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#65 50 Fri Sep 20 09:00:00 1991 ****
Anyone got anything to talk about?
#112 50 Fri Sep 20 14:47:44 1991 ****
Nope. How bout abortion?
#252 50 Sat Sep 21 19:46:24 1991 ****
How bout...
#226 50 Sun Sep 22 07:21:52 1991 ****
How about spiders?
#238 50 Sun Sep 22 07:21:52 1991 ****
How about Scorpions?
#309 50 Sun Sep 22 18:57:20 1991 ****
I feel abortion is the woman's choice, and should be kept that way
#314 50 Sun Sep 22 18:57:20 1991 ****
Right on...
#320 50 Sun Sep 22 18:57:20 1991 ****
Right on...
#321 50 Sun Sep 22 18:57:20 1991 ****
Right on...
#329 50 Sun Sep 22 18:57:20 1991 ****
Right on...
#352 50 Mon Sep 23 12:20:32 1991 ****
How about idiots who see pigs and think they are scorpions
#368 50 Mon Sep 23 12:20:32 1991 ****
Man, I hate that.
#398 50 Mon Sep 23 18:08:16 1991 ****
Right on...
#411 50 Mon Sep 23 18:08:16 1991 ****
Right on...
#412 50 Mon Sep 23 18:08:16 1991 ****
Right on...
#450 50 Tue Sep 24 05:43:44 1991 ****
Right on...
#466 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Get the feeling that someone has a 'Right on...' macro?
#467 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Right on...
#468 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Right on...
#469 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Right on...
#470 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Right on...
#471 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Right on...
#497 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Right on, Scorpion
#515 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Why is it, that everytime I enter something in here, people keep repeating it for ever and ever? And then I write something on the other Mb's, and nobody reads it........Hmmmmm....
#532 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Right on...and goin' in.
#554 50 Tue Sep 24 11:31:28 1991 ****
Right on... It's mostly Scorp.
#603 50 Tue Sep 24 17:19:12 1991 ****
Fuck trends, ladies, how do you feel about abortion?
#635 50 Tue Sep 24 17:19:12 1991 ****
Pro choice
#651 50 Tue Sep 24 17:19:12 1991 ****
Me too. But I'm not a lady (last time I checked)
#666 50 Tue Sep 24 23:06:56 1991 ****
Pro-choice for everyone... I think it's dumb to tell people what to do with their bodys..
#674 50 Wed Sep 25 04:54:40 1991 ****
yup, thats my attutude.
#684 50 Wed Sep 25 04:54:40 1991 ****
Same here, it's just not a good thing
#722 50 Wed Sep 25 10:42:24 1991 ****
what about going back to the mid-east to check on saddam?
#780 50 Wed Sep 25 16:30:08 1991 ****
kill um. He's being anoying again.
#797 50 Wed Sep 25 22:17:52 1991 ****
Oh yeah, nice attitude there. I'm pro-"choice" but really that term is stupid, because its not about choice, its about whether a fetus is alive or not.... I don't think it is. But if it is, then choice has naothing to do with it.
#809 50 Wed Sep 25 22:17:52 1991 ****
The thing is, that the fetus is alive from the time the eggs fertilized.
#819 50 Thu Sep 26 04:05:36 1991 ****
Who here eats egg and is against abortions?
#823 50 Thu Sep 26 09:53:20 1991 ****
I eat egg, But i'm not against abortions. the earth is over populated as it is.
#860 50 Thu Sep 26 15:41:04 1991 ****
I meant, if the fetus is alive or not. Lettuce is alive, but it doesn't have rights. So is a fetus human or not? I don't think so.
#868 50 Thu Sep 26 15:41:04 1991 ****
right, i don't think a fetus is alive. I think somethings alive when it becomes self aware. Or sentinent.
#878 50 Thu Sep 26 15:41:04 1991 ****
right, the foetus can't feel a damn thing, and can't even think at all yet... i'm pro choice... and I'm slowly transforming myself into a woman.
#897 50 Thu Sep 26 15:41:04 1991 ****
...well I'm a fetus, and I feel pretty lively, whooh, not much to do around here, I think I'll head for the pussy...
#945 50 Fri Sep 27 14:52:00 1991 ****
Anyone who eats eggs, and is against abortion, has really got to sit down and think about what exactly he/she is doing.
#950 50 Fri Sep 27 14:52:00 1991 ****
An "egg" like the thing you eat, is an unfertilized thing. its never been "alive". Now, I'm NOT against abortion, but there is a diffrence.
#1009 50 Sat Sep 28 08:15:12 1991 ****
Well, it could be, if humans just leave the poor chickens alone...
#1022 50 Sat Sep 28 08:15:12 1991 ****
Yea, but then there'd be BILLIONS of chickens all over the place. And chickens arn't an indangered specise. (well, that just gave me away)
#1042 50 Sat Sep 28 14:02:56 1991 ****
UUUMMM! I feel hungry for some kentucky fried chicken
#1053 50 Sat Sep 28 14:02:56 1991 ****
Well. I'm a wanna-be vegetarian...Besides, were supposed to be the highest form of life, and we go around killing ourselves, and other animals...Very disgusting if you ask me...( <-just gave me away too)
#1077 50 Sat Sep 28 14:02:56 1991 ****
This entire conversation lost me
#1097 50 Sat Sep 28 14:02:56 1991 ****
heres a summary: chicken=good to eat
#1115 50 Sun Sep 29 07:26:08 1991 ****
Good thinkibng
#1144 50 Sun Sep 29 19:01:36 1991 ****
Correction: Chicken=Life | \/ Human=Moron
#1157 50 Sun Sep 29 19:01:36 1991 ****
Ahh, but you are forgetting Fried Chicken=Life for Humans/Morons
#1213 50 Sun Sep 29 19:01:36 1991 ****
we can have more...
#1230 50 Sun Sep 29 19:01:36 1991 ****
Yeah, but Plants=life for humans/morons
#1335 50 Mon Sep 30 18:12:32 1991 ****
Anyone ever heard the horror stories from Kentucky Fried Chicken?
#1356 50 Mon Sep 30 18:12:32 1991 ****
I remeber the story that one guy bit into his chicken and found hte body of a dead rat in it. well done I believe.
#1409 50 Mon Sep 30 18:12:32 1991 ****
And the loogies in the gravy
#1414 50 Mon Sep 30 18:12:32 1991 ****
I heard they have moths in the french fry oil at Booger King
#1435 50 Tue Oct 1 05:48:00 1991 ****
Oooooo! Yum Yum yum!
#244 50 Thu Sep 22 09:23:28 1994 ****
How about AIDS?
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