
#193 51 Fri Sep 20 23:04:14 1991 Spur
#177 51 Sat Sep 21 19:57:00 1991 Pasha Naini
#183 51 Sat Sep 21 20:03:46 1991 [Je pense,] Roya [ergo je suis...]
#185 51 Sat Sep 21 20:27:56 1991 James T Kirk
Wow, a Squayshers room on my board....
#249 51 Sat Sep 21 21:14:22 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Like my 0oooo ( / | |) \_/
#264 51 Sat Sep 21 22:56:38 1991 Shane
that was truly RAD. you should feel privileged to have a squayshers.
#273 51 Sun Sep 22 00:08:45 1991 Italian Stallion
#209 51 Sun Sep 22 08:50:40 1991 Pasha Naini
#301 51 Sun Sep 22 19:21:57 1991 [GOD I HATE THIS SHIT!] Pasha Naini [Beauty Lies In The Eyes]
Nice fOOt spur!
#317 51 Sun Sep 22 22:12:25 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Thanks, I liked it.
#341 51 Mon Sep 23 16:28:16 1991 cyrus aman
Nifty like my gifty.
#348 51 Mon Sep 23 17:11:00 1991 [I am] Cser [Webster Jr.]
Let's all give Spur a foot, er I mean a hand
#366 51 Mon Sep 23 17:56:26 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
#381 51 Mon Sep 23 18:14:54 1991 Shane
#407 51 Mon Sep 23 18:58:34 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
And/or Fucking.
#420 51 Mon Sep 23 19:23:44 1991 [GOD I hate this SHIT!] Pasha Naini [Beauty Lies In The Eyes]
No fguinck!
#528 51 Tue Sep 24 14:15:58 1991 Zied
well well well.
#547 51 Tue Sep 24 14:57:31 1991 Shane
hey, I've seen "NO FGUINCK" before...
#577 51 Tue Sep 24 18:39:46 1991 [GOD I hate this SHIT!] Pasha Naini [Beauty Lies In The Eyes]
So have I...ANd on the live album its called NO FUCKING Cool, eh?
#580 51 Tue Sep 24 18:47:48 1991 Shane
yeah, but what is it? oh yeah, that's nomeansno, right? never heard 'em, just looked at cds.
#611 51 Tue Sep 24 20:07:48 1991 Italian Stallion
5'7? long dark brown hair, oval face, gullible, "oh, my god" stereotype but acrually quite smart. (I think, I suppose she won't correct me if I'm wrong though) hmm...slim..I don't know exact measurements....sophmore, band member, hangs around...hmm...no idea.
#646 51 Tue Sep 24 22:29:14 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
What the fuck?
#694 51 Wed Sep 25 12:27:32 1991 Shane
SCHWING!!! hello, hello, hello, hello.. hello, hello, hello, hello...
#718 51 Wed Sep 25 14:01:00 1991 Monty
hmm, 5'4 is more like it, right chiquita
#739 51 Wed Sep 25 14:50:49 1991 Isis
Yeah, and she hangs around ME, and basicly the people I'm usually seen with, Kim, or Kathleen, actually I haven't seen much of Kim this year.
#771 51 Wed Sep 25 19:40:03 1991 Monty
i haven't seen much of kim at all, besides her feet, ankles, calves, hands, forearms and face
#777 51 Wed Sep 25 20:05:39 1991 chiquita
5'4 is more like it thanks. By the way Kim is just dandy.
#803 51 Wed Sep 25 23:01:06 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
How much of Kim did you feel like seeing, Monty? Direct quote from Kathleen, the sophomore equivalent of Bitsy Bahn: "That's a bad word."
#837 51 Thu Sep 26 15:11:43 1991 Monty
i liked every bit so far, but hey, we won't go into details with chiquita on the boards now
#854 51 Thu Sep 26 17:24:16 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
Lithium is sweet. So is Breed: Nature is a whore.
#869 51 Thu Sep 26 18:47:12 1991 chiquita
So, you were discussing Kim when I was not Here?
#873 51 Thu Sep 26 18:50:54 1991 Shane
"nature is a whore" is from In Bloom, isn't it?
#906 51 Thu Sep 26 20:03:34 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
I don't think so.
#956 51 Fri Sep 27 19:12:43 1991 Shane
yes it is. you don't know shit, so don't contradict me, moron.
