Roya's Reality Room>

#1503 54 Thu Jan 10 17:30:13 1991 [Thank god...] Roya [for modems...]
I don't think that would work....
#38 52 Fri Sep 20 04:02:41 1991 [Je pense,] Roya [ergo je suis...]
Wow......this is the very first message here, again...
#74 52 Fri Sep 20 14:12:29 1991 Zied
I think therefor (?) I am.
#105 52 Fri Sep 20 20:16:11 1991 Spur
The contrapositive of which is of course, " I am not therefore I don't think.
#124 52 Fri Sep 20 20:52:02 1991 [Je pense,] Roya [ergo je suis...]
Yup... you got it Zied... (Amazing!) I forgot all about contrapositives and stuff, I learned them in Geometry...but I remember thinking it was a really cool thing to switch words around like that....If that makes any sense.....Well, I don't absolutely have to make sense, cause look what time I'm writing...
#127 52 Fri Sep 20 21:26:28 1991 [That deaf dumb blind kid] Scorpion [sure plays a mean pinball.]
DuI like macros.
#190 52 Fri Sep 20 23:02:58 1991 Spur
Pikhcked on the SPUR of the moment, perchance?
#168 52 Sat Sep 21 16:21:55 1991 Italian Stallion
oh god...not notnot not no it can't be not at 11:52pm !!!!!!
#181 52 Sat Sep 21 20:02:10 1991 [Je pense,] Roya [ergo je suis...]
Hey, everbody...I think I'll be logging in next time, under a new whatever...It'll be my Handle...whatever that is...
#245 52 Sat Sep 21 21:11:25 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Have you considered getting something out of a medical jouirnal, maybe? I think "speen" or "index" would be a great handle.
#269 52 Sun Sep 22 00:02:54 1991 Italian Stallion
how 'bout intravenous inverted bipedal pectoral subgroup a?
#213 52 Sun Sep 22 09:11:57 1991 Monty
or on the MONTY of the moment
#306 52 Sun Sep 22 21:50:33 1991 Monty
or glutious maximus
#312 52 Sun Sep 22 22:01:01 1991 [Je pense,] Roya [ergo je suis...]
I know a whole bunch else, too....That's a good idea....I don't know yet
#316 52 Sun Sep 22 22:11:46 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Wtoo many periods!!!
#324 52 Sun Sep 22 22:18:48 1991 James T Kirk
#342 52 Mon Sep 23 17:04:33 1991 [I am here] Cser [not at school]
What about Zaphod
#362 52 Mon Sep 23 17:54:40 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Breeblebox is DEAD!!
#424 52 Mon Sep 23 19:28:59 1991 [Je pense,] Roya [ergo je suis...]
No, actually, I'm thinking Trillian is a good name...I haven't yet decided i f i want to stick with it or now...
#520 52 Tue Sep 24 14:06:29 1991 Zied
#558 52 Tue Sep 24 16:34:01 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
#565 52 Tue Sep 24 16:50:23 1991 Shane
no, you need a number preceding the 4.
#587 52 Tue Sep 24 19:09:12 1991 [I am a slave of...] Roya [Procrastination...]
What are all the numbers for?
#593 52 Tue Sep 24 19:36:12 1991 Monty
how about julian, or jean finley as your handle
#627 52 Tue Sep 24 21:54:59 1991 [I am] Cser [Webster Jr.]
Dent, definitely Dent
#641 52 Tue Sep 24 22:20:52 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Oh, who cares. What's wrong with Roya?
#661 52 Wed Sep 25 04:14:39 1991 [I am a slave of...] Roya [Procrastination...]
Well...everybody, almost everybody, has a nickname...Maybe I should just keep mly own name............Whatever....
#668 52 Wed Sep 25 04:41:54 1991 James T Kirk
I think Roya's fine. And the trend seems to be going away from handles. Shane, Zied, Pasha.
#689 52 Wed Sep 25 12:21:54 1991 Shane
be proud of who you are. unless your name is something freaky like audin, nathan, colin...
#703 52 Wed Sep 25 12:49:41 1991 James T Kirk
Excuse me...I like having a diffrent name. At least it 's diffrent here, not in Norway, but here.
