Flyin' dog room 3>
Then who the hell DID go to Crapital?
i attended and later dropped out of chs. weeeeee.
Actually, NCHS is not in trouble. What they may have to do next year is allow Frosh in, but other than that, all is splendid. Really. Trust the Computer.
Why? It's probably a Timex Sinclair...
Cooool... Was it Ol' John's fault?
did you get your ged?
naw...i was dealing crack and smack in the cafeteria and soc corner. really. and yeah, i got my ged about a month after dropping out, and then started tesc that fall.
That's cool...
crack? wonderful.
Who needs high school? It's just a place of social learning...
basically, yes..
ive got a friend learning to be a teacher. he says its so depressing, hes learning that people just consider school as a place to keep the kids out of the streets. not just the parents feel that way, but the government too.
It sucks... Teachers don't get paid enough as it is, and they have to be babysitters, too...
Blade Runner
I agree that teachers don't get paid enough, but they also have to realize that since most of them get paid by goverment funds they can't get blood out of a stone... If the money is not there it's not there, the public won't support tax increases so there is not much way to get more money.. This striking shit is bull, they do it to get money, well there isn't any with this recession, the state is 900 million in the hole as it is. Now the teachers threaten to strike again because they may not get the raise that they were promised this year, they will get it, but probably not this year.. Resuming the strike in this case does nothing but hurt the students they are supposed to be so 'dedicated' to... Get real, pay them more, but they can be reasonable and try and hold out until there is actually some moneu to pay them with, or perhaps they could focus their efforts in a better direction, maybe at the public that won't support some relatively small increases in taxes to help pay for educatio that will give them a great return int eh long run in increases national production, standard of lioving and other benefits.... i get so sick of this whole argument!!!!!
i was at brewery city last night with my housemates karl and rob. everything was going great until karl started to talk about the public school system. gr. we both agree that it sucks, but he doesn't think anything should change or be done about it, 'cause "it wouldn't make any difference one way or the other." i HATE compelling, depressing arguments. gr.
Yeah, and this one is both... I agree that the state can't really afford to pay the teachers more, and it's too bad that people won't agree to higher taxes to pay teachers salaries... It's all very depressing...
Blade Runner
No kidding, a classic example of gimme gimme gimme and noone wants t for what they get... cliche' alert> You get something for nothing... Oh well, 'nough said.
Flyin' dog room 3> _