#971 51 Fri Sep 27 20:21:36 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
#1002 51 Sat Sep 28 09:23:58 1991 Italian Stallion
chiquita.......>it wasn't anything worth repeating about kim nomeansno..we were just comparing her last name to music groups...(who as I remember from the spokane trip you liked that kinda music alot)
#1041 51 Sat Sep 28 15:30:17 1991 Monty
it's not what i was saying, it's my thoughts that count
#1049 51 Sat Sep 28 16:53:54 1991 [GOD I hate this SHIT!] Pasha Naini [Beauty Lies In The Eyes]
Yep NOMENSEN! HAHHA hello hello hello hello hello hello... (?x) Even in his youth Even in his youth Even in his youth He was Nothin' Kept his body clen Kept his body clen... I bought the SINGLE for smell like teen spirit! THAT'S ALL THE STUFF I'LL EVER BUY FROM NIRVANA IN THE FUTURE! Now all I need is Blew, and Local Anasthetic and I'm ALL DONE! Hey the drummer for Nirvana put a Led Zeppeling logo on my SCREAM T-shirt that I have....(He used to drum for Nirvana)...SO I'm cool...
#1075 51 Sat Sep 28 18:40:20 1991 [The Phantom of the opera] Chris Serface [is there, inside your mind.]
Chiquita liked the music, wow
#1090 51 Sat Sep 28 19:14:22 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
led zepplin is nifty.
#1091 51 Sat Sep 28 19:14:55 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
I think mike said that kim liked it, but I could barely understand him.
#1126 51 Sun Sep 29 11:15:45 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
Fuck you, you fucking freak, le4ave me alone
#1152 51 Sun Sep 29 19:21:02 1991 [GOD I hate this SHIT!] Pasha Naini [Beauty Lies In The Eyes]
what's up our butt latel?
#1173 51 Sun Sep 29 20:31:01 1991 [no, I mean it...] Shane [FUCK YOU]
what, we have a collective ass now?
#1187 51 Sun Sep 29 21:18:14 1991 Italian Stallion
I don't know if kim liked it..but chiquita was rather impressed.
#1188 51 Sun Sep 29 21:18:37 1991 Italian Stallion
then again the only thing she heard was sex man and dad.
#1205 51 Sun Sep 29 22:06:47 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
I was doing my Shane-at-the-counter-at-mcdonalds-talking-to-the-freak-with-the-pick-in-his-hair imitation, see.
#1239 51 Sun Sep 29 23:37:55 1991 [GOD I hate this SHIT!] Pasha Naini [Beauty Lies In The Eyes]
#1243 51 Sun Sep 29 23:42:37 1991 James T Kirk
#1458 51 Mon Sep 30 11:25:33 1991 Italian Stallion
You guys should have realized that with chris's psychology, he was going to say he liked it (maybe even convinced himself he does) just cause you guys made a big deal out of it...
#1273 51 Mon Sep 30 15:54:52 1991 [no, I mean it...] Shane [FUCK YOU]
wow, I'm happy now, because I've made a name for myself as being an ass.
#1306 51 Mon Sep 30 17:28:31 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
Dude, you're rad. I wanna be just like you now. No, seriously.
#1332 51 Mon Sep 30 18:13:46 1991 [Quit playing] Chris Serface [these games!]
I listened to Nirvana last night, I thought it was rad, so for those of you who think that I would never listen to industrail, alternative music, HAH, I do and I like it!] ]
#1347 51 Mon Sep 30 18:43:29 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
I don't know what to say.
#1385 51 Mon Sep 30 19:43:50 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
I don't like Nirvana, they're lame. Iron Maiden is the only good music.
#1408 51 Mon Sep 30 19:57:53 1991 [Quit playing] Chris Serface [these games!]
ha ha, won't trap me there
#1416 51 Mon Sep 30 20:56:49 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
Really, Iron Maiden is great.
#1422 51 Tue Oct 1 03:09:18 1991 [And plus...I would NEVER] Roya [wear a sweater like that...]
Who's this kid with the pick in his hair? I keep hearina about him, but I've never actually seen him...
#1433 51 Tue Oct 1 05:54:31 1991 James T Kirk
Nat X?
#11067 52 Mon Oct 21 08:42:08 1991 [I JUST WANT TO FEEL] Pasha Naini [CAN YOU HELP ME?]
What is this?
#11085 52 Mon Oct 21 17:43:04 1991 [Life is................] Captain James T Kirk [Yup.........]
#11087 52 Mon Oct 21 18:12:05 1991 [Two wrongs make a] Spur [Roya!]
Looks kinda like a room to me. But that's just my wacky perspective showing through, I'm sure.
#11129 52 Tue Oct 22 12:56:15 1991 [Your mouth is filled with] Roya Naini [an anarchy of teeth...]
Hmm...might be...
#11205 52 Tue Oct 22 17:32:14 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
What an anarchy of teeth!
#11236 52 Tue Oct 22 18:36:39 1991 [Big Cheese...] Shane [MAKE ME!!!]
penis if you will...
#11286 52 Tue Oct 22 20:45:54 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
A plethora (or should I say plenum) of penii.
#11324 52 Wed Oct 23 03:29:38 1991 [Your mouth is filled with] Roya [an anarchy of teeth...]
I don't konw...we were talking aobut Pasha's teeth, and I just suddenly said" Pasha, your teeth are revolting...there's an anarchy inside your mouth..." watever.......
#11361 52 Wed Oct 23 08:00:40 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
No Penis! --Nirvana, 'School'
#11484 52 Thu Oct 24 13:44:46 1991 [oh penis] Shane [if you will...]
I just today figured out a line in that song that i couldn't get... "you're in high school again"...
#11501 52 Thu Oct 24 16:30:08 1991 [Jane says,] Spur ["I'm gonna quit tomorrow..."]
I got my cd player hooked up to the speakers, and I have discovered godhood.
#11515 52 Thu Oct 24 16:52:15 1991 [What's wrong with him?] Shane [He's an exhaust baby..]
time for a party.
#11553 52 Sun Oct 27 09:59:38 1991 [What a stupid surname,] Spur [huh?]
No, time to recover from the party.
#15672 52 Sun Nov 24 17:54:04 1991 [OH MY GOD] Spur [I'M COMING]
It's a hell of a lot easier to get together and make funny skits off the top of your head though. That's what we ÿD
#15677 52 Sun Nov 24 18:04:47 1991 [MY] Shane [PENIS]
I'd like to have my own little part in the show, HINT HINT (just kidding spur) where I use a fake microphone and do man-on-the-street interviews with totally heinous questions.
#15700 52 Sun Nov 24 20:14:11 1991 Isis
that'd be rad... You should have an ongoing skit about a hero named "super cyrus" or something... have people need to get out of the stupidest situations...I'm good at acting histerical...ask Kris Baier, he totally complains about it, but it's his fault for driving that way...You'd have to make the situations really dumb though, just to make the hero cornily funny...
#15718 52 Sun Nov 24 20:59:21 1991 Italian Stallion [Fish On...]
Chris Baier's driving could make anyone afraid of death histerical. Then again...I tend to be just as bad when I'm with him.
#15719 52 Sun Nov 24 21:01:08 1991 Italian Stallion [Fish On...]
I didn't necassarily mean downtown...go into odd places...like convenience stores...Capital High School...Drive through MicDonalds....interview the domino Man at the cornor of Cooper Point and Division.....
#15727 52 Sun Nov 24 21:26:51 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
Attention EVERYONE!!! Cyrus the tchv show will not be having any more shows, so shut up about being on the show! That's right, no more shows! Meaning no more actors! It's been canclled by TCTV! It was too dumb! So shut up!
#15744 52 Mon Nov 25 03:17:46 1991 [Yay...i have a] Roya [colorful surname...]
Hey PAL, i won't take anymore of this from you....the only reason i couldn't go, and i was all set to do so, was my dumb dad....."I don't want you goint to Cyrus' house....go find some of your GIRL friends" "they're all BUSY, dad"..."i don't care...." yay....i wonder if i had said that vicki was gonna be there, if he would have let me gone.....
#15761 52 Mon Nov 25 04:01:59 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
Nope, he's not doing any more shows, SORRY...
#15777 52 Mon Nov 25 13:02:47 1991 [Yay...i have a] Roya [colorful surname...]
HA! your funny....
#15820 52 Mon Nov 25 14:16:58 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
Ah, how quickly fame fades...
#15824 52 Mon Nov 25 16:24:35 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
#15841 52 Mon Nov 25 17:09:45 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
I am?
#15923 52 Mon Nov 25 19:27:41 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
That's right.
#15967 52 Mon Nov 25 20:34:07 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
So, they kicked you all off the air?
#15970 52 Mon Nov 25 20:51:38 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
(well, not really, but don't tell anybody)
#15990 52 Tue Nov 26 02:51:06 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
it wasn't even live, what are you talking about?
#16081 52 Tue Nov 26 10:57:16 1991 [gonna tell you a story...] Shane [of the Breakfast Conspiracy..]
roya> WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? you always ask everybody else. you never get any heat from us about it. you make sense as often as we do IF YOU'RE LUCKY.
#16119 52 Tue Nov 26 14:37:29 1991 [What's this?] Lightning [COLOR?]
Hold on here... What is everyone talking about?
#16145 52 Tue Nov 26 15:22:13 1991 [I wanna be] tony [like MIKE!]
I think I lost the conversation also. Maybe it's just because were big ole, dumb ole lineman, right? I think not!
#16156 52 Tue Nov 26 16:19:56 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
uh...excuse me shane...but i really mean it this time...What the HELL are you talking about???
#16182 52 Tue Nov 26 17:07:59 1991 [Olympia] Lightning [Bears]
Tony, studies show that us big, ol' dumb linemen are actually the most intelligent people on the field... We know our stuff... Coherency is another matter, though...
