this room is for people who call at exactly 9:59 or soemthing liek that, so don't ya post here other wise, or else!
Italian Stallion
>bowinkle tune< ----neener-neener-na-na! You cant' stop me!
Ha!!!!!!! it's exactly 12:43, Damn I have school tomorrow.
Captain James T Kirk
Well, is 2:13.39 close enough??
no. but 10:19 is.
Captain James T Kirk
Well, how bout 10.26.25?
Damn you, I just saw in the aide room my message was delited. Shane, I'm hurt.
Captain James T Kirk
hehe, you know Shane, eather Isis or Cser can take away your aide status.
and frankly, I think that's screwed.
well gell it's his board, and damn it, if you want o call at soem other time then make your own timed rooms, remeber conformity!!!!
(by the way it's 11:59:05).
C'mon I wouldn't do that to Shane. Why do you think that's screwed. I wouldn't do that, Cser I don't know about, he's made threats. But someone would have to do something to harm the board for me to mess with their status, in which case i think audin would take care of it.
it's just opinion.. don't take offense to it. there are just some options that I believe should belong only to the sysop.
Cyrus Aman
You really can't even get within minutes of that time, cause only one person could call a day (now that'd be a dead room wouldn't it).
two people. it never said am or pm.
I'm getting hyped, it's almost time to enter an apporprite message. 9:57:48 and counting.
It is exactly 9:58:48...........now
It's 9:59:30
It's 9;59:48 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Captain James T Kirk
Isis, you musta added 12 wrong, i was only 8:59.48!
yeah, there's still time left. isis tried to lie. well, I'm gonna mess around online till about that time, and enter one, cuz I hate missing out, and I only have 10 minutes. I'll be back.
yay. I am now only the second person who has actually posted here at 9:59:48. I feel so honored. not. so. not. so. not. NOT!! NOT!!!!
Must be, sorry, I coulda sworn that I posted right before star trek, nope must not of. Oh well, I posted exactly 1 hour early.
Italian Stallion
KILL HER! OFF WITH HER HEAD! One HOUR? early? Do you expect the rules to be broken just cause you got sysop?! NEVER! Off with her Head!
Let's not get out of kontrol here, people...
bad girl.
9:59:48> _