Darkwing, you may say that we went in there to help throw off an opressive government, but if that's the case, then why the hell don't we invade Syrria, an ally of our government? Our government is just as bad as Iraq. Look at Panama, El Salvador, etc. In any case, sanctions would be the best way.
Darkwing Duck
Auctually Audin, we are running out of oil in Texas... And oil wasn't the main reason the US troops went over. Oil wasn't even the main worry... as you might have noticed, when the war was on, that gas prices went down. And Spur> There weren't that many cilivilians killed in the war, except for the ones which were killed in Kuwaite.. you might also have noiced that we went over and helped the Iraqi people after the war was over and gave them food and blakets. The people, if they DID die, deserved to die after calling God Satan and marching in the streets with guns saying that Bush was also satan... don't go shooting off your mouth without thinking first... just kiddin'
Darkwing Duck
Sadam started the Desert Storm, we just finished it..
Sadam STARTED the war...BUT, we didn't HAVE to go in there and make it worse...Not that it WAS worse, but if...IF Sadam used the weapons that we think he's hiding...well...then going there would really have not been a good idea....I think there are other ways of ending wars, instead of starting new ones....
James T Kirk
Yup, thats my opion. We didn't have to go in there. We seem to like to get involved in things that have nothing do do with us in the first place. Bad habit.
Darkwing Duck
We also didn't have to help another country. I think the Goverment knows more about what their doing than you do. The goverment was only trying to protect an allied country, not a bunch of oil. When they went in there, they knew what they were doing, otherwise, I'm sure the President would not have ordered the strike.
We weren't helping anybody but the rich. The president doesn't know what he's doing, DW, in case you haven't noticed yet. You know all those smart bombs we dropped that weren't supposed to hit any civilians? 5% of the bombs we dropped were smart. The other 95% have an acknowledged miss ration of 75%. We killed an amazing number of innocents. Would you be willing to die for what happened DW?
James T Kirk
It was rediculous. Do you think we would have even considered going in if there hadn't been any oil? NO! the only reason we did it was to protect our supply of oil. oil, which i might add, We don't need, We have a bunch of oil in texas that isn't being pumped becouse it would be more expencive than buying it from Kuate. We where there for the oil.
Even though the Iraqis DID support Saddam, I really don't think they should be the ones who should pay the price..just becaseu they had a ridiculously bad leader.... It seems so easy just to have one big peace conference, and jsut declare no war against other countries... I guess the leaders haveone big ego, or something to do that... War is stupid, it doesn't solve anything, it gets people killed, it makes MORE people angry, and is just plain not a good alternative to sanctions which may not be working at the time.... PAIX...
Darkwing Duck
So you're saying that we shouldn't fight a war, and the Russians would take us over and you wouldn't care becuase war doesn't solve anything? And not care because people wouldn't die if we just gave up and didn't fight?
James T Kirk
Excuse me, The soviets are in no position to take over anyone. Thay can't even feed there own contry.
Are you one of these anti-russian people? I like the soviets, I think we should have many more relations with them. And hopefully, we will.
thay arn't some big BAD aufull beast that attacks everything it can. There just a people with a very bad form of government.(at least, used to have a bad government).
They're in the middle of a big almost-revolution....They jsut got over a coup...How could they possibly start a war?!??! We're supposed to be the "Example setters" for other countries....And IF we are...why not just stop war all together?
What about a shirt that says "kill, maime and destroy, they're just fucking Arabs."
(just a friendly suggestion)
I didn't find that very funny..
Darkwing Duck
No, the Russians still have the power to fight, even though it might just look like their going to stop, it's not true.. I heard from a man from Desert storm that they had to take Anthrax pills (top secret supposedly) probably some biological weapons we would have used if forced to, so It just goes to show you, people lie.
James T Kirk
Where not running out of oil in texas, We have a BUNCH just sitting there not being pomped. And where have you been, oil prices wen't UP from the scare durning the war(if you can really call it a war).
And THOUSANDS of Iraqi civilians did die. More died than Kuaites.
I hope your kidding, saying that anyone that calls somebody a name or disagrees with you religiously ought to die. A hell of a lot of civilians were killed, just not civilians on our side. Iraqis are people too.