#16267 52 Tue Nov 26 20:27:32 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
#16298 52 Wed Nov 27 03:13:39 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
Lightning, your surnames are just always SO colorful...
#16331 52 Wed Nov 27 09:34:09 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
Thank you... I work HARD at it...
#16351 52 Wed Nov 27 12:21:17 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
#16369 52 Wed Nov 27 14:44:24 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
You don't believe me?
#16371 52 Wed Nov 27 15:13:52 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
no, i just like to say hmmm...
#16372 52 Wed Nov 27 15:14:19 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
i meant, yes, i believe you, if you're telling the truth...and if you're not, then i don't believe you.....
#16375 52 Wed Nov 27 15:32:16 1991 [I JUST WANT TO FEEL] Pasha Naini [CAN YOU HELP ME?]
#16376 52 Wed Nov 27 15:33:21 1991 [I JUST WANT TO FEEL!] Pasha Naini [CAN YOU HELP ME?]
#16378 52 Wed Nov 27 15:45:06 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
Pasha>>> Isn't it neat? Roya>>> Oh... Okay...
#16393 52 Wed Nov 27 17:02:46 1991 [Hi, How are] Captain James T Kirk [You Today?]
You can color your name too...
#16398 52 Wed Nov 27 17:22:56 1991 Isis
#16405 52 Wed Nov 27 17:59:48 1991 [Sorry for the inconvience,I'm] Scorpion [Having technical difficulties]
Did TCTV cancel the show or did Cyrus cancel it?
#16430 52 Wed Nov 27 19:23:31 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
The show is not cancled...YET..heh,heh..
#16431 52 Wed Nov 27 19:23:59 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
#16489 52 Wed Nov 27 21:33:21 1991 [I JUST WANT TO FEEL!] Pasha Naini [CAN YOU HELP ME?]
Lightning knows roya and I all too well...As for the tv show, they might re-air the FIRST episode, they might not...It all depends on their mood...
#16491 52 Wed Nov 27 22:00:14 1991 [Wow it's] bill [Who cares?]
Was it really THAT bad?
#16508 52 Wed Nov 27 22:30:36 1991 Italian Stallion [Fish On...]
Don't be late to a date because yer watching it, and don't take a date to see it...unless you want her to have come up with something better to do real quick.
#16542 52 Thu Nov 28 07:33:02 1991 [I JUST WANT TO FEEL!] Pasha Naini [CAN YOU HELP ME?]
YES, it WAS....Cyrus thinks it was ok, but I say it was lame....This second episode will rock if its able to be put on the air.... I'm going to use the jive filter now....
#16543 52 Thu Nov 28 07:34:03 1991 [I JUST WANT TO FEEL!] Pasha Naini [CAN YOU HELP ME?]
guess they don't have one
#16549 52 Thu Nov 28 09:14:46 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
they had a whole bunch of them, but i never found out how to use them...
#16572 52 Thu Nov 28 10:31:51 1991 [I JUST WANT TO FEEL!] Pasha Naini [CAN YOU HELP ME?]
#16575 52 Thu Nov 28 13:04:15 1991 [Hi, How are] Captain James T Kirk [You Today?]
Thay don't work, thay are external programes that Centuari has set up down in cal.(the menus are from his software) I just haven't gotten around to taking the filters part out of um yet... it'd be neat if thay did work though...
#16599 52 Thu Nov 28 14:06:26 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
Yup. Thay. Prity. heh,heh.....
#16612 52 Thu Nov 28 14:20:00 1991 [Hi, How are] Captain James T Kirk [You Today?]
heh, heh........ s
#2367 50 Thu Dec 19 09:18:35 1991 [dead] Spur [-like-guy]
don't blame me. i only threaten your old users.
#2378 50 Thu Dec 19 09:45:47 1991 [The evil that men do, lives] Cyrus Aman [on and on...]
I've got one of those TeleStar type things too. I'm gonna hook it back up one of these days, just to relive OLD memories.
#2387 50 Thu Dec 19 11:21:04 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
I wouldn't call it threatening...... just mild persuasion... hehe
#2397 50 Thu Dec 19 15:12:34 1991 [where's] deadman [deadspur?]
why not go all the way and threaten the one who owns the 'board?
#2327 50 Thu Dec 19 16:47:14 1991 [I will not be stopped!] Outcast [The Shaych lives!!]
#2340 50 Thu Dec 19 17:12:20 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Nothing against you, O shaychly one...
#2357 50 Thu Dec 19 17:32:11 1991 [If I where Human,I beleave my] Captain James T Kirk [responce would be".Goto Hell"]
Geez.... Now you guys are thretining my new users...
#2425 50 Fri Dec 20 10:07:40 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Yeah... Not that I don't like new users... I just don't like new users who talk SHIT...
