I'll be data, shane since you seem to be without Identity I'll let you be whats his name the engineer. you just act normal and no one will care, whoops I'm getting, to use the human term, "out of hand".
Would that mean that Shane is Geordi?
is that good?
wait a minute. i don't think I could play that part too well without lotsa makeup.
And my part won't need makeup? My forehaed isn't that lumpy...
captain, sensors detect a large plastic white object, it seems to be covering the ship, long and narrow, engaging the drives.
Abort that order. If we engage the drive we might rupture it. Haven't you ever heard of Starship condoms? They protect you from Klingons while circling Uranus. Plot a course to Earth, I hear they have something called "Bulletin Boards" whatever those are. Supposedly one of them is named after the academy. Engage.
right away sir.
You're a good officer Data, even if you're not a man.
Sir, I'm sencing that some of the male members of the crew feel intimidated by the size of the condem our ship is wearing.
Italian Stallion
WHY is UHURA on top of the Ship ridin' that thing?
I believe someone is in the wrong room here, Captain. Shall I remove him, Sir?
Italian Stallion
Excuse me but I am Khan. I'm dead so you can't remove me, put me in the brig, stockade, or even talk to me without being made fun of so..Now, Carry on.
Sir it seems that Khan an old and DEAD bad guy has appeared in the hull, sensors pick up nothing unusual (they never do), just another incredible star trek coinsindence, quite normal I have observed.
Send him down to sick bay, I'll have a look. All medical reports say he's dead, I don't understand how this could have happened.
Italian Stallion
God Damnit I'm DEAD! Don't make an issue out of it! I was peacefully being dEAD in the Hull where it is cold so I could have my ice cream, er revenge and then ya go haulin me off ot warm comfortable sick bay! I'm dead dammit! Don't Treat me like somekind of expirement! Just remember: I was being dead long before most of you were even born!
and we LIKED it!! I tell ya we LOVED it!!! we didn't have these fancy schmancy microwave ovens! we cooked our food over HOT COALS, and it took ya three weeks to bake a potato. BUT WE LIKED IT!!!
I'm sencing extreme confusion from him sir, it's almost as though he doesn't know who or where he is.
gordi (is that right) you seem to be confused, I don't understand what yor trying to say, but hell I'm a damn robot I don't dont'
don't give a shit anyway!!!! fuck an A I am sick of thewse damn ugly uniforms, I want out!!!
and why aren't their any female robots?
Italian Stallion
The scientists wanted to make their machines relaible and emotionally stable.
{a low chuckle ejects itself from the monsterous Klingon at the Weapons Console)...
damn it I want to fucka female roibot and there aren't any, SOOO I'll just take over the enterprise for the 500th tiem and we'll have an original story.
Italian Stallion
(Is Data capable of Desire)(Or doing anythng about it?)
Captain James T Kirk
Noone knows. But he did try to kill Fasho(sp) in that one episode. thats not something Data's suposed to be about to do.
I saw the one with my evil twin bother (orginal plot there).
damn you all. I may be old, but I'm a DOCTOR, and I know a hell of alot more than you'll EVER know about the profession, damn you. I can point my little healer stick better than you, dammit. for Christ's sake. Damn you. Dammit.
Shall I rip out his liver, sir?
little healer stick sir? perhaps you mean the little mettal thing that makes funny noises? I have noticed that many of the special effects around here are rather fake looking, such as me, for example. or the clocked ram-you-in, escuse me I mean Rolumian.
isn't it like 'romulan' or something?
well audin spelled it, so i don't know.
Sir, I am sensing extreme confusion from the old man. I recomend we eject him out an air lock.
Yes... It would be enjoyable to watch him squirm...
DAMN YOU ALL!!! Where's JIM? DAMMIT, this place has gone to HELL. for Christ's sake, I'm a DOCTOR!!!
I'm sorry Jean-Luc, I've done all I can. I'm afraid I have to agree with counciler troy on this one.
Italian Stallion
.......(If Doctor Mckoy dies...HE will not come.....).....
I believe that is a given...
DAMN you. DOCTOR! Jim.
Sir, the crew is becoming greatly annoyed with the doctor. Sujest IMEDIATE ejection.
Italian Stallion
(ease his pain)
(if you build it, he will come)
Captain James T Kirk
Captain, I suggest we use him in the warp engins as a sorce of matter.
DOCTOR! DOCTOR! DOCTOR! Damn. Christ's sake! Damn. DAMN! Jim. DOCTOR!
Captian, I'm afraid I was forced to take it into my own hands. I injected him with extreamly fatal poison. He died imeadatly.
Italian Stallion
Ha! This is a computer Bug! The injection was not FATAL cause I dispenced the wrong formula! AAHAAHAHAHHAHA (This bug placed here by one Doctor "Bones" McKoy 80 years ago....)
I saw him die, I'm a doctor, I can't handle him any longer. I need to talk to the counciler.
It's okay beverly, he's dead, sir I still suggest we eject his dead body, she can't hold up under this stress much longer.
Italian Stallion
(GREAT SPACE GOD:....eject both doctors....eject both doctors...eject both doctors...)
hEY I have an orginal Idea, why don't we eject both doctors eject both doctors?
You can't eject me, Picard has the hots for me, he's never allow it. Don't you remember how he risked the whole ship several times just to save my son.
BTW, who is the captain?
Captain James T Kirk
Captain Picard of course!(Cser)
DOCTOR! Jim. DAMN! Christ's sake. Jim. DOCTOR!
I can't take this......I'm loosing control......Wil, help me. (shoot him or something.)
Captain James T Kirk
6----BUZZ----ZAP----Swwoosh! Well, i demateralized him.
DOCTOR! Damn you all. Jim. DAMN! DOCTOR! Doctor. Jim.
gads, this is getting mightly lame. (do i sound liek spur yet?)
Make him stop, I can't take it.
Italian Stallion
;adg (that was said with such feeling)
fnk;noh 2]]]hy8[C[B 6uthhhhhhhd
456sk[C[D5 9umnbc kf31gn kc;3efvk63]]gjmthp m0q ====\9533uythb;lf
written with much feeling also.
Damn you all.
damn you to lameness
All of you... Knock it off, or I'll eject ALL of you out the main airlock... I am a mighty Klingon Warrior, and you all are just a bunch of pussy-assed humans, anyway, so you'd better not mess with me... By the way, Doctor... What was that strange white powder you put on my Wheaties this morning?
What powder, I don't know anything about any powder. Just what are you saying? I didn't touch your didn't eat that THING'S wheaties did you?
Uh, oh...
It was me. I gave him the white powder. it's a first-try thing.. you know. want more?
damn you to hell if you don't.