sep 24 14:28:59 1991 Zied
#549 49 Tue Sep 24 15:00:22 1991 Shane
i don't like arj. it compresses better, but the uncompressing is a pain in the butt compared to zips.
#555 49 Tue Sep 24 16:29:19 1991 James T Kirk
the only problem is that Arj is SLOW, but sence i;ve only got 20 megs, I don';t mind the slowness, sence it cal almost duble my hd space.
#568 49 Tue Sep 24 16:53:57 1991 Shane
is it just something I'm missing, or do you HAVE TO unarj, then copy all of the files into the proper directory? it's a pain... I've found it's easiest to copy arj.exe into the target directory and then delete it when done..
#575 49 Tue Sep 24 17:07:42 1991 James T Kirk
You can tell it where to put the files. "Arj e *.arj c:\cit\files" Will unarj to the cit\files directory. Although, I think it;'s easer to put arj.exe in my DOS path. the all i have to do is Arj e fron any dir.
#581 49 Tue Sep 24 18:48:36 1991 Shane
#592 49 Tue Sep 24 19:17:50 1991 James T Kirk
#616 49 Tue Sep 24 20:22:15 1991 Italian Stallion
shane..upload the latest ver of arj..they fixed that..(it was pissing me off too!))
#637 49 Tue Sep 24 22:04:21 1991 [I am] Cser [Webster Jr.]
I'm lost what did they fix
#654 49 Tue Sep 24 22:39:34 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
I feel left out...
#676 49 Wed Sep 25 05:00:01 1991 James T Kirk
Yea, what did thay fix??? I haven't had ANY problems with arj, after I asked Cser how to use it a cuple times that is.
#697 49 Wed Sep 25 12:37:09 1991 Shane
i don't know about you, but my arj 220 WON'T unarj to a directory... I've tried it in every imaginable order...
#781 49 Wed Sep 25 20:25:08 1991 James T Kirk
Oh, I've got arj v221. It's in the sysop room at CC. I can put up the newest ver here if someone wants it.
#842 49 Thu Sep 26 16:46:25 1991 Shane
ok, I had 200 before, 220 does it.
#891 49 Thu Sep 26 19:40:15 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
hey spur, can you believe they had a derectory of BBS's for macs to download, and it was in ZIP format, which we can't use, what a bunch of stupid fucks. (this was on YOYO of corse).
#928 49 Fri Sep 27 03:35:03 1991 James T Kirk
I wondered about that. Thay say there NOT going to switch to arj. But can't macs use are?
#958 49 Fri Sep 27 19:17:36 1991 Shane
couldn't possibly use the SAME arj. it don't work that way.
#977 49 Sat Sep 28 05:56:55 1991 James T Kirk
Yea, but i h heard that the programmer made diffrent versions for other computers.
#1027 49 Sat Sep 28 14:48:35 1991 [no, I mean it...] Shane [FUCK YOU]
well, sure, but that wouldn't mean either machine could deal with the files.
#1034 49 Sat Sep 28 15:14:49 1991 James T Kirk
Thats what i mean, that with arj i thought you could gte a mac progarme that would unarj files arjed on am IBM or other computr.
#1111 49 Sun Sep 29 11:04:18 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
Anyways, you do not need to fucking shrink a file that's just a list of BBSes!
#1133 49 Sun Sep 29 18:21:04 1991 James T Kirk
Thats true.
#1177 49 Sun Sep 29 20:36:19 1991 [no, I mean it...] Shane [FUCK YOU]
lists of bbs's are cool for getting upload credit. unless the system works on an upload k idea... they only take about 5 seconds to transfer.
#1291 49 Mon Sep 30 16:40:57 1991 James T Kirk
I think any kind of credits for that stuff is very stupid. Unless you have someone like Keith, where thay'll d/l EVERY damn file you have...
#1299 49 Mon Sep 30 17:23:34 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
If you just want credit, download te same file over and over again under different names...
#1359 49 Mon Sep 30 19:00:06 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
if you don't like soemone like keith, just get rid of the files. let people go to sneaky snake or soemthing.
#1437 49 Tue Oct 1 06:04:21 1991 James T Kirk
You don't mind me not having files becouse you cant use um. If you want you can u/l mac stuff for any other mac users.
Graphics Utilities> _