#714 52 Wed Sep 25 13:57:33 1991 Monty
i use a handle to hide my shame, when read backwards, my name is niloc
#725 52 Wed Sep 25 14:10:43 1991 James T Kirk
#747 52 Wed Sep 25 16:19:36 1991 Shane
I'm not trashing your name... there's nothing wrong with it. If I thought it was screwy, I wouldn't have included "colin" and "nathan"...
#768 52 Wed Sep 25 19:37:20 1991 Monty
gee, i don't know where audin got the impression you were making fun of his name, hmmmmmmmm.
#791 52 Wed Sep 25 22:51:19 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
God.... "niloc".... How can you forgive your parents for what they've done?
#834 52 Thu Sep 26 15:09:57 1991 Monty
they've made a mockerey of my life, i must hide in shame with monty, no longer can i be colin
#850 52 Thu Sep 26 17:21:46 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Don't even MENTION that name around here again!
#882 52 Thu Sep 26 19:30:28 1991 Zied
be quiet you, YOU nahtan!
#942 52 Fri Sep 27 17:41:08 1991 [I am a slave of...] Roya [Procrastination...]
What a Zeet.
#967 52 Fri Sep 27 20:18:58 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
quiet you topic police geek airhead.
#976 52 Sat Sep 28 05:56:00 1991 James T Kirk
Ah! The TOPIC POLICE are here! RUN!
#1006 52 Sat Sep 28 12:48:21 1991 [I am a slave of...] Roya [Procrastination...]
FREEZE! You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law...blah, blah,blah...
#1040 52 Sat Sep 28 15:27:51 1991 Monty
#1051 52 Sat Sep 28 16:56:37 1991 [I am a slave of...] Roya [Procrastination...]
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...(First part of Simpson's theme...)
#1071 52 Sat Sep 28 18:34:10 1991 [The Phantom of the opera] Chris Serface [is there, inside your mind.]
Colin we stand with you, BE PROUD
#1086 52 Sat Sep 28 19:09:30 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
why do i see old messages again?
#1107 52 Sun Sep 29 11:01:15 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
#1169 52 Sun Sep 29 20:27:24 1991 [no, I mean it...] Shane [FUCK YOU]
hey, cser's back in group null!! get him!!
#1185 52 Sun Sep 29 21:15:17 1991 Italian Stallion
rat-tat-tat-tat-tat.....blam! Blam! got'em.
#1201 52 Sun Sep 29 22:03:32 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
good job agent X
#1452 52 Mon Sep 30 11:15:24 1991 Italian Stallion
hey! you mean we don't all have sysop here?!!! be a man audin...give all the good guys sysop.
#1271 52 Mon Sep 30 15:51:29 1991 [no, I mean it...] Shane [FUCK YOU]
jesus, look at the hole.
#1296 52 Mon Sep 30 17:21:55 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
That's almost big enough to fit my dick in...
#1329 52 Mon Sep 30 18:07:21 1991 [The Phantom of the opera] Chris Serface [is there, inside your mind.]
Okay, who made that group for everyone but Cser?
#1341 52 Mon Sep 30 18:36:51 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
some one neat, no doubt.
#1378 52 Mon Sep 30 19:41:04 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
No doubt.
#1429 52 Tue Oct 1 05:43:46 1991 James T Kirk
Hay Spur, How did you get sysop???????
#1464 52 Wed Oct 2 10:30:59 1991 James T Kirk
I'm thinking about it. I just don't want to reconfigure...
#10995 53 Sun Oct 20 14:41:42 1991 [Two wrongs..] Roya Naini [Make Neat-o.]
What about me? Well..I'm neat..
#11029 53 Mon Oct 21 03:36:59 1991 [Two wrongs..] Roya Naini [Make Neat-o.]
God! STUPID MISTAKES??? STUPID MISTAKES???? You want to talk to ME? about stupid mistakes???? I accidentally screwed up and put a Log/Log to switch them from being subtracted....stupid.....Othere than that...I think i did prety well....
#15856 53 Mon Nov 25 17:36:27 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
You know... Strap... It's not the size of the hook, it's how you cast it...
#15889 53 Mon Nov 25 18:35:47 1991 [Santa, and Satan] Chris the Shaych [On the next, Geraldo.]
I am Jaques Strapp, the French athletic supporter!
