
#2344 49 Thu Dec 19 17:17:41 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Yeah... Their CD's are only $10.00... However, I don't think too many of you are into Natalie Cole, or Garth Brooks...
#2496 49 Fri Dec 20 17:09:07 1991 [i can't think] Roya [of any surname...]
It's not so much the giving, on Christmas, but the fact that Christmas is probably the only MAIN holiday to give...
#2769 49 Sat Dec 21 23:50:29 1991 Spur [burn BM productions]
in not too long, (assuming easy going in the graphics room) i won't have to worry about the price of any cds that i buy...
#3252 49 Mon Dec 23 15:54:15 1991 Shane
assuming you don't get caught with it, and also assuming you have the guts to try it, I know I wouldn't..
#3335 49 Mon Dec 23 20:02:33 1991 [Look everybody...] Scorpion [it's creamer-container man!]
you need an ID still
#3385 49 Mon Dec 23 22:05:12 1991 Spur [the God]
only person i could get caught by is morsett. he wouldn't mind. and why shouldn't i try? not much to lose. the worst they can do is refuse the check. and with some access to a color printer...aha, life is beautiful.
#3467 49 Tue Dec 24 07:15:04 1991 [The stars are the greatest] Roya [thing you've ever seen...]
refuse the check and put you into jail perhaps for using fake ones.
#4268 49 Thu Dec 26 20:09:37 1991 [Damn kid, tying up the phone-] Scorpion [line, they're all the same.]
it's pretty hard to see if a check is a fake w/o checking to see if theres magnetic ink numbers on the bottom. I suppose you couldtry to scrape the toner off but that would look pretty bad.
#4308 49 Thu Dec 26 21:40:12 1991 Roya [is God.]
but the checks look like they were copied of a XEROX machine!
#4418 49 Fri Dec 27 09:32:17 1991 [texas is the place] Shane [to not hang them low]
no, they look really good. they're quality prints. they even scanned the fancy robotic numbers on a check and put them on it. it looks pretty cool. but I've taken alot of checks, and I think I would notice if the top wasn't perforated.. that's the only major problem. that and the fact that you don't have a checkbook to make it look better. it's just altogether weird..
#4490 49 Fri Dec 27 11:02:46 1991 Roya [is God.]
NO, i SAW them...Zied, and Spur brought them to school. They were pink, right?
Controversy> _