650 device

HostIntel(R) Core(TM) i3-4100U CPU @ 1.80GHz8GB RAM
UCP/AMIntel Core Processor (Haswell) (kvm)1.5GB RAM
PMIntel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge) (kvm)1GB RAM

Load was generated using 2 hosts:
saturn3500 PAX devices and data loggingIntel(R) Core(TM) i7-7560U CPU @ 2.40GHz - 16GB
loadtest1150 PAX devicesIntel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz - 8GB

Load was generated in three groups (you can see the load 'hills' in the CPU graphs):
Group 1150 devices - first group from s3, pausing to allow load on generator to dropsaturn3
Group 2150 devices - max devices this box can handleloadtest1
Group 3350 devices - second group from s3, which has now recovered from first groupsaturn3

Each PAX is simulated using phantomjs running a script that:

