Who thinks Cser is a FUCKER?>

#705 51 Wed Sep 25 13:14:56 1991 [KeithCliff, KeithCliff no one] The Rocketeer [should terrify neighborhood]
You can fuck off CSER!
#720 51 Wed Sep 25 14:02:38 1991 Monty
i can fuck off cser!? wow, sounds fun, but no thanks, but hey, that;s just me, if rocketeer wants to fuck off cser, he can do it alone
#731 51 Wed Sep 25 14:36:03 1991 James T Kirk
#732 51 Wed Sep 25 14:36:13 1991 James T Kirk
thats HIS busness.
#733 51 Wed Sep 25 14:37:04 1991 James T Kirk
Rocketeer, get a smaller handle, i hate having to type it in to edit your file.
#751 51 Wed Sep 25 16:25:18 1991 Shane
it's so BIG. your handle is only shorter by one letter...
#790 52 Wed Sep 25 22:49:37 1991 [PMRC] Spur [and Tandy's! All the way!]
I just couldn't stnad the thought of this room being thoughtlessly destroyed by Chirs Serface, an evil moron from hell...:)
#811 52 Thu Sep 26 03:44:16 1991 James T Kirk

#912 52 Thu Sep 26 20:18:30 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
hey neat room, but we need some more fucking fights in modem land, come on guys lets get pissed off!
#963 52 Fri Sep 27 19:23:12 1991 [no, I mean it...] Shane [FUCK YOU]
shut up, dumbass piece of crap. fuck you.
#973 52 Fri Sep 27 20:28:18 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
kiss my hairy dick, shit face.
#1030 52 Sat Sep 28 14:50:48 1991 [no, I mean it...] Shane [FUCK YOU]
eat me.
#1084 52 Sat Sep 28 19:03:59 1991 [The Phantom of the opera] Chris Serface [is there, inside your mind.]
fell good Zied?
#1220 52 Sun Sep 29 22:23:16 1991 [FUCK YOU] Spur [and the finger you rode in on]
Mount this, mount that.
#1376 52 Mon Sep 30 19:30:25 1991 [FUCK] Zied [YOU]
uhh uhh.
Who thinks Cser is a FUCKER?> _