originally shared this to Knudson-Jolliffe-Potter-Westpfahl-Wolf-Vogt-Brandt-Lindermuth
This newspaper obituary was written by Maude's father, Sigvold Malmin, a newspaper publisher in Sharon, ND.
It is with a heavy heart and bowed down with sorrow, that we have to chronicle the sad and sudden death of our second oldest daughter Maude--Mrs. B.J. Knudson, who passed away suddenly at the Meidell hospital in Aneta, (ND) last Wed. afternoon after a short illness of only a few days duration. The cause of death being complications resulting from childbirth and an operation for appendicitis.
Maude was born April 6th 1893, at Grafton, ND., being 22 years, one month and six days old. She was married to Bernard J. Knudson on Feb. 3, 1914, at the home of her parents in Sharon (ND) to which union a baby girl [Mary] was born on March 30th, 1915.
Maude was one of those silent, never complaing girls, who would rather suffer than complain. She had been ailing for some time, but did not say anything until she was taken violently ill last Sunday, and then as has been proven, it was too late for medical aid.
It is indeed sad to be called upon to write the obituary of one of your own loved ones, but this is our task and it must be done. God through His mercy spared her until she had bid goodbye to all her loved ones, the husband, baby, mother, father, and all sisters and brothers, with the exception of Mrs. J.D. Prentice, who did not reach the bedside in time. The funeral will be held on Saturday.
While our hearts are heavy, yet with Job, we will say: "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
We know our readers will excuse us this week for lack of local news. It has been a week of sorrow for our family and it is hard to work under such stress. Through the kind assistance of Mrs. Gilbert Teien and daughter and Miss Knudson, [plus the staff] of the Aneta Panorama, and also by the Finley Beacon, we are able to be out on time. We also wish to extend our most heartfelt thanks to all our friends who have so kindly stood by us during our sad bereavement.
Editor and Family.
Early and late
I watch and wait
At Memory's Gate.
As I peer through,
Friends I once knew
Throng the dim view.
Far down the way
We children stray,
And talk and play;
They seem so near
I almost hear
The words they say--
I know I trace
Each tiny face.
O moments rare!
Dear Vision fair!
Loved ones are there!
Some day I know
That I shall go
To where they dwell--
Till then?--Ah well--
Early and late
I'll watch and wait
At Memory's Gate
by E.T. Sandford in London Spectator
originally shared this to Knudson-Jolliffe-Potter-Westpfahl-Wolf-Vogt-Brandt-Lindermuth
Maude Knudson's obituary written by her father
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