#2466 50 Fri Dec 20 13:43:10 1991 Shane
I hate this bbs
#2480 50 Fri Dec 20 15:03:44 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
I think it's cool!!
#2494 50 Fri Dec 20 17:02:27 1991 [i can't think] Roya [of any surname...]
ohmygod. Shane called.
#2525 50 Fri Dec 20 19:26:11 1991 [Freakshow HATES ME!] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
I am too lazy to read all 35 new messages, so I will say neat....
#2529 50 Fri Dec 20 20:37:59 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
deja-vu, I think Pasha's got a macro...
#2540 50 Fri Dec 20 21:39:56 1991 [Cars and ditches...] Scorpion [...don't mix.]
I read all 65 new in here alone, 1700+ total.
#2552 50 Fri Dec 20 22:17:09 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Cool, Scorp... Well, it looks like Shane is back to his old depressing self... Pasha and Roya are back... All is nearly right with the world... MUD TONIGHT AT 7:00!!! Be there! I will (finally)!!!
#2588 50 Sat Dec 21 05:53:02 1991 [If I where Human,I beleave my] Captain James T Kirk [responce would be".Goto Hell"]
I think i can get my dad to take me... Hopefully.
#2605 50 Sat Dec 21 09:17:43 1991 [Feel such peace] Roya [and absolute...]
MUD, tonight? i'll have to ask Isis to see if she's going...
#2626 50 Sat Dec 21 12:22:18 1991 Isis
we're going...so's cser...I need to talk to him about something important so I made him come...I don't know when I'd talk to him until school starts otherwise...
#2646 50 Sat Dec 21 13:06:14 1991 [Freakshow HATES ME!] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
I am working tonight....
#2649 50 Sat Dec 21 13:45:35 1991 [Feel such peace] Roya [and absolute...]
okee dokee..
#2666 50 Sat Dec 21 14:57:14 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Too bad... Skip work (yeah, right)...
#2690 50 Sat Dec 21 15:28:11 1991 [Feel such peace] Roya [and absolute...]
have you met pasha, lightning?
#2691 50 Sat Dec 21 15:28:39 1991 [Feel such peace] Roya [and absolute...]
or Rob, as i probably will call you tonight...or how do you like to be addressed?
#2756 50 Sat Dec 21 23:06:21 1991 [Freakshow HATES ME!] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
SUre we said hi...ONCE...Never really talked with him...
#2799 50 Sun Dec 22 02:38:18 1991 [where's] deadman [deadspur?]
i'd just like to take this chance to say that you're all freaks. i enjoyed myself.
#2831 50 Sun Dec 22 10:49:27 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Thank you... We enjoyed you, too... Hehehe... Yeah, I met Pasha once, a while back... Roya, I prefer Rob, although Grandpa works, too...
#2873 50 Sun Dec 22 11:44:33 1991 [Ob-la-di ob-la-da] Roya [life goes on...]
#3013 50 Sun Dec 22 20:02:48 1991 Isis
deadman - you fit in well...
#3046 50 Sun Dec 22 21:09:11 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Yeah... We're all birds of a feather... Some of us are dead birds, but that's great, too...
#3093 50 Sun Dec 22 23:44:48 1991 [Ob-la-di ob-la-da] Roya [life goes on...]
birds of a feather, we're in this together, just trust my navigation....Guess where that's from.
#3126 50 Mon Dec 23 00:31:38 1991 [mommy] deadman [mommy]
roya> i haven't a clue. rest> thank you. really. i believe the strangest experience of the evening (for me, anyway,) was when i found out that isis was born in '75. i think i aged an extra ten years....
#3151 50 Mon Dec 23 07:20:23 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Yeah... Isn't it awful to know how truly OLD we are? In '75, I was in 2nd grade, living in Cali... It was a lifetime ago...
#3174 50 Mon Dec 23 08:51:53 1991 [Are Romulans] Chris the Shaych [Good in bed?]
I don't fit in anywhere...
#3194 50 Mon Dec 23 10:21:50 1991 [Ob-la-di ob-la-da] Roya [life goes on...]
i wonder how old deadman thought *I* was! geez... welp, those words were from the Muppet Movie or something...i can't believe i still remember it... Jim Henson was almost like my idol..
#3195 50 Mon Dec 23 10:21:58 1991 [Ob-la-di ob-la-da] Roya [life goes on...]
so was Mel Blanc.
#3223 50 Mon Dec 23 12:57:35 1991 [mommy] deadman [mommy]
mel blanc was a dude. and i took one look at roya and decided that she was in her mid- to late- forties. really. and chris> are you feeling down today, or what?
#3238 50 Mon Dec 23 14:09:25 1991 [Are Romulans] Chris the Shaych [Good in bed?]