I did. I liked it!
James T Kirk
What dose that have to do with the Soviets? Thay don't have the supplys to take over anyone really. Thay can't even feed there own people. Let alown an army. And thay woulden't be able to agree on it anyway, There so broaken up right now. Also, The Soviet army is now compleatly volonter. So, Its alot smaller now.
Also on the subject, Thay'er not "russians" thay are Soviets, "russa" is a state in the soviet union, no there...
Geez, all this opinion locked so deeply in the Cave of Desperation. hehe
I believe it was Audin who said that we had plenty of oil in Texas and then said we were over there protecting our oil supply. Which is it? DO we are DON'T we have enough oil?
There isn't a great deal of support in Iraq for Saddam. The people with the guns seem to either support him or are being forced to. That's good enough to keep him in power.
Probably as many Iraqis were killed by Saddam AFTER we stopped fighting as we killed with all our bombs. Certainly that is true of civilians.
While I never went through the phase, it is true that the younger you are the more liberal and idealistic you are (in general). Later you realize that when only one side decides not to fight, the fight still happens only the side that doesn't fight losses.
I don't know where you get your ideas about the Soviets. They have plenty of nuclear weapons and could reduce you to dust in less than thirty minutes. I would agreee that they would be no match for the US and NATO in their present state in a conventional war. Of course if the US followed several of your plans and totally disarmed, they would have no trouble in their present mess. As you define your morality, you all really should take into consideration the defense of your country.
As long as I am alive, I will always be liberal....Being liberal means you accept things, more or less, and that's how I am, and would like to stay....
everybody: "heeeyyyy... that's greeeaaaat."
What the HELL?
Liberal means a few things. In the strictest defenition, it means in favor of change. As conservative means againt change. But usualy it means in terms of politics. Bill, do you seriously think I'll ever be conservative? You've seen my politics, do you think they'll change that much?
I can't call myself liberal or conservative... my viewpoint always depends so much on the subject.
Look at Poor Pitbull, Spur. He sold out for money. Someday you will too. hehe
Shit. You know, you're probably right. Then I'll edn up just a poser liberal.
Someday we'll just shoot all the politicians and the world will be at peace.
Imagine all the people....
Cool song. I like Lenin.
Whoops, Lennon.
Freudian Slip there, Spur. I knew you was a Commi all along.
I admit it. Could I tell you some of my friends for a reduced sentence?
Spur...what a geek...Heh,heh..what the HELL.....Lenin, Lennon? I never really connected the, did you listen to the radio, the time they played that song on a whole bunch of stations, and around the world? GOD..that was COOL.....Just imagining the fact that millions of people were listening to the same song, around the WORLD....PEACE......
That was cool. Plus, its a cool song. Roya, go eat yourself. Lenin and Lennon are (were) both cool people...
Did I say anything? I don't know much about Leinin, even though we jsut finished studying the Soviet Union....I payed more attention to what people thoughabout the communist, you listened to that too?'s a small world.....Hey! yesterday was International Mole Day....Ther first time Iheard it, I laughed so hard.....who..WHO ....would think of Internaitonal Mole DAy???
Captain James T Kirk
Well, Leinin(the soviet guy) had a good idea, originally, but his government warped it into what it was a few monts ago.... I read about it somewhere.... Natinal geographic i beleave...
Did I say you said anything, Roya?
buy the sky and sell the sky and lift your arms up to the sky and ask the sky and tell the sky don't FAAAALL OOOOOONN MEEEEEEE
How do you like my new surname?
hahahaha!! have you heard? I have an honest-to-Go(sh) addiction.. to CO. My mom came in and caught me hooking up a vacuum hose to the exhaust pipe in the garage.
Oh my go(sh)... How scandalous...
oh room is empty....but seriously, i have something that's been bugging me.....since the past week or two, everybody has been so nice to me for some odd reason....people i haven't talked to in a long time, or jsut ignored me, are now speaking to me....this is there anyone who can explain this weird phenomon?
Phenomenon? I can't, unless something has happened in your life, or theirs...
Roya's............Room> _