#15902 53 Mon Nov 25 18:58:34 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
hi, could i speak to a guy named Jass? first name Hugh?
#15940 53 Mon Nov 25 19:35:34 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
Yes, this is Hugh...
#15998 53 Tue Nov 26 02:55:38 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
um...this is a prank called that kinda backfired....
#16021 53 Tue Nov 26 03:36:46 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
Oh, well, nice to meet you.
#16049 53 Tue Nov 26 10:05:18 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
Such a nice young man...
#16168 53 Tue Nov 26 16:30:56 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
moe moe moe moe moe moe
#16195 53 Tue Nov 26 18:44:15 1991 [New Century] Chris the Shaych [Knights]
Larry, Larry, Larrry, Larry, Larry, Larry
#16208 53 Tue Nov 26 19:06:36 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
Mo' money, mo' money, mo' money...
#16248 53 Tue Nov 26 20:14:15 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
pouch of skin under the red side of the coin
#16324 53 Wed Nov 27 09:11:16 1991 [Remember, I can smell a lie] Blade Runner [like a fart in a car.]
It's a Flamin' Flamin' Homer.... er Flamin'..... who cares?!
#16336 53 Wed Nov 27 09:39:32 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
A Flamin' Idiot...
#16357 53 Wed Nov 27 12:30:03 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
Wow...i'm so thrilled that you all took the time, just half an hour, to come, sit by the TV, and watch the Simpson's.....with your support, Matt Groening can continue to create the wonderful things he does.....
#16383 53 Wed Nov 27 15:50:54 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
Matt Groening, one of the best thing ever to come out of The Evergreen State College...
#16439 53 Wed Nov 27 19:32:59 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
um...yeah..i think....
#16470 53 Wed Nov 27 20:56:13 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
Do you know of anything better to come out of there?
#16559 53 Thu Nov 28 09:26:01 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
well...hmmm....let me think about that...
#2548 52 Fri Dec 20 22:02:56 1991 [Cars and ditches...] Scorpion [...don't mix.]
What do you call a skeleton in a closet with blond hair? Last years hide and go seek winner.
#2571 52 Fri Dec 20 22:40:55 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Hehehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahahahohohohohohohohohohohoho... That's COOL!!! I like it...
#2602 52 Sat Dec 21 08:01:32 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
Not bad!! hehe
#2613 52 Sat Dec 21 09:25:50 1991 [Feel such peace] Roya [and absolute...]
uh oh..a blond joke
#2679 52 Sat Dec 21 15:14:04 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Blonde people-- UNTIE!!!
#2733 52 Sat Dec 21 22:25:37 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
hehe, and they get even better...
#2782 52 Sun Dec 22 00:01:37 1991 Spur [burn BM productions]
can't make fun of vlonde people, that's racist
#2810 52 Sun Dec 22 03:03:04 1991 [where's] deadman [deadspur?]
no, it's hairist. and heresy is good.
#2850 52 Sun Dec 22 11:06:13 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Hahahahaha... I can make fun of blonde people... I AM ONE!!! So there...
#3353 52 Mon Dec 23 20:43:46 1991 [Look everybody...] Scorpion [it's creamer-container man!]
I'm blond too (kinda) Spur> Hair color is not a racial atribute. It's genetic, both my parents have dark hair.
#3400 52 Mon Dec 23 22:20:39 1991 Spur [ver 1.0]
I hate to tell you this, but race is genetic too. Both of my parents are white. They aren't mutually exclusive you know. Have you ever seen a black person with (non-dyed) blonde hair? It is a racial attribute. I rest my case.
#3448 52 Mon Dec 23 23:32:30 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
You may rest it... But I'm STILL blonde... So there...
#3482 52 Tue Dec 24 07:31:03 1991 [The stars are the greatest] Roya [thing you've ever seen...]
race is not genetic, its the genes that make up the race that are...
#3555 52 Tue Dec 24 12:48:39 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
australian aboriginals often have dark skin and blonde hair. it's true.
#3581 52 Tue Dec 24 13:29:38 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Browned by the sun, but also bleached by the sun?
#3877 52 Wed Dec 25 19:03:17 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
Of course race is genetic, The genes transfer the racial atubuies(sp...(I'm WAY off on that one...)