Yes. Marvin the paranoid android is my hero today...
#3279 50 Mon Dec 23 16:18:05 1991 Spur [burn BMI productions]
Anyone here work at someplace where they sell expensive things for checks?
#3303 50 Mon Dec 23 18:16:59 1991 [you're in high school again..] Shane
I do. the hospital sells pretty expensive service.
#3325 50 Mon Dec 23 19:26:44 1991 [Look everybody...] Scorpion [it's creamer-container man!]
Don't you need a fake ID first? P.S. Check out the VISA.TXT if they have it over on cyb.
#3377 50 Mon Dec 23 21:57:10 1991 Spur [the God]
Do you do credit verifications on checks before accepting them or is it possible to do that?
#3418 50 Mon Dec 23 22:39:26 1991 [I am] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
I want to meet deadman and moa....Just to see what other Big Black people look like....One guy I knew had a leather jacket that had acid poured on it with spikes...Total fucking anarchist...Blew My mind away...He liked SOngs About Fucking....Of course I do, too... Thank you Aaron Gorseth for giving me the Racer-X EP in my Freshman year...Had it not been for that, I wouldn't be talking to all you computer freaks of satan!
#3419 50 Mon Dec 23 22:40:14 1991 [I am] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
I would like to see you get hauled off to jail...Just to see the look on your face, SPur..I'd bring a video Camera along....And play it over andover...
#3422 50 Mon Dec 23 22:53:45 1991 [Why do you people try to even] Super Prep [HAVE lives?!?]
pasha sounds like the name of a fukin Retard if yu ask me...
#3425 50 Mon Dec 23 23:04:11 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Oh, no... Not this again...
#3463 50 Tue Dec 24 07:09:46 1991 [The stars are the greatest] Roya [thing you've ever seen...]
Marvin the paranoid android...hahaha..
#3511 50 Tue Dec 24 11:20:22 1991 [Everbody knows the] Blade Runner [dice are loaded, everbody...]
not what again??
#3540 50 Tue Dec 24 12:28:57 1991 [mommy] deadman [mommy]
pasha> i look like a loser who's been strung out on heroin for the past five years. my eyes have that kinda creepy, sunk-in-black-pits look. really.
#3565 50 Tue Dec 24 13:12:29 1991 [Naturally speak...] Lightning [Please blonde slowly...]
Blade>> Stupid Prep is back... Cyrus, get a real life...
#3592 50 Tue Dec 24 15:16:46 1991 [you're in high school again..] Shane
got a big white x on the top of his car
#3612 50 Tue Dec 24 15:45:55 1991 [What a pain] Roya [in the Pia Mater...]
he was wearing camoflauge pants..haha
#3631 50 Tue Dec 24 16:31:16 1991 [I am] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
Racer-x keeps the speed IN A LITTLE GLASS JAR! Racer-x on the road Racer-x on the track LIttle cartoon nips RACER-X ON ATTACK! OK!
#3632 50 Tue Dec 24 16:31:42 1991 [I am] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
tHAT'S THE FIRST AND RADDEST B^2 song I ever listened to.....
#3651 50 Tue Dec 24 19:01:49 1991 Shane [LIMPIES]
I love that song
#3666 50 Tue Dec 24 20:52:50 1991 [If I where Human,I beleave my] Captain James T Kirk [responce would be".Goto Hell"]
Oh no... not sp...
#3704 50 Tue Dec 24 23:49:54 1991 [I am] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
Did I copy my disco for you? That's like the equivalent to NOMEANSNO's self-pity...When something happens to me the bass line for that song goes through my head...Its the one where he yells "ITS MY DISCO!" about 10 times throughout the song and where they have the LOUD fireworks... Primus is Big Black with FUNK Big Black is Primus gone Industrial Disco Thrash....
#3722 50 Wed Dec 25 08:12:33 1991 Shane [LIMPIES]
I think maybe you did... but I'm not sure. I'm having a crisis with my DAMNED tape that you gave me. I think it's at spur's cuz I took it there and we all listened to helter stupid.. but that has all the big black I have..
#3723 50 Wed Dec 25 08:12:51 1991 Shane [LIMPIES]
up with squayshers
#3724 50 Wed Dec 25 08:12:58 1991 Shane [LIMPIES]
down with depression
#3798 50 Wed Dec 25 11:28:06 1991 [God] Captain James T Kirk [of Star Fleet Academy...]
No kidding...
#3898 50 Wed Dec 25 19:22:45 1991 [I am] Pasha Naini [AND I DON'T CARE!]
I think first of all you should get the hell out of the depressed like HELL state you've been in lately and round up spur and zied and you and I and I'll bring my Garage Days Re-revisited CD and we'll find somebody witha loud stereo and padded room and thrash our heads til we pass out...
