Yeah... Their CD's are only $10.00... However, I don't think too many of you are into Natalie Cole, or Garth Brooks...
It's not so much the giving, on Christmas, but the fact that Christmas is probably the only MAIN holiday to give...
in not too long, (assuming easy going in the graphics room) i won't have to worry about the price of any cds that i buy...
assuming you don't get caught with it, and also assuming you have the guts to try it, I know I wouldn't..
you need an ID still
only person i could get caught by is morsett. he wouldn't mind. and why shouldn't i try? not much to lose. the worst they can do is refuse the check. and with some access to a color printer...aha, life is beautiful.
refuse the check and put you into jail perhaps for using fake ones.
it's pretty hard to see if a check is a fake w/o checking to see if theres magnetic ink numbers on the bottom. I suppose you couldtry to scrape the toner off but that would look pretty bad.
but the checks look like they were copied of a XEROX machine!
no, they look really good. they're quality prints. they even scanned the fancy robotic numbers on a check and put them on it. it looks pretty cool. but I've taken alot of checks, and I think I would notice if the top wasn't perforated.. that's the only major problem. that and the fact that you don't have a checkbook to make it look better. it's just altogether weird..
NO, i SAW them...Zied, and Spur brought them to school. They were pink, right?
Controversy> _