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Wacker, June Lucile June 6, 1925 - September 10, 2012 June was born in Piqua, Ohio, to Bertha Engle Wacker and Reinhold Kenneth Wacker. The majority of her life was lived in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas. She graduated from W. H. Adamson H.S. in 1942 and then attended Wheaton College and SMU. She worked for AT&T and retired after 41 years to care for her mother. June was a woman of service. She was a faithful member of First Baptist Church Dallas where she served in the Good Shepard Department and also taught an adult women's Sunday School class. After retirement from AT&T June volunteered with the Pioneers and formed lasting relationships with many friends as they knitted caps and booties for the needy. Her spirit of generosity was appreciated not only by her family but also by her neighbors and friends and those who lived in the apartment house that she owned and managed for 30 years. June had a wry sense of humor and always enjoyed a good story and a hearty laugh. She had a quick wit and will be remembered by many in her bridge groups for her "on stage" presence. June is survived by her brothers, Charles (Carolyn) Wacker and Eugene (Jacque) Wacker. Nieces Karen (Rex) Cook, Shelley (Brad) Beauchamp, Rebecca (Todd) McDaniel and nephew, Philip (Stefanie) Wacker. Great nephews; Matt (Jill), Kyle, Blake Cook; Travis and Mitchell Wacker; Brighton, Hayden, Landon Beauchamp. Great niece, Amelia McDaniel. June generously shared her earthly wealth with her family, friends, neighbors and strangers. She will be remembered as a loving sister, a generous and teasing aunt; and a faithful friend. In 1999 a group of friends at AT&T decided that at the time of death each would donate her body to Southwestern Medical School for research. June fulfilled that pledge. There will be no public funeral service. Any donations in June's memory may be directed to First Baptist Church Dallas. Cliff Temple Baptist Church or The Salvation Army. - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/obituary.aspx?pid=159904681#sthash.5WWZji5E.dpuf
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