#3908 50 Wed Dec 25 19:47:17 1991 [down with] Shane [and all he stands for]
okay. sounds cool.
#3998 50 Wed Dec 25 22:42:29 1991 [The evil that men do, lives] Cyrus Aman [on and on...]
If you log into Cyberlink (i don't know if you have yet). You will find the fate of Super Prep. I will also make an ANSI graphic of his death on my own bbs......I think these two things might be what you really will go out of your way for to see....
#4004 50 Wed Dec 25 22:55:46 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
no doubt. no doubt. and my stereo can achieve an acceptable db level. but my living room isn't padded, unless you count the christmas tree.
#4063 50 Thu Dec 26 08:30:54 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
do you know the meaning of this is love this love... RAD SONG, just like everything else on the album...
#4064 50 Thu Dec 26 08:33:00 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
#4065 50 Thu Dec 26 08:33:39 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
#4066 50 Thu Dec 26 08:34:14 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
nomeansno makes me happy
#4067 50 Thu Dec 26 08:34:28 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
that seems to take ALOT lately too... saying alot for the band..
#4190 50 Thu Dec 26 14:02:27 1991 [I am] Pasha Naini [and I am a GOOD PERSON!]
Didja buy the album? EVERYDAY I START TO OOZE! Check out ALL their other stuff..They are rad...
#4219 50 Thu Dec 26 18:31:16 1991 [If I had a shotgun] Shane [I'd BLOW MYSELF TO HELL]
I think I'm gonna have to... it's RAD!! everyday, everyday, everyday I start to oooooze... that is the coolest song..
#4303 50 Thu Dec 26 21:36:22 1991 Roya [is God.]
I heard a part of Shiny Happy People...it's okay...
#4350 50 Thu Dec 26 22:13:20 1991 [The evil that men do, lives] Cyrus Aman [on and on...]
Oh God...Shiny Happy People. When that song goes through me head the opposite impression is put upon me. God I'm depressed. And that isn't a cry for sympathy! I'm simply stating the fact. And it isn't for the usualy reasons.
#4363 50 Thu Dec 26 23:44:28 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
"everyday i start to ooze"? wow. it sounds like a message from god....
#4378 50 Fri Dec 27 04:48:48 1991 [I am] Pasha Naini [and I am a GOOD PERSON!]
Oh no...Bruno...Too Much is not enough!
#4412 50 Fri Dec 27 09:25:59 1991 [texas is the place] Shane [to not hang them low]
pasha> if I like 0+2=1 alot, what should my next purrrchase beeee?
#4447 50 Fri Dec 27 09:59:53 1991 [poseur] deadman [god]
a better calculater?
#4462 50 Fri Dec 27 10:14:04 1991 [let's begin again] Shane [begin the begin]
#4483 50 Fri Dec 27 10:58:26 1991 Roya [is God.]
new batteries?
#1528 54 Tue Jan 28 19:49:15 1992 Pasha Naini
#1530 54 Tue Jan 28 21:04:12 1992 [I only kill] Spur [to know OI'm alive]
er, yeah.
#1533 54 Tue Jan 28 22:27:59 1992 Pasha Naini
Make this room big....
#16 54 Sat Feb 15 13:58:58 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
I swear, MB crashes get VERY annoying after a while...And it takes a LOT to annoy me...
#1264 54 Sun Feb 16 22:48:32 1992 [Watch CYRUS...the t.v. show.!] Cyrus Aman [TCTV 31 Wed.9:30pm Fri.11:00pm]
THIS REALLY FUCKING SUCKS. Just when you get in a heated debate, and pour out your soul in a message, the shitty board crashes.
#1303 54 Mon Feb 17 00:09:40 1992 [Yes it's true...] Spur [50 watts are MINE!]
what was the heated debate ?
#1310 54 Mon Feb 17 05:36:37 1992 [Nuclear weapons:] Roya [may they rust in peace...]
yeah, cyrus, what exactly did you pour your soul about?
#1323 54 Mon Feb 17 07:18:18 1992 Captain James T Kirk
I don't rember that...
#1344 54 Mon Feb 17 14:59:29 1992 Shane
gee, wonder what happened to that swell mail I have in here that I never did see.
#1389 54 Mon Feb 17 18:34:40 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
I dunno..
#1568 54 Tue Feb 18 13:38:49 1992 [Brand X] Scorpion [Title/Surname]
Both Geil and here have ahd message base crashes.
#1574 54 Tue Feb 18 13:54:53 1992 Italian Stallion
A regular crash-a-roo! U2-April 21 When is Ozzy here?
#1642 54 Tue Feb 18 20:27:31 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
who gives a fuck about U2?
#1710 54 Wed Feb 19 13:29:41 1992 Italian Stallion
People who's music tastes are not extremely narrow.
#1732 54 Wed Feb 19 14:54:28 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [...at 943-2136]

#1751 54 Wed Feb 19 17:51:59 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
Yeah, look at the label they're on....What BONER'S!
#1813 54 Wed Feb 19 21:05:45 1992 bill
U2 is quite good.
#1904 54 Thu Feb 20 09:38:03 1992 [call GEIL BBS...] TUNA [...at 943-2136]
#2027 54 Thu Feb 20 20:59:43 1992 [Watch CYRUS...the t.v. show.!] Cyrus Aman [TCTV 31 Wed.9:30pm Fri.11:00pm]
My "heated message" dealt with Brett Flowers, and my defense in being his friend. But he dropped out of high school a couple a weeks ago (strange, he use to be the one most vocal on how illogical it was to drop out senior year), and now lives with a bunch of other guys at some apartment in Lacey. Haven't heard from him in weeks, so I'm not sure if our friendship will even exist anymore. It had been waning our senior year anyway...
#2032 54 Thu Feb 20 21:15:50 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
oH WELL, gee cyrus...Sorry, man...
#2042 54 Fri Feb 21 13:02:42 1992 Shane
U2 is fine, it's their label, ISLAND RECORDS, that screws people over.
#2083 54 Fri Feb 21 15:59:37 1992 Italian Stallion
I like Island records. They have U2, Marley....what is the problem with them? Besides being rather expensive?
#2341 54 Sat Feb 22 02:31:34 1992 Shane
they fucked over negativland, before even speaking with u2 on the subject... I had an article on it in the outlook.
#2489 54 Sun Feb 23 16:50:46 1992 Italian Stallion
I read it. That was kinda dumb. But in general I don't think that's incredibly terrifying. Its not unusual for record companies to do that. I haven't heard negativland, so I won't make any assumptions, but at least Island is know for giving bands a chance to make it big.
#2575 54 Mon Feb 24 18:07:59 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
Christianity is Stupid....give up....
#2643 54 Tue Feb 25 02:47:35 1992 [Another] Roya [Engine]
#2741 51 Tue Feb 25 11:48:46 1992 oedipus
cHrIsTiAnItY FuCkEd tHe hUmAn rAcE AbOuT 2000 yEaRs nOw!
#2765 54 Tue Feb 25 15:14:47 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
Had it been ME up in Sharon Tate's apartment, it would have been a LOT worse...
#2766 54 Tue Feb 25 15:15:38 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
Death wish 2...2....wish death death wish 2....2....wish death death wish 2....2.... <-That's my favorite part of the song....I should listen to it sometime...Although it freaks the SHIT out of me...ITs a very scary song to me....
#2767 54 Tue Feb 25 15:16:11 1992 [I'm so happy] Pasha Naini [I ____ Wendy!]
Christianity didn't fuck anything...Its just the people that live with us...
#2801 54 Tue Feb 25 20:37:51 1992 Spur
you got that last slaughter on tape, you play it on the radio...
#2805 51 Tue Feb 25 21:42:41 1992 ETHAN WALKER
ckuf, tihs tihs tihs tihs, ereh ew era won, ckuf ckuf ckuf ckuf...dna os no..
#2832 54 Wed Feb 26 02:45:34 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
oh shut up.
#2909 54 Wed Feb 26 14:17:27 1992 Isis
doesn't it get tiring to type everything backwords?
#2935 51 Wed Feb 26 19:03:36 1992 ETHAN WALKER
ot sisI, epon...m'I desu ot ti. retfa a elihw ti steg dnik fo nuf, sa uoy nac ees. yrt ti, ll'uoy ekil ti!.............pmuwguM "the great"
#2950 54 Wed Feb 26 19:35:06 1992 Isis
yako, tub I refep ot etirw sdrawof...
#3015 54 Thu Feb 27 02:35:47 1992 [In your] Roya [face Nirvana!]
please, not in Squayshers... where's your dignity!
#3036 54 Thu Feb 27 05:57:25 1992 Italian Stallion
sti thgir erehw ti sgnoleb.
#3041 54 Thu Feb 27 07:31:49 1992 Spur
erehwemos dnuora reh selnka, htiw reh seintap?
#3042 54 Thu Feb 27 07:32:27 1992 Spur
spoo, i tnaem "seitnap", not seintap.
#3180 54 Fri Feb 28 02:49:49 1992 [In your] Oyra [face Nirvana!]
well at least *I* can spel.
#3181 54 Fri Feb 28 02:49:58 1992 [In your] Oyra [face Nirvana!]
OOOPS. spell.
#3374 54 Fri Feb 28 16:15:28 1992 ["I've got women to do"] Blade Runner ["and places to see"]
I think I may just call back when this fad is over...
Squayshers> _