Free Speech Amongst Teens>
Anyone got anything to talk about?
Nope. How bout abortion?
How bout...
How about spiders?
How about Scorpions?
I feel abortion is the woman's choice, and should be kept that way
Right on...
Right on...
Right on...
Right on...
How about idiots who see pigs and think they are scorpions
Man, I hate that.
Right on...
Right on...
Right on...
Right on...
Get the feeling that someone has a 'Right on...' macro?
Right on...
Right on...
Right on...
Right on...
Right on...
Right on, Scorpion
Why is it, that everytime I enter something in here, people keep repeating it for ever and ever? And then I write something on the other Mb's, and nobody reads it........Hmmmmm....
Right on...and goin' in.
Right on... It's mostly Scorp.
Fuck trends, ladies, how do you feel about abortion?
Pro choice
Me too. But I'm not a lady (last time I checked)
Pro-choice for everyone... I think it's dumb to tell people what to do with their bodys..
yup, thats my attutude.
Same here, it's just not a good thing
what about going back to the mid-east to check on saddam?
kill um. He's being anoying again.
Oh yeah, nice attitude there. I'm pro-"choice" but really that term is stupid, because its not about choice, its about whether a fetus is alive or not.... I don't think it is. But if it is, then choice has naothing to do with it.
The thing is, that the fetus is alive from the time the eggs fertilized.
Who here eats egg and is against abortions?
I eat egg, But i'm not against abortions. the earth is over populated as it is.
I meant, if the fetus is alive or not. Lettuce is alive, but it doesn't have rights. So is a fetus human or not? I don't think so.
right, i don't think a fetus is alive. I think somethings alive when it becomes self aware. Or sentinent.
right, the foetus can't feel a damn thing, and can't even think at all yet... i'm pro choice... and I'm slowly transforming myself into a woman.
...well I'm a fetus, and I feel pretty lively, whooh, not much to do around here, I think I'll head for the pussy...
Anyone who eats eggs, and is against abortion, has really got to sit down and think about what exactly he/she is doing.
An "egg" like the thing you eat, is an unfertilized thing. its never been "alive". Now, I'm NOT against abortion, but there is a diffrence.
Well, it could be, if humans just leave the poor chickens alone...
Yea, but then there'd be BILLIONS of chickens all over the place. And chickens arn't an indangered specise. (well, that just gave me away)
UUUMMM! I feel hungry for some kentucky fried chicken
Well. I'm a wanna-be vegetarian...Besides, were supposed to be the highest form of life, and we go around killing ourselves, and other animals...Very disgusting if you ask me...( <-just gave me away too)
This entire conversation lost me
heres a summary:
chicken=good to eat
Good thinkibng
Correction: Chicken=Life |
Ahh, but you are forgetting
Fried Chicken=Life for Humans/Morons
we can have more...
Yeah, but Plants=life for humans/morons
Anyone ever heard the horror stories from Kentucky Fried Chicken?
I remeber the story that one guy bit into his chicken and found hte body of a dead rat in it. well done I believe.
And the loogies in the gravy
I heard they have moths in the french fry oil at Booger King
Oooooo! Yum Yum yum!
How about AIDS?
Free Speech Amongst Teens> _