#3878 52 Wed Dec 25 19:03:40 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
Make that, Attributes...
#4023 52 Wed Dec 25 23:22:55 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
hm. atubuies? it must be a special malmin thing.
#4094 52 Thu Dec 26 09:55:19 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
Uh huh...
#4116 52 Thu Dec 26 10:10:58 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pyloric Valve...]
they've got atubuies. haha
#4200 52 Thu Dec 26 15:14:10 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
#4210 52 Thu Dec 26 15:38:26 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
does it hurt? just how *does* it feel?
#4229 52 Thu Dec 26 18:38:24 1991 [texas is the place] Shane [to not hang them low]
suck suck suck
#4230 52 Thu Dec 26 18:38:29 1991 [texas is the place] Shane [to not hang them low]
it feels blind
#4231 52 Thu Dec 26 18:39:08 1991 [texas is the place] Shane [to not hang them low]
jesus... I just realized that I can get some sort of response to anything anyone says directly from songs... I listen to way too much music..
#4244 52 Thu Dec 26 19:00:48 1991 [SysGod] Captain James T Kirk [, Of Star Fleet Academy...]
No kidding...
#4249 52 Thu Dec 26 19:08:27 1991 [texas is the place] Shane [to not hang them low]
did I ask you?
#4283 52 Thu Dec 26 20:52:51 1991 [I must be dreaming, please] Scorpion [stop screaming. STEVEN???]
a black person with naturaly blond hair is possible and has happened before but not very often.]
#4324 52 Thu Dec 26 21:50:23 1991 Roya [is God.]
did i ask you...da da...did i ask you...dum da da dum....(song i just made up) haha
#778 54 Mon Jan 6 14:08:22 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Just in case Roya ever comes back...
#853 54 Mon Jan 6 20:35:51 1992 [More loose screws] Scorpion [than a hardware store]
could be awhile
#888 54 Mon Jan 6 21:30:26 1992 bill
why? where is the royaster?
#928 54 Tue Jan 7 06:11:29 1992 Blade Runner
royameister.... I think see had the modem taken away from her...
#958 54 Tue Jan 7 14:35:02 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Yes, For a long while, i'd guess...
#1017 54 Tue Jan 7 18:18:10 1992 Blade Runner
how long? What's the big deal anyway, that crap about here getting caught sneaking out?
#1091 54 Tue Jan 7 20:32:23 1992 [wank wank.] Spur [how do you feel about that?]
yes, that crap.
#1428 54 Thu Jan 9 21:13:15 1992 [Fuck the stupid ref] Scorpion [That made me cut my hair]
Their dad's kinda touchy or as other people say, "he's got a real big stick up his ass"
#1467 54 Fri Jan 10 04:04:04 1992 [and i] deadman [hit 'im]
i thought is was a null-modem cable or something....
#1488 54 Fri Jan 10 10:31:56 1992 [GEIL] TUNA [AND PROUD OF IT, WICHSER!]
Make him a "stick remover" and give it to him as a present!
#1545 54 Fri Jan 10 23:18:37 1992 Italian Stallion
It would take a really big jackhammer to puncture that hard ass, plugged up hole.
#7 54 Sat Feb 15 12:12:33 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
wow, the first message here... there seems to be a lot of that happening around here.
#1220 54 Sun Feb 16 15:28:32 1992 Shane
fuck me roya.
#1222 54 Sun Feb 16 15:59:50 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Shane, go fuck yourself. I have enough problems without your useless bitching.
#1241 54 Sun Feb 16 20:30:53 1992 [Yes it's true...] Spur [50 watts are MINE!]
ooh, the audin-meister gets TOUGH
#1275 54 Sun Feb 16 23:28:07 1992 Italian Stallion
Hey Audin, bitch at Roya too. Along these lines might work. Don't call so much and complain that noone else left any fucking messages cause they can't get on or don't call every five minutes because you do! s
#1314 54 Mon Feb 17 05:41:49 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
ooo Ital, not QUITE. you don't see me complaining in EVERY DARN SINGLE ROOM around here... now, back to conversing like decent human beings: How's everyone's reality going? Mine is GREAT.
