the SILENT-P room.>

#3112 50 Sat Aug 10 11:52:34 1991 [look out!] Shane [is trying to learn TheDraw!]
you all psuk, pso pfuck you!!
#3141 50 Sat Aug 10 14:31:55 1991 [Alright! Alright!] Captain James T Kirk [I won't net!!!!!]
that pkinda psounds like pcyrus, pyou pknow.
#3150 50 Sat Aug 10 15:29:19 1991 [never] Shane [enough]
I know. by the way, you pshould only use psilent p's when the word pstarts with a letter that begins a real word with a psilent p. psuch as pterodactyl, psychology, etc.
#3157 50 Sat Aug 10 16:01:05 1991 [Alright! Alright!] Captain James T Kirk [I won't net!!!!!]
I know, i just pwanted to put p's in front of pevery pword.
#15682 50 Sun Nov 24 18:10:20 1991 [MY] Shane [PENIS]
get back jack
#15747 50 Mon Nov 25 03:22:11 1991 [Yay...i have a] Roya [colorful surname...]
drop off the key, lee
#15846 50 Mon Nov 25 17:18:20 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
Make a new plan, Stan...
#15898 50 Mon Nov 25 18:52:54 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
And get yourself free....
#16033 50 Tue Nov 26 07:34:57 1991 [Santa, and Satan] Chris the Shaych [On the next, Geraldo.]
Hop on the bus, Gus.
#16041 50 Tue Nov 26 09:59:11 1991 [You're pretty good...] Lightning [......NOT!!!]
Don't need to discuss much...
#16086 50 Tue Nov 26 11:03:29 1991 [gonna tell you a story...] Shane [of the Breakfast Conspiracy..]
this is where the key lee thing comes in, I think..
#16125 50 Tue Nov 26 14:41:10 1991 [What's this?] Lightning [COLOR?]
Just drop off the key, Lee...
#16161 50 Tue Nov 26 16:26:17 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
And get yourself free...(didn't i just say this?)
#16187 50 Tue Nov 26 17:19:56 1991 [Yelm] Lightning [Tornados]
Two verses, dear...
#16235 50 Tue Nov 26 20:07:30 1991 [Sometimes I can't find my way] Spur [Soak up all the decay!]
anybody want a peanut?
#16276 50 Tue Nov 26 23:02:37 1991 [Oh no it's the snail] Snailracer [that ate the dinosaurs!]
Have any corn nuts?
#16293 50 Wed Nov 27 00:22:00 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
Got any Honey-Roasted?
#16301 50 Wed Nov 27 03:17:55 1991 [Do you neeeeeed] Roya [anybody?]
#16322 50 Wed Nov 27 08:59:56 1991 [Remember, I can smell a lie] Blade Runner [like a fart in a car.]
mmmmmmm... oh...
#16334 50 Wed Nov 27 09:37:59 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
This sounds interesting...
#16409 50 Wed Nov 27 18:11:30 1991 [Sorry for the inconvience,I'm] Scorpion [Having technical difficulties]
It would be really nice to pig out right now but its wrestling season. Oh well, only lasts until 1st week in febuary.
#16465 50 Wed Nov 27 20:52:19 1991 [Let's get] Lightning [Philosophical]
Yeah... I'm so glad football season is over... Of course, I've let meself slide a little... After the first of the year, I start working toward football again...
the SILENT-P room.> _