#1321 54 Mon Feb 17 07:10:27 1992 Monty
my reality has slowly become warped, other than that it's fine
#1349 54 Mon Feb 17 15:04:03 1992 Shane
audin, you've bugged me about it before... have I stopped? no. I never will. I have an inner need to bitch. so the sooner you stop worrying about it and stop taking my bitching seriously, we'll both be happier.
#1381 54 Mon Feb 17 17:38:35 1992 ["I've got women to do"] Blade Runner ["and places to see"]
#1435 54 Tue Feb 18 02:36:07 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
well, that's good Monty. hope it gets better. the rest of you, please shut up. thank you.
#1444 54 Tue Feb 18 02:49:11 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
ok, i'm gonna test something. never tried it before.
#1445 54 Tue Feb 18 02:50:07 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
well, gee, it can't find the file. better log out and check again.
#1446 54 Tue Feb 18 02:55:31 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
neat, i can't do it.
#1447 54 Tue Feb 18 02:55:36 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
#2048 54 Fri Feb 21 13:09:27 1992 Shane
#2384 54 Fri Feb 21 23:27:45 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
Hmmm, a way to piss shane off (as if I could ever do anything that wouldn't piss shane off) hello hello hello how low? nevermind....
#2403 54 Sat Feb 22 00:53:36 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [ 943-2136]
#2374 51 Sat Feb 22 12:33:11 1992 ETHAN WALKER
I think Shane is an overworked, trisexual, prostituting, pimp with PMS and a rash on his but at heart,....pmuwguM
#2375 51 Sat Feb 22 12:34:33 1992 ETHAN WALKER
Oops spelled butt wrong, I've gotta start learning how to spell the different genitelia if I'm gonna make it around here...pmuwguM
#2376 51 Sat Feb 22 12:35:31 1992 ETHAN WALKER
Is that genitAlia or genitElia, oh well I'll ask Shane...pmuW "great"
#2524 54 Sun Feb 23 00:14:19 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [ 943-2136]
penis breath.
#2466 54 Sun Feb 23 11:35:57 1992 [Yes it's true...] Spur [50 watts are MINE!]
#2578 54 Mon Feb 24 19:25:47 1992 Captain James T Kirk
thats nice.
#2719 54 Tue Feb 25 02:17:50 1992 Captain James T Kirk
no order on cits... it's the LAw...
#2651 54 Tue Feb 25 02:54:22 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
just KNOCK IT OFF people.... Man, what kind of way is this to run a room?
#2777 54 Tue Feb 25 19:04:43 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
Anarchy on SFA!!!!!
#2842 54 Wed Feb 26 02:53:44 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
Sudents For Anarchy.. HAH
#2857 54 Wed Feb 26 03:54:59 1992 Captain James T Kirk
Uh oh... s
#2945 51 Wed Feb 26 19:27:09 1992 ETHAN WALKER
ym wen moor si ytfin...kcehc ti tuo! pmuwguM "eht taerg"
#2971 54 Wed Feb 26 20:48:07 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
I like the anarchy setup, it keeps people from messin with other peoples accounts because anyone can do anything to anyone. /\ / \ ---------- / \ / \ ...Brought to you by Pastors for Death...
#3021 54 Thu Feb 27 02:42:52 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
#3113 54 Thu Feb 27 20:32:20 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
Ever see those Pro-life marches that go down town everyonce in a while. One time they had a big banner that said "Pastors of life". My dad commented to me how funny it would be to have a group of people on the other side of the street holding a banner that said "Pastors for death"
#3186 54 Fri Feb 28 02:56:36 1992 [In your] Oyra [face Nirvana!]
haha.... i hate it when they do that.. i'm mean, it's fine to let people know your opinion and all, but they shouldn't start forcing people to beleive them....
#3354 54 Fri Feb 28 09:47:15 1992 [Naturally slow...] Lightning [Please walk slowly...]
#3380 54 Fri Feb 28 16:23:16 1992 ["I've got women to do"] Blade Runner ["and places to see"]
#242 52 Thu Sep 22 13:28:38 1994 [Je pense,] Roya [ergo je suis...]
what does picghcked supposed to mean? Anyway, I haven't decided for sure yet... Will probably be something out of Hitchhikers Guide...Since I like the book...
Roya's